The Lost Boys: How a Pop Sensation Came Undone

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Submitted by Emily from OH USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 09:39:21 2002

Since the BEGINNING, the Backstreet Boys ALWAYS claimed that they would in time (that would be now I guess!) that they would go out and maybe do individual projects. I know Nick didn't really pick the right time to do this. I think it would have been better if it was done like right after a BSB tour or something and not when a new album was in the works, but they always said that no matter what, there would always be a Backstreet Boys. Maybe I'm just being naive, but I have FAITH in the boys. They are going through a rocky point, but what group doesn't? What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so just keep hoping this doesn't kill them and I don't think it will. Hopefully it will just make them stronger as a group. And if it doesn't (God forbid!) then i guess we'll just cross that bridge when we come to it. I love the boys and I support Nick's solo career just as I would if AJ, Howie, Brian, or Kevin would do it! I'm actually hoping the boys will read the article. Maybe then they'll say something, which is pretty much all i care about anyway.

Submitted by Poppy from Seaford, United Kingdom
Date: Mon Aug 19 09:05:04 2002

I am angry that these people say stuff like that about the boys. Black and Blue may not have sold as much as millennium but who cares it was still a massive seller and a brillient album. I can't believe lou Pearlman said them things about the boys, he says he is a friend and always will be there if they need anything, so how was he a friend when he didnt give them there fair share of the money they made or when Brian had to have heart surgery, all he cared about was finishing the tour for christs sake when he could of died!

It must be so dame annoying when the boys here a nother brake up rumour cos thats all the media talk about, they never seem to praise them anymore for being the band that started the real pop craze or the band that are still her after almost 10 years of being together unlike other bands which come and go. I am so proud to be a backstreet fan. I will love them probably for the rest of my life. The Backstreet boys are true artists and they dont come very often, they will show all the people who dont like them, that there here to stay. KTBSPA XX

P.S Nick can't wait for the album (Rock &Roll baby, hell yeah!!)

Submitted by Nat from montreal quebec Canada
Date: Mon Aug 19 09:03:50 2002

I love the backstreet boys very much I hope things will work out for them I hate what happend to them I know it's been a hard year for them with aj being in rehab and also the loss of daniell lee on september 11th. We need to be strong and continue to support bsb no matter what we love them very much and also Iam happy that kev and kris and bri and leighann want to start a familly. Iam sure bsb can get through this with our help and our support bsb will be fine from Nat

Submitted by Deborah from Orlando Florida USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 08:51:56 2002

After reading the article, I couldn't help but smile at the fact that it was honest. For the longest time, I had followed the Boys' tremendous rise to fame and consequently their downfall. I knew when Chapter 1 was released that it was a feeble attempt by a record company to gain some much needed attention for the group. But what's sad is that the Boys are not a group anymore. Look at them. When they're on stage I see 5 individuals who are thinking 5 different things and are not seeing eye to eye. Their problems were evident a while ago. This isn't recent. As much as I hate to admit it, the Backstreet Boys are over and Nick's solo album will not be the success he wants it to be despite the fact that it's going to sell a lot of copies. It's sad that a band with so much potential and talent can unravel before your eyes in, by industry standards, a matter of seconds. If you're gone in this industry for more than a few weeks, your career is on life support. The Boys? Were they ever really back with Drowning? Drowning was another copy of SOMH which was an attempt to bring back the success of IWITW. As harsh as it may seem, it's true. It's sad that the unravelling of a group such as Backstreet, who has always claimed honesty with their fans, can be blamed on lawyers and managers and somehow deviated from the problem itself: Kevin, Brian, Nick, Howie, and AJ. Interesting how the Boys end up looking like the poor, lost, industry victims when it was stated that the Boys were sometimes difficult to work with. Interesting, also, is the fact that Kevin was the only one to comment throughout the article. Who knows? The Boys could very well prove me wrong and knock out another Millennium. But if that happens, ask yourself who was really responsible for it: the Boys or their lawyers.

Submitted by Autumn Stapleton-McLean from Youngstown OH USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 08:50:23 2002

To whom it may concern:
I'm an 18 year old Backstreet Boys fan who has been following the group since 1995. I feel that the article written by Neil Strauss is a worthless piece of crap. The Backstreet Boys paved the way for pop music, and if it wasn't for them, the music industry would never have known the success it has received in the past five years. A.J., Brian, Nick, Kevin, and Howie have been together for ten years, and they weren't "manufactured" by Lou Pearlman-they put themselves together. Mr. Pearlman doesn't deserve one tenth of the money he's received over the years from the boys' success. Just because the Backstreet Boys wanted to take a little time off doesn't mean that they're finished. Did you ever think that maybe Kevin and Kristin or Brian and Leighanne want to start a family? Did you consider the fact that A.J. is making wedding plans? No. All you're concerned with is the money that they're making. It's never been about that. It's always been about the music, and the TRUE Backstreet Boys fans know that.
Autumn Stapleton

Submitted by Abigail from Canada
Date: Mon Aug 19 08:36:14 2002

This make me really proud to be a Backstreet Fan! All the crap they have been trough... we only knew few of them!
I don't know why Nick choose to stay with the Firm but I don't think it will affect the future of the Band! Look, did we knew half of that had been wrote in this article? No! All a long the Boys were having a hard time but they were still there for us! I don't think it'll change! We have to put ourselves in their mind. Nick has been in the group since he was 12! They grew up as brothers and friends! You can't erase all this commitment and complicity like that!

Since the Boys have been around, there was always someone saying that they'll break up soon! But we have to have more faith in our Boys! They need it! Because if we, the Fans, don't believe in them, who will?


Submitted by ina from ny USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 08:32:44 2002

i think backstreet boys work very very hard and lou perlman cant say that n*sync work more hard than backstreet boys and put on the fight the 2 groups and i think lou maked the fans of n*sync saying lots of thinks for bsb because they heard lou perlman saying things.i love backstreet boy im a true fan i will support them until i die -ktbspa

Submitted by anduela from ny USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 08:20:00 2002

i think lou perlman is a true b.... .i think bsb will not break up becuase they are not affraid to say to fans that we will break up right so thats my opinion of lost boys ktbspa sincerely anduela bsb fan

Submitted by Julie from Cleveland OH USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 08:13:34 2002

After reading this article, I've gained a new respect, not only for BSB, but for all musical artists. I see how easy it is to get screwed over in the industry. To me, it's clear that BSB worked very hard to get where they are now and they continue to work hard for a bright future. I don't think anyone can say that they don't have a new respect for BSB now.

Submitted by Helen from Michigan USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 07:39:14 2002

First of all I have to say that I really appreciate the time and effort that the New York Times reporter put into this story. Thank you for believing that the guys were worth the effort you put into this piece.
At first I thought that I should think about how I felt about the various things that were eluted to in the story but then I decided that if I waited I wouldn't respond at all so here I go...
In regards to the monatary matters and support (or lack of) by the record company and management firms over the groups career, from interviews and articles I've read over the past year, I worried that something odd was happening in the Backstreet camp but of course the guys do a really good job of acting like nothing was going on. Sadly, as fans we are all facing the harsh reality that this is how the music industry works and in the end it's people like us and the artists that get left out in the cold. When I read Kevin's quote that the industry was on one side and the artists are on the other it reminded me of an interview I saw on Carson Daly's late night progam with Jeanne Garafelo. I don't remember everything she said but I believe that she talked about the fact that MTV claimed during the early 90's, when bands like Nirvana were hitting it big that it was a period of time when the network didn't want to give them airtime. Network executives claimed that the people didn't want to hear grundge style music and that the network suffered from poor ratings, yet when you look at the numbers, as Jeanne stated, they had the highest ratings ever. It just goes to show how the big wigs of the industry try to control what we as consumers listen to.
The thing that reallys sucks for the guys is that in order for the situation to be happy all around they have to keep an eye on every pie that's baking around them. Unfortunately, in doing that they loose the time needed for them to be thier primary role, and that's being artists. And it's then that we as fans suffer too. I have to say that in truth I thought that Black and Blue didn't live up to what Millenium was and I trully believe it had to do with the fact that they had to push the album out and that was before any rumors started to fly.
The last thing I want to comment on is the idea of there being a Backsreet without Nick. At this point I hope that the guys live up to what they have continued to say over and over in that the group consists of Kevin, AJ, Brian, Howie and Nick. I personally can't imagine a Backstreet without all of them but I haven't decided on how the possibilty would effect my status as a fan.
Right now I think that we need to keep an open mind and just wait to see what happens. I still don't think that we know the whole story and maybe we never will. We've supported them through a lot of crap and I think they deserve our patience.
Peace. Feel free to contact me to discuss anything further.

Submitted by Mary Costigan from Winthrop Mass USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 07:20:35 2002

My opinion is that the news media doesn't know "what the bleep they are talking about" First of all, do any of the critics ever take the time to actually go to a BSB concert? NO, they don't. Do they bother to find out about charity work being done by all of the boys? Once again, NO!!
What I don't understand is why are BSB continually picked on and ridiculed in the media. Personally I am sick of it, and I will continue to enjoy everything Backstreet.
Just for information purposes, I am not a teen aged fan. I don't say this to put down any/all teenagers, I happen to have a teenage daughter and godchild,so please don't take this as an insult. I am old enough to be Mom to any of the boys. I love seeing them in concert and I love the special bond my daughter and I have because o our shared love of BSB. They will always have a special place in my heart, and that won't change.
I know for a fact that publicizing A.J.'s rehab and recovery made fans rally around and beside him, thus showing A.J. and all of the BSB members that we still love them and were standing strong through good times and bad times, just like a family will do for it's own. These are my thoughts on that article.
I suggest anyone that loves BSB, totally ignore it, and keep the BSB pride alive and kicking.
Thanks for listening!

Submitted by Mia from LA CA USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 07:14:02 2002

This article shows how easy the guys are to manipulate. They have new management now that says Nick's expendable, so now they think that. They never gave any indication of this before. When Leighanne says leave the Firm, Brian leaves the Firm. When Jive says put out a greatest hits CD, they do. Yes the record industry is ruthless, but you have to get direction and make you own choices. If Jive said they would release their greatest hits CD anyway, call their bluff! They aren't stupid they know it won't sell without promotion. Case in point: This is the time Jive should be releasing an Nsync greatest hits if it followed the schedule BSB are saying. Their not! Nsync would never let them, their more aggresive about their careers ( like the article said). And by the way the NY Times, next to maybe the Walstreet Journal, is the most respected, legitamate newspaper in the world. This article is not fake or lying, especially if Kevin commented. The guys need to understand that just like a marriage, friendship takes work too. You can't just go off and get married and expect that Nick will be waiting for you when you decide to come around again.

Submitted by Annie from newcastle nsw Australia
Date: Mon Aug 19 07:04:45 2002

i think that not only bsb fans should read that but let every1 that critises them and boy bands, and just let them see exactly what they do and that they deserve as much as any1 if not more to be where they r and doing it. i showed my brother a hard rock punk guy n he was like wow thats alot of sh*t to go through. and its a credit to bsb that they are still going i know that many people after everything would give up n think y bother. when u read articles like that you can kinda realise what kevin n every1 is saying when he says they have been through alot i mean i knew that brians op and managment stuff but not all the lawyers and money and contracts and crap thats involved with the industry. noel gallager is right when he said that the US music business is only about business and hardly music. backstreet boys r the best screw the rest. thanks mates. we luv ya

Submitted by Sakura from Melbourne VIC Australia
Date: Mon Aug 19 06:29:06 2002

After reading the article, it was quite shocking to me. i never realized the great drama that the boys have gone through and it just makes me to love and support them even more! It's really made me realised they deserve soo much for their long journey in the music industry. There's many things that we don't get to see and that they are doing all this for us fans!

i believe that if it wasn't for the backstreet boys, there wouldn't any successful boy bands out there today: not o-town, not westlife and especially not nsync.

i hope the backstreet boys will last for a long long time and whatever they do in the future, i wish them all the very best and that there are millions of fans supporting them through their 2nd chapter of their journey. *mwa*

Submitted by Marisa G. from Windsor California USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 06:05:10 2002

Personally, I think it's a load of bull. Not about the industry, that is NO surprise to me AT ALL, I'm actually glad it was all kind of explained, but about their "coming undone"... I am SO sick of hearing that crap!!! Give them a chance, for crying out loud! Could you imagine being in they're position, reading about your downfall everyday in the news? How you've lost your spot in the world, how messed up is that? The media doesn't even give them a chance to breathe before pronouncing them dead! Gone, my ass! Please! Give them a break, they're hard working HUMAN BEINGS who deserve a break and some freedom! Just because they're not CONSTANTLY doing peice of crap interviews and promoting themselves... they're living their lives, or at least trying to live... but how can you live if everyone is pronouncing you dead?!

Submitted by foreverXOXO from USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 05:59:01 2002

We will know by September 1st. I know some people in close contact with a certain member of the group who says this article couldn't be more correct. It appears to me that Backstreet's reign is coming to a close. But then nobody expected they'd come this far - so who knows. If they do switch members I myself will cease as a fan. The reason being that the group now belongs to the name, if they switched it'd be like giving 'N Sync of OTown the name Backstreet Boys. That wouldn't make me a fan. To me a name doesn't belong to a group, rather a group belongs to a name.

Whatever the outcome of this situation, I wish all five individuals great success and happiness in the future.

Submitted by Mimi from Sydney NSW Australia
Date: Mon Aug 19 05:57:37 2002

The only thing that the article has done for me, is for me to realise how much i really love the boys, how strong the boys really are, withstanding such although times were tough and being a Backstreet Boy wasn't exactly 'fun'.
Gosh i can't wait for the new album! KTBSPA!

Submitted by Naomi from SYDNEY NSW Australia
Date: Mon Aug 19 04:58:37 2002

Having studied and worked in the music Industry that is the way the industry's cruel it's heartless...and you need to fight to survive..

Submitted by Nick'sAngel18 from New York City USA
Date: Mon Aug 19 04:56:36 2002

i don't belive any of this stuff that they are brakeing up! wanna know why? well 1. Nick couldn't have done all of his solo songs in 1 day so he had been working on it for a few weeks even months so all of the other boys knew about it even befor we did and didn't say anything!!!!! 2. Nick had been intervwed and he also didn't say that he is leaving and he even said he is gonna stay and do both: be in the bsb and work on his solo tour! so until i won't hear from Nikc's, Brain's, Kevin's, Howie's or A.J's mouth that they say that they are brakeing up i won't belive anything else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you got something to tell me please e-mail me!

Submitted by bsb s flutes from alexandria Egypt
Date: Mon Aug 19 04:25:22 2002

plz mail me peeps i need to talk about it with someone i feel lost
i think bsb should be true to us and tell us whats really going on and clear up the whole thing
what we can do is just pray
bsb 4 eva(with nick)
ktbspa 4 eva

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