Submitted by Monica from NJ USA
hey everyone! PLEASE check out my site, bsb delight, and sign the guestbook for me to let me know what you think! the site is really original and has the most recent pics, sections, and was just updated! so check it out!
Submitted by Bonnie from Pensacola Florida USA
I think it*s CrAzY that someone would do that! I mean geez! He loves his doggies so you take them away from him? Whoever did that must me REALLY messed up! But I*m so glad they finally found Tyke and Litty!!!
Submitted by sum grrlll from toronto canada
hahaha.....its a buncha bullshiet....y da bleep would any psychopathic freak wanna steal a dog....i mean cmon dey needsta get a life and sum mental help ya knoe...
Submitted by Zunaira ~bsbssweetlittleangel~ Peace+LuV!! Stay Smiley!! from Toronto Ontario Canada
First of All I WAS so shocked when I heard it!! I don't know all the DETAILS but I think it's wrong and when the bsb fans were stealing the dogs didn't they once hesitate?? or think how brian and leighanne would've felt?? Bsb fans don't wanna hurt bsb...they wanna see bsb happy =)... I feel sorry for the fans....but IT WAS their fault!! I hope nothing like that EVER happens again!!! keeep the bsb pride aliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive 4eva and eva!!
Submitted by Meagan from Edmonton Alberta Canada
I think it is utterly disgusting that someone could be so obsessed with a person that they steal something from them. I mean common. You steal something that treasured from your favourite celeb (or anyone really) and they are not going to say "Oh my gosh! It's the girl/guy I've been looking for all my life". These teenyboppers should really just get lives.
Submitted by Jenny from thornton co usa
i cant believe how unsensitive those girls were, thats just plain out sick and demented, brian should have pressed charges against those girls, although i am very happy that little tyke and litty are safe at home with brian!! BSB ROCKS!!!!
Submitted by Brittney Cockerham from Olla Louisiana USA
I think that it's terrible for someone to sink so low. I would be really angry if someone stole my dachshund. I think it's totally wrong.
Submitted by Emma from Forshaga Sweden
I think they did it because they wanted something out of Brian and LeighAnne. Money, autograph, what ever. Or they just wanted attention. I don't really know but I think that it has something to do with them (Bri and Leigh) being famous. Maybe the girls don't like the BSB or LeighAnne so they thought that "If we take their dogs they will get so depressed that they can't do what they are doing (music or movies)!!!!"
Submitted by BRITNEY CARTER from Toronto ONTARIO Canada
Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Morgan Hubbard from Winsted CT usa
I think that what happened to the dogs, brian, and wallace ,was very cruel, mean, horrible, evil,sick, and wrong. When I found out what happened to the dogs, I just wanted to ball my eyes out. What those girl's did was very mean. It was also a bad very bad thing of them to do, especially to someone like BRIAN.
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