Your new year's resolutions for 2002

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Submitted by Laurie from Bristol RI USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 14:38:04 2001

My New years resolutions for next year is:
1. meet bsb
2. go to my 7th bsb concert
3. try to make bsb haters like bsb
4. do my part to make sure bsb is always here

and last to tell ryan that i like him

Submitted by Arthur Chandler from stone mountain GA USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 14:37:12 2001

My new year resolution is to bench press 300 pounds and to meet the backstreet boys and ask them how did their album sound evolved and who is their musical inspiraions and role models. (I hope this comes true in any year though). I also want to make my own CD's because the Boys are my musical inspiration and to help my mom and family more often because I love them and my mom is my PERFECT FAN. Finally, I want to KTBSPA!!!!!!

Submitted by crazy4bsb from palm Desert CA USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 14:35:21 2001

see aj and brian at the bob hope golf thing
go to the bsb concert
get their new CD

Submitted by Arthur Chandler from stone mountain GA USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 14:34:43 2001

My new year resolution is to bench press 300 pounds and to meet the backstreet boys and ask them how did their album sound evolved and who is their musical inspiraions and role models. (I hope this comes true in any year though). I also want to make my own CD's because the Boys are my musical inspiration.

Submitted by Ria from Buffalo NY USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 14:04:24 2001

My resolutions are to meet the Backstreet Boys or at least Brian to tell them how they have changed my life, possibly even saved it. I want to dedicate more time to them. I also want to find the guy I like (hes off at college) and get up the nerve to ask him out because I know I need to.

Submitted by Eugenia from Riga Latvia
Date: Fri Dec 28 13:52:29 2001

My resolutions for 2002 are:
1 To go to the BSB concert for the 1st time:)
2 To organize the Latvian BSB fanclub

Submitted by Julie from Louisville KY USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 13:43:59 2001

I am going to lose 20 pounds, gain some muscle, take yoga classes, and get no lower than A's and B's in all my classes!
Gonna be a tough year!

Submitted by Sandy from Castle Rock Colorado USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 13:40:58 2001

My New Year's resolution is to lose 30 pounds in time for the 2002 Lupus Cruise,
dedicate more time and money to the BSB charities, and more time to my son's
school Parent-Teacher Organization.
Also not spend so much of my time at work looking at BSB stuff on the internet.

Submitted by Mother from Aruba
Date: Fri Dec 28 13:40:13 2001

My New years revolution is to share this link with every Backstreet Boy Fan Alive. It is a great tribute to the band and their work.

Submitted by Patricia from Huntington Beach California USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 13:22:26 2001

My resolution for the New Year is, To improve on my singing skills and to help out more with the Charitys that are close to the BSB heart as well as ones close to my heart. Also to help my grandparents out with some house payments.

Submitted by Lauren from Hinsdale IL USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 13:17:22 2001

My new year's resolutions are to improve my singing voice, lose some weight, do more for the needy besides giving money and clothes, and do better in school.

Submitted by Caroline Carter from England United Kingdom
Date: Fri Dec 28 13:16:41 2001

My new years resolution will probably be to keep my bedroom tidy cos I clean it proper like evrey month but in that matter of time it seems to get erm.......lets say slightly messy.hehe.

Submitted by mary jo from OAK BROOK IL USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 13:03:17 2001

my new years resolution is too stop swearing as often as i do

Submitted by Kayla from Columbus Ohio USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 12:57:35 2001

My resolutions are to meet BSB (of course thats been mine every year for the past 6 years)and to help my mom out more around the house!

Submitted by Deborah from USA
Date: Fri Dec 28 12:49:18 2001

My New Year's resolution would be going to a BSB concert, and meet & greet them. Also, be a good girl, and try to stop aruging with my mom.

Happy Holidays to you all!!!!!!

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