Submitted by bri's gurl from Memphis US
Holly, go to hell! U r not a BSB fan, u couldn't possibly be, cause you seem like u didn't care if Brian was hurt at all, and I bet the dogs look a whole lot better than u.(I know that was't mature, but I don't care, I don't like fake BSB fans!)
Submitted by Anna from Vancouver B.C Canada
I cannot believe that these people would be stupid enought to steal something that is so meaningful to Brian and Leighanne. Pets can be like family members and if they thought that stealing Tyke and Leigh was a joke or something, they are wrong. I just hope that Brian realizes that this is not a reflection of his millions of fans and normal fans ( me included ) would never even think of hurting him and his fiancee in that way. The dognappers should thank Brian for not pressing charges.
Submitted by Ashlyn from Liverpool NY USA
Why would you want to steal his dogs? Everyone knows how much Leighanne and Brian love those dogs! What were they thinking? Go and buy your own dogs! Don't be stealin other peoples!
Submitted by Carol from lexington kentuky usa
Submitted by Jill from t CT US
The dogs were taken and they got them back its not a huge deal. Get over it!
Submitted by Kaytie from Toronto Ontario Canada
I'm glad to hear that Tyk and Leigh have been returned to Brian and Leighanne. The only thing is that thanks to these dognappers, Brian and the rest of the BSB are going to wonder about their fans. Obviously, it was fans who did this. Are the BSB really going to love you if you steal something meaningful to them? No, the answer is obvious and it gives the rest of us sane fans a bad name. I can't believe that fans of the BSB would do something like that. True everyone wants a piece of them but you don't steal their dogs, that's quite obvious. I credit Brian and Leighanne for not charging the dognappers cuz I know I would in a second. I hope the dognappers realize how stupid they are and hopefully end up in an institution somewhere!!!!
Submitted by Leslie from Cantrall Ill USA
I can't believe anybody would have the guts to dognap Brian and Leighanne's pups. That's just plain cruel to do that, especially when they are loved by millions of people (me being one of them) like 'Lil Tyke and Litty Leigh.
Submitted by Ally from NC US
This is the lamest thing I've ever heard of. It makes fans like us look stupid and immature. Why in the world would you think stealing Brian's dogs was a GOOD idea? I was really sad and disappointed when I heard about it. We are supposed to support the BSB, not hurt them. It just adds to the idea that BSB fans are insane teenyboppers. Thanks a lot to whoever did that. I hope you're happy that you brought sadness to Brian and Leighanne and disappointment to all BSB fans. It's too bad that Brian is too sweet to press charges.
Submitted by me from mememe us
LETS BOYCOTT MTV because they snubbed BSB so bad..!!! Show me the meaning SHoulda been nominated!!
Submitted by Jenny from miami fl usa
I think that the two girls that did it have a problem. It's just sick to steal dogs. If I ever meet the two girls that did it, I would tell them something.
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