Submitted by Jenna from Saginaw USA
I think that whoever took B-roks dogs are crazy! I mean it. Everyone knows how much he loves Tyke and Leigh. If they did it just to meet Brian or achieve some fame, they did it in the WRONG way. I just am happy for Brian and Leighanne both to have Leigh and Tyke back. KTBPA!!!
Submitted by vicki tanner from bridgewater nova scoita canada
Once I heard this over our local music staion *much music* I almost felt overcome with anger I didn't
Submitted by Bridget from Mass NY USA
WHY? thats all i have to say....WHY? who would want the dogs....they YAP!
Submitted by Elyse from Sterling Heights MIchigan United states
I think that they did it cuz they are probably like obsessed w/ the backstreet boys. And they probably just wanted anttenion!
Submitted by Anju from Augusta USA
I personally think that they should be ashamed of themselves!!!I mean, I'm definitely sure that those dogs meant A LOT to Brian and Leighanne- I'm sure they really loved them! And to take away something that sumone loves is just wrong!!
Submitted by Courtney Renken from Burnsville Minnesota USA
I think it was just some person or people who have some psycotic problems and they thought they would get attention by stealing 2 helpless pups. I think those people are crazy and it just comes to show how screwed up the world is.
Submitted by diana from Arlington Texas USA
Yeah, I believe that it happened. I think that they did it because Leighanne was the one with the dogs at the time and that they probably thought that if she lost them then Brian would see her as an irresponsible person and ditch her or they just wanted Brian's attention. . . yeah, what a way to get his attention. If someone dognapped my dogs I'd have to kick some ass.
Submitted by Kelly from Tampa Florida USA
I Cant Believe That they arent pressing Charges. If i were them i wouldnt even have to think about pressing charges i would do it in a heartbeat! I think that since these dognappers were so~called "fans" i think that Brain and Leighanne mgiht have changed their opinions towards the fans, and if they read this i want them to know that not all fans are physco like these two were. True fans would not hurt them. And i really really hope that they do not change their opinions of the many Backstreet Fans that are all over the world.
Submitted by Trinity from Carver MA USA
When I heard I was like :-0 How could someone do that to poor Brian? Some sick fan would. Why would anybody want to make Brian unhappy? A local radio station wants to know what the penalty should be for the dog-napping. I have no idea what I would do.
Submitted by Lori from riverside CA usa
That was so lame! I'm surprised the dog didn't bite them! I've heard of of crazy stalker things before, but this was just way low! If they loved Brian so much, why would they steal something of his to make themselves happy? hello! Isn't drooling and screaming and wanting them 24/7 enough for them to deal with?!
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