Your new year's resolutions for 2002

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Submitted by Eleni from IN USA
Date: Tue Jan 1 04:37:03 2002

I have a few..
1.To lay off NSync. This past year i have been horrible to them... but this year, I won't be to harsh to them.
2.To lose some weight
3.More commited to BSB! (even though i already was!)

Submitted by Ally from northridge carifonia USA
Date: Tue Jan 1 04:08:03 2002

I will love the Backstreet Boys more than now

and make more friends. zzz

That's my new year's resolutions!

Submitted by Mandee (aka KidNicky) from Kunkletown PA USA
Date: Tue Jan 1 03:29:27 2002

My new years resloution is to well fall in love with the RIGHT person (although I have) and I would give anything to the or Nick! Visit my groups Tribute site
~Nicky Gene of BST (Backstreet Tribute)

Submitted by whitney from sherman tx Armenia
Date: Tue Jan 1 01:36:57 2002

i want to fined a nice guy to do thing with and som day marry him and some day meat the backstreetboys

Submitted by Diana from Lexington KY USA
Date: Mon Dec 31 23:46:33 2001

This year I am not going to try to please everyone else and stop putting myself last. I just want to be happy for once. Any my other goal is to get a bf who doesn't end up like my ex fiance.....GAY. yeah, that just really sucked, lol.


Submitted by § bOi from Vancouver BC Canada
Date: Mon Dec 31 23:34:54 2001

For this year, my resolutions are mainly about my health.

1. Stop drinking pop
2. Eat less sugar/fat
3. Exercise more

I think it's because I don't take PE anymore so I need to cut down on some stuff to balance out my extreme lack of exercise. =P

Submitted by Jackilyn from Palm Harbor Florida USA
Date: Mon Dec 31 23:15:22 2001

I have a couple resolutions this year.
1. get the nerve to actually send a fan letter to bsb.
2. if bsb goes on tour, go to a concert and save enough money for really good seats.
3. go on my first date(i'm 17 and a senior in hs)
4. have my first kiss
5. try to get straights a's second semester. I think i might have all a's and 1 b this semester.
6. try and make more friends
7. try and actually enjoy living in florida for a change.
8. all around just be a better person.

well that was a lot more than just a couple. lol

keep the ktbspa!!!!

Submitted by Natasha from Olympia Wa USA
Date: Mon Dec 31 23:05:46 2001

Here are my New Years Resolutions:

1( See all the BSB concerts that I can!!!!!!

2( Try to be more talkative

3( Look up more when I talk to people

4( Spend more time with my friends

5( Try to not eat as much

6( Be nicer to my little brother

P.S. If you get any information about A.J. please email me!!!!!!!!!

Submitted by Sara from Beaverton Oregon USA
Date: Mon Dec 31 22:25:33 2001

My new years resolutions are to
-Get a boyfriend!
-Get a job
-Save enough money to go to every BSB concert there is!
-Be nicer to my family(I tend to yell at them alot)
-Be nicer to everyone and not judge people because everyone deserves respect

Submitted by Leandra Ellis from Long Beach Mississippi USA
Date: Mon Dec 31 22:08:39 2001

1.Keep the Backstreet Pride ALive more than I have been!
2. Clean my room more!
3.write to Backstreetboys and Nick Carter!
4.Babysit more!

Submitted by whitney from USA
Date: Mon Dec 31 21:59:30 2001

i only have one real resolution, its the most important one I can think of. Next year, I want to be a better Christian.

Submitted by Keri from New Jersey USA
Date: Mon Dec 31 21:48:47 2001

* To be a dedicated BSB fan forever!
* Be nicer to my NSync friends... I have a tendency to get a bit too defensive over the guys.
* Clean up my room
* Try and find more room in my bedroom for posters.
* Get a new computer (preferably DELL)

Submitted by Sarah from USA
Date: Mon Dec 31 21:17:26 2001

~ Keep up with my zines! (LOL)
~ Don't make any promises I can't keep
~ Be nicer to my brother (NOT!)
~ Go to another BSB or AC concert!! (And soon!)
~ Write BSB and AC every week like I did earlier last year
~ Don't waste my money!!
~ Do my chores more often (i'm supposed to do dishes in like 5 minutes! LOL)
~ Visit this site every single day!

Submitted by Angel from Fl USA
Date: Mon Dec 31 21:06:59 2001

-be nicer to my brother
-spend more time with my friends
-go to another BSB concert
-be more wise w/money(dont spend it all)
-keep my room clean for more than a 3 days
-do better in skool
-take time out for myself
Have a Happy New Year everyone!!

Submitted by Rachel from Houston TX USA
Date: Mon Dec 31 20:59:59 2001

The first resolution I have is to stop biting people so much. I also need to be more sweet to my family. After all, they spoil me rotten. Plus, i need to get with that cutie next door, Austin.

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