Your new year's resolutions for 2002
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Submitted by Brian's Mistress from USA
and here we go again, the fighting continues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!everyone's advice down the drain, no body listens!
Submitted by bsb r #1 from Italy
haha bsb were #2, but , n i did say BUT enrique eglieses was #1! who knows what # n sync were? n frankly i don't giva a shit!!
Submitted by from Italy
i would luv 2 ignore these losers but then when u hear what they say about bsb it agrivates me, even though the whole world knows there #1.... but n-e ways i'm soo happy nicky's winning, cuz of coarse he is the hottest!! oh n on trl there so #1!! keep up the good work bsb fans, nsync fans u hoz r goin doooooooown!!!!
Submitted by Jen from MN USA
hey girlfriend-your very gusty for coming in here and dissing bsb the way you do. i have a little project for you-put yourself and a picture of a gorilla together and you might find the family resemblence there. let everybody know the results. and by the way, i think the gorilla would win all the way in a modeling contest against you. have a nice day.
Submitted by Girlfriend from Nsync Nsync USA
I dont give a fuck about Backstreet Boys and Losser street fans lika yall i am also sooo fucking prod that JC is winning the COSMO GIRL i told ya NSYNC IS GETTING BIGGER AND BETTER!! HA HA HA HA NICK IS UGLY BY THE WAY THEY ALL SUCK!!
Submitted by Carolyn from Tennessee USA
The Backstreet Boys are wonderful, and I will defend them against those who try to destroy them. I AM NOT on anyone else's website: I am on a BSB website. That's why I have to speak up for them. Peace is a good thing, but letting others walk all over you is wrong. Stand up for what's right, BSB fans. Don't be intimidated by the immature children who try to cause trouble. That doesn't mean you have to resort to name-calling or profanity. Just stick to the truth: the Backstreet Boys are fantastic!!!!! And we who love them have a right to say so on THIS BOARD.
Submitted by Jen from MN USA
hey people-got bored at work so i thought i'd better check the kick ass world of bsb. been reading some of the messages posted and let me tell you all something-don't egg on the stupid nsync fans. bsb fans do the same thing on their sites. all this arguing reminds me of preschool kids fighting over silly sh*t. so what if nsync is in ths spotlight-they have nothing else better to do and bsb is just doing the music. just had to get that off my chest. bye you all.
Submitted by Megan from Backstreets USA
Hey peeps!!!!! Nick is #1 on CosmoGirl yea!!!!!!!! And keep votin on TRL bcuz well I dunno what # BSB wuz 2day, but they betta be #1 until they retire on TRL K??? KTBSPA and ignore those "other" fans. Luv ya!!!!
Submitted by Kimberly from Massachusetts USA
Will you all grow up? My god, you sound like a bunch of two year olds. BSB is better... no, *NSYNC is better, no BSB. God, can't we all just get along? I'm a HUGE BSB fan, I have been for about 6 years. I don't hate *NSYNC though. I have listened to their music and watched their videos, and they do have talent. The talent of *NSYNC is more concentrated on dancing and a "look", rather than BSB who is focused on the sound and quality of the music. Well, that's all I gotta say 4 now!
Submitted by Brian's Mistress from USA
hi everyone,
Submitted by me for bsb from HS PA Vietnam
Hey me let me tell you something
Submitted by Lauren from Hinsdale Illinois USA
The person who has the name "me" your so full of ****. BSB has a ton of respect for their fans. They have written many songs for them like "Larger Than Life", "Everyone", and of course "The Perfect Fan". When has N'SUCK ever written a songs for their sorry excuse of fans. Let’s think NEVER!!!!!!!!!!! N'SUCK doesn't give damn about any of their fans. They are such posers. They keep on overexposing themselves. They know that if they don't stay in the spotlight by doing commercials and all this other crap that their so-called popularity will disappear forever. N'SUCK is so insecure. BSB doesn't need to do all the things N'SUCK does cause they are very secure with their popularity and know that they’ll always be the best. SO ALL YOU N'SYNC FANS GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!! BSB will always be #1 now and forever.
Submitted by Victor from NYC USA
How many times do i gotta say this! Nshit oops i mean nstink oops i mean nsuck oops i mean who gives a shit! Nshit fans will never get over the fact that bsb were first and they will do anything to try to say different! Face it Nshit morons those dancing fools are just clones that fat ass lou pearlman created cause he wanted extra loot! Oh the reason bsb dont dance anymore is cause that choreography bullshit has been played out for the longest! So now they decided to just concentrate on singing and playing instruments! As a bsb fan they get all my respect while nshits overexposed asses will go down the drain! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA
Submitted by from Italy
oh no "me the bitch is gonna be back" nooooooo i'm so scared.... rite... loser but n-e ways hey i'm surprised u haven't shut the fuck up, since alot n i mean alot of pple hate u? c n sync fans r just like the band " dumbass', good 4 nuttin,and not wanted"....... hey it runs in the family... haha c i never hated n sync, but now that they have "me the bitch" as a fan, well..... i really really do. dang poor nsync, bsb fans we should warn n sync that they have such a bitch of a fan, n that shes ruining their rep!!
Submitted by vania from Portugal
Hey "Me", just a word for you : RIDICULOUS!!!!!!!!
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