Your new year's resolutions for 2002
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Submitted by Carol from USA
Howie IS adorable. He has the most beautiful eyes. His eyes show his soul. I love him because he's not phoney--he's always himself. All the Boys are like that--true to themselves. The BSB are very wise: instead of being "teen idols" until they are 40, instead they are becoming mature performers. They are not going to give up their personal lives so that they can be in the limelight all the time. Yes, it's fun to be adored, but they know it's more important to be REAL. Real people, not puppets or imitations. Amen.
hi carol
Submitted by me from USA
oh no!!!! the teeny bopper worshippers of bsb are fuming again!!!! ahhhhhh!!!! watch out! you know what-i don't care what you all say about me and the talented nsync group. bsb suck sh*t and you all know it. the reason why they stopped dancing-old people can't dance. why do you think they just release slow crap for? nsync has tight everything, including their songs. just one other thing, justin and britney are perfect together. a lot better than bsb and their wall of bimbos. at least nsync treat everybody with respect unlike the lying b*sterds of bsb. bye.
Submitted by Carol from USA
Hi, Fellow BSB Fans. It's me again -- Carol. Thanks for your comments about my previous entry. Believe me, what I wrote is heart-felt. The Backstreet Boys mean so much to me. The reason people like "Me" come on this board is that they KNOW BSB is superior. Why else would they bother to abuse our forum? They are intruders. The fact is "Me" knows that her favorite group will be long-gone in a year or two, but BSB will be around as long as they want to: they have a goal -- to provide beautiful music for us, their fans. They also like to give us good entertainment. Their "party" and rock songs are great too. EVERYBODY, GET ANOTHER BOYFRIEND, DON'T WANT YOU BACK, etc. I don't agree with some people who say our Boys can't dance. Have you ever seen them in concert? WOW! They are great!! I'm thinking particularly of Howie and AJ when they dance on stage to GET ANOTHER BOYFRIEND. The other guys do a wonderful job, too. But, I must say, SINGING is their main talent. Those voices just touch my heart. I want the Chapter One video every day. It's awesome! So many hits!!!!! Keep up the good work everybody. Spread the news: Backstreet is Number One. I'm not talking about TRL -- that comes and goes, depending on how many people can be bribed by Jive (or maybe TRL) to vote for Justin and the Backup Dancers. I'm talking, instead, about Number One in our hearts and Number One in talent. What joy BSB has brought to their fans. I must say again: they have gotten me through some BAD times (emotionally). God Bless BSB, and God Bless us, their fans. By the way, someone else commented on this board that Justin's bunch lies about whether they have girlfriends etc. That IS so true. They lie to their fans. It makes my stomach turn when I hear their phony interviews. Cliche's only work on the 12 year olds that admire Justin and his so-called girlfriend, Brittany. That's why they get away with their lies and deceptions. By the way, what's with Brittany wearing a thong on the outside of her clothes? Why can't she act like a normal person: "I'll Be A Slave For You." That's stupid. No woman should be a slave for anyone. What a poor role model that girl is to the young teens that admire her. I've said all I'm going to say for now.
Submitted by vania from lisbon Portugal
Hey ppl!!!
Submitted by Kelly from LA California USA
Submitted by bsbfan from BSB town BSB state USA
Submitted by brian's Mistress from USA
hi everyone so bsb were number 3 today,oh well, keep trying! it doesn't matter cause i know they are gonna come out with an album that is gonna blow up. As for all these nsync fans in here they are just in here because the website for nsync sucks, you guys should see it, nothing to do there so the only reason that they are in here dissing our boys it's more like nsync is so boring that can't even have a nice website to have their fans discuss their pathetic career. As you can see all their fans are immature. go ahead and ask them how old they are? it's probably between 13 to 15. well, anyway, their dissing on our boys because from the beggining they have been truthfull to their fans and have always had the same pop sound, maybe a renovated sound but always pop. look at nsync, they came out all pop sweeties and now their are singing something that could be sung by Ushur (whom i really like, besides BSB)they are such posers, they were exactly like BSB when our boys first came out, they would lie about girlfriends and who they dated, for gods sake justin lied for so long when they asked him if he was dating Britney, and what for,cause he then comes out saying he is dating her, at least when people asked our guys if they had girlfriends they wouldn't lie because they knew the fans would understand, now nsync they just want their fans to hang around so they can stay in the spotlight and like i said before get their money!!!! They are touring again and god knows what for! geeee, maybe for $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ once again, bottom line these people come in here because
Submitted by Mary Jo from Oak Brook IL USA
Submitted by from Italy
oh that sux nsync were #1. oh well bsb will be there soon...... we alllllll no it. hey guys we should be happy 4 nsync cuz u no there not luved as much as bsb, so when n i repeat when they r #1 its like i miracle, cuz its nsync.......... well, well they suck really bad.... so be happy 4 them cuz they have nuttin betta 2 do! so i guess good job 4 them?!?! since its not gonna be 4 long...
Submitted by backstreet boys fan forever from bsb land bsb is the best USA
hi this is to the person who calls them self me first of all nsync sucks and justin can't sing he sounds like he has a cold and can't get rid of it and jc sounds like he is gasping for breath. oh i would talk about the others but they don't sing they are backup singers. so please do us all a favor this means you to grilfriend you both need to go to your own and stay out of this one this site does not need any pests so buzz off!
Submitted by tisha from Canada
Is this an nysnc web page no. so why cant teenies go to their own toys web page. This web page isnt for toys hence nsync this is for a real group hence the bsb. You guys are so immature. any way could bsb fans vote for trl cause bsb has only 11 days left on stupid trl. Just please could we let them retire at number one atleast.
Submitted by Girlfriend from Nsync Nsync USA
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Submitted by me from USA
you people are such freaks. bsb is nearing the end of their run, thank god. all this world needs is a boyband staying around forever. time to get them out of the way and in with the band that will stay forever-NSYNC! that group has tighter harmonies, better stage shows, better dancing than the pansy boys, kick ass songs, the greates fans, need i go on? bsb has nothing. they are slowly dissappearing before your eyes and POOF!! they are all gone. damn, now what?
Submitted by Rachelle from USA
Hello BSB Fans, Thanks Carol for the message I couldn't have said it better . BSB has had a hard year, I love them so much! We need to support them now more then ever. They deserve the very best! Let's keep them at #1 and if there not #1 at least we can remember they will always be #1 in our hearts. Let's make the best yet! God Bless,Rachelle Long live the Backstreet Boys!
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