Submitted by carlais from (retarded)charlotte N.C duh.........usa
When I called my bestfriend (while watching TRL) and told her about Brian's dogs, the first thing out of her mouth was:"HAH,HAH! Someone stole Brian's dogs! Tyke's ugly anyway." (and she calls herself a fan). Tyke's on relly a homely little dog, but I was laughing too, especially when I heard that news-guy say "Brian immediately launched an investigation when he found out. I personallly, could live if someone stole my dog-yes I'd be pissed too. If they were really FANS they would respect Brian enough to leave HIS personal property alone.He never did anything to them. They were just teenybopper psychopaths who really weren't showing any common-sense. ******PEACE OUT*******
Submitted by Lori from Marietta Ohio USA
I really think it was veary sick for a so called Backstreet
Submitted by Tammy from omaha NE usa
I think that is was childish. Whoever took them has NO LIFE!! Brian and Leighanne don't deserve that kinda treatment!!
Submitted by whatever from nowhere nowhere
so these dognappers call themselves fans??? uh, yeah, right. sorry, but you're not a fan if you go steal your celebrity crushes dogs. my only question is WHY. why'd they do it. you'd think it was some person who hated brian and was trying 2 get back at brian instead of some1 who was in luv w/ bsb. but personally, i think they sorta made 2 big of a deal over it. gosh, they were posting it on every site!! i mean, hey, i luv my dog too but i'm not gonna make such a big deal over it.
Submitted by Dana from Houston Texas USA
The dognappers suck!!!! i can't believe someone would want to separate tyk and litty from their loving owners! how cruel! i heard they consider themselves "fans" well BSB fans aren't stupid and psychotic!!!!!
Submitted by Shari from Circle Pines MN U.S.A.
I just would like to say that no one has the right to take someone's belongings. I am a bsb fan and i respect them, their families, and their girlfriends/wifes. I'm definetly glad brian and leighanne got their dogs back and i hope they don't think all fans are disrespectful. and if those kidnappers even called themselves fans, i don't think so. if your a fan, you don't steal anything of the person your a fan of. I wish bri and leighanne the best of luck on their marriage day and wish only happiness. and please everyone let's all be respectful to bsb.ktbpa 4 ever!!!
Submitted by Azusa from San Jose CA Usa
I think whoever stole them are a bunch of @$$****s. I'm glad that they found them though...=) but whoever stole them are mean!!!!!!!!! That lady shouldn't have stole it.. yea. well, that's how i feel. =) ktbspa!!!!!!!!! byebye
Submitted by Wesley Lewis from Los Angeles America
I think the people that took brians dogs are horrible. The backstreet boys respect their fans so the fans should respect them. If they like brian they obviously didn't think about how it would make him feel to have his dogs stolen. BSB if you ever read this I love you and the best of luck to all of you!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by natalie T from Toronto Ontario Canada
I can't believe that some people would stoop as low as stealing Brian's puppies. I know we are all in love with the BSB'S but what did those girls think they would acomplish by taking his dogs. Certainly not respect, or kindness! I think that Leighanne and Brian should charge them. First of all they trespassed on private property, they knew exactly what they were doing because they had a plan, they stole someone else's property and endangered the lives of animals ( depriving them of heartworm pills) All I have to say is that the girls that took the dogs are an insult to all BSB fans and they better hope that the guys don't hold what happened to Brian, against all fans!
Submitted by who cares from montreal que canada
WHO CARES! They made a huge investigative report on those dogs? I'm sure those cops were laughing behind their backs....who does that? You know how many pets get lost or, as they say, 'dognapped'(LOL...whatever...) But those girls who stole about having nothing better to do with your spare time....why didn't they just bronze them (you can actually do that) and keep them as mantle pieces on their bureau...cuz I mean...they already look like a bunch of pychos...Oh..they were found? DAMN! Next out little tyk...I'm coming to get 'cha!!!!!
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