Your new year's resolutions for 2002
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Submitted by Megan from Cosmogirl USA
Hey ppl!!!!! OK 1st off, vote ur butts off 4 BSB on TRL since I guess they were #4. Wassup wit that??? Maybe bcuz of the super bowl??? And vote 4 Nick on Cosmogirl, they started a new month and Nick is way behind!!!! And 2 hearten all the fanz out there, yesterday, I was at my Dad's friend's house 4 the super bowl, and we had dinner and all that. And ya know how Mariah Carey sang the national anthem yesterday???? Well everyone was watching and afterwards(no offense 2 Mariah fanz)my parents and their friends were like she totally ruined it. And then my dad's MALE friend(who in case ur wondering is not gay, not that i have nethang against gays)he said the only ppl I've ever seen do a good job on the national anthem were those Backstreet Boys. And I was like Yea!!!! So further proof they don't just appeal 2 females as Victor and those other guyz have been showing us lately. Props 2 brave guyz!!!! Luv ya!!!!!
Submitted by Mary Jo from Oak Brook IL USA
Hello!!! I noticed somebody below talking about the tour n sync is doing, and since somebody mentioned it.. I have to speak my mind on the situation.
Submitted by michelle from Italy
sorry 2 write again. but when do u think bsb r gonna come out with a new c.d,n go on tour? shit cuz i miss them y'all!!!!
Submitted by micha from Italy
"me" is a freak, but i ain't gonna waste all my precious bsb fan time on her. so n-e ways bsb were #4???? dang thats cruel. well guess i'll be voting 4 them, n its my pleasure!! n-e who nsync tours suck, n hell yes they r do doing it 4 the $$$ u actually think they love there fans.. uhh no!! n-e ways ktbspa, n make them #1, cuz they got lost, n need 2 be found, by there true loving fans!!!!!!!
Submitted by Brian's Mistress from USA
Well, guys did you watch trl today? And the news they had on Nstink? Seems that they're album is flopping if you know what i mean, and supposedly they are doing another tour so they can have all the fans who didn't see the tour the first time around. I really just think it's about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$!!!!! And also because they are running out of things to do, so they tour twice.
Submitted by sara from bsb land howie and brian are sexy! USA
hi carol i agree with everthing you said in your entry you are so right thanks for the message it's the reason i am a fan of bsb.thanks
Submitted by Mary from USA
My New Year's resolution concerns the Backstreet Boys. I'm going to support them more than ever. They deserve the best fans in the world. I can't wait until their new album comes out. I know it will be awesome. Right now in my head "Shape of My Heart" is playing. BSB music helps me with the stresses of daily life. Such talent in five such diverse guys. We fans are lucky.
Submitted by soha from Germany
but you know what (ME) they won if you like them or no no body cares about you ...sorry..but i really really love those boys...
Submitted by Carol from USA
Hello BSB fans (everyone else can get off this forum). I am so glad Nick's ridiculous situation with the Orlando police has been resolved. He is such a dear guy. I love him. I love all of the Backstreet Boys. They are SO talented and such nice people. Their music has helped me so much. To hear those beautiful voices with their fabulour harmonies can set my mind and heart at ease. Other groups may have some talent, but NO ONE combines everything the way BSB does: those voices, the BLENDING of those FIVE beautiful voices, those looks, that dancing, those personalities, their decency and character. They are so smart not to get caught up in the endless hype of the Brittanys and Justins of the world. That is getting so boring. I don't mention the other four fellas in that group because they have NO talent, and they are so unattractive. Oh well, our guys will be around for a long time, giving us their great music. God bless the BSB. I'm so proud of them. And I love "The Call" -- both the song and the video. How awesome! Isn't it funny how you can listen to a BSB song that you haven't listened to in awhile and new emotions and feelings come to you? They are so awesome. Talent, Personality, Looks -- wow! BSB forever. By the way, don't forget that Brian and Leighanne are going to be on Hollywood Squares -- they are such a gorgeous couple. And they aren't fake, like you-know-who.
Submitted by me from USA
too bad that nick ain't going to jail. he would've deserved it. bsb shouldn't have won that award, they suck. "the call" is the dumbest video and song ever made. bsb make nsync look like gods. LONG LIVE NSYNC!!!:)
Submitted by michelle from Canada
hey jen!! i voted as much as i can!! so tell us how it goes!!!! congrats 2 all those awards they won i am so proud of them!! but we all no they deserve it!! keep the good work up bsb fans! luv micha xoxoxoxo
Submitted by jen from ottawa ont Canada
Woo Hoo BSB!!! Congrats! K, now that they got that mtv award, please help me to request drowning at mtv canada! The host said that BSB are going for Fav vid of 2001 and they started 2002 out well. But they are starting to drop. Please request as many times as you can here PLEASE
Submitted by c from Australia
Congrat on 2 Bsb on their award.I was recently reading past entries i have got to say this BSb didnt bring pop back to the world.Pop never went away(in america it go away)In europe,england there were tons of boybands like takethat,boyzone etc releasing very succesful single before bsb came on the scence.It just that BSb sound abit different and sound better than the others.BSB,hanson and the spice girl were the first pop groups to break US music market.
Submitted by Megan from BSB World USA
Yea!!!!!! Congratulations 2 BSB on their award!!!!!! They deserve it, of course we all knew that MTV would jip them out of the Fav group award, but even they knew they couldn't possibly get away w/taking away the Fav Video bcuz BSB was ahead by soooooo much!!!!!!! So Congrats again 2 BSB, congrats 2 AJ & Sarah & congrats 2 Nick!!!!!!! Luv ya peeps!!!!!
Submitted by Drowning from MA DS USA
Here are some of the many awards BSB has won so far in there career...
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