Your new year's resolutions for 2002
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Submitted by insiaa from karachi sindh Pakistan
i hope to listen to the bsb soon and see them
Submitted by Sammy from USA
My new year resolutin is that BSB gain their popularity back. Media, Radio Stations, Television are all dissing my babies, and I Can't stand that. They didn't do nothing to deserve all this crap. They make good music and they can sing. That's all that matters. And I hope these stupid people stop rubbin in about AJ and Nick. Big deal. They didn't do a crime,they didn't lie to us, that's just LIFE. This is what normal people go thru. Nobody made a big deal about Justin abusing his fan, or Joey having a baby, so shut up about BSB. I just want BSB to get some respect and luv for the rest of their lives. BAsically. I luv these guys so much. And always will. And if u were a true BSB fan, u will support them. Especially since what has happen recently.
Submitted by Brittany from Dallas Tx State USA
I hope i get to see BSB soon..For the first times and try to see AAron carter tooo.............BSB RULES. They are all that...Try to go to Florida to be with my baby Ben and my friends.
Submitted by Katie from Ontario Canada
To start off, I think we should have one major resolution as a whole! We should resolve to stop talking about the incident with AJ and just stop talking about incidents with the Boys in general! I realize that we're all really proud of AJ for getting through that difficult time in his life, but it's over now and we have to let it go! It was 6 months, half a year, ago! Yet I still see people talking about it! I spend more then half of my time on the internet, defending the Boys! And I'm usually defending them from their own fans!! This situation with Nick is going to be blown way out of proportion by the media but what some of you don't realize is that, the more we talk about it, the easier it is for the media to exploit it! And if you think about it, it's really not a big deal! Nick isn't going to jail! The only reason it is being made into a big deal is because Nick is a celebrity! My brother has been arrested for worse then that and everyone just looked the other way! So as fans, I think we should do the same thing! Look the other way! Nick is a big boy, he can take care of himself! I know we're all a little worried, and that's perfectly normal, but instead of talking about the arrest and fueling the media, support Nick! Pray for him, write in to newspapers and radio stations that decide to diss Nick or that have false information about his arrest! This is called being productive! I know we're all awesome fans so let's show the Boys that we can support them without adding to the problem at the same time! :)
Submitted by innocent ghost from Dubai UAE(United Arab Emirates) and NOT Kuwait
My new year's resolutions for 2002 are:
Submitted by Vicky (I love the Backstreetboys) from Kevins TIGHT pants~!!!! USA
My new years resolutions is to Have all of you go to this site... .... and vote for... yes yes... NICK CARTER!!! So he can win!!! Since Kevin got kicked off! Do yall think that thing about Nick is true? Its kinda hard to believe! But... tell me what you think!!! Anywayz, I gotta go... laterz!
Submitted by Megan:) from Olympia Washington USA
My New Years Resolutions are:
Submitted by little miss ana from none of your business hell USA
my new year's resolution is to write a thousand more fanfics [i swear, it's just "writers block"...], to stop doing drugs [yeah, right], and to get to 75 pounds [almost there guys!]. i think nick's resolution should be to ADMIT HE'S ON COKE.
Submitted by Leah from Minnesota USA
hi!!! my resolution is to learn more bout bsb n meet em n go to another concert n get more bsb shit. well ttyl~*~ me
Submitted by sheren from Nashville TN USA
hi backstreet
Submitted by Amanda from Brownsville Texas USA
This Year my new years resolution is to learn even more about the bsb than I already know! I also hope and will try hard to go to at least 2 more concerts this year!!
Submitted by Deborah from Sweden
Last year, my New Year's resolution was to never make another new year's resolution again. I 've always found it kind of silly... But this year I thought "Oh, what the heck!". OK...Um, so my new year's resolution is to go to Univeristy. I should've gone to the University in September, but decided to take a year off to try out new things. I promise to go this year!
Submitted by Carla L. from Virginia Beach VA USA
My new year's resolution is to leave the past in the past and start fresh. What I mean is that I want to let go of all my grudges and all the anger I have towards people. I just want to let it all go and start anew.
Submitted by Tammie C. from Philadelphia PA USA
My new year's resolutions are as followed:
Submitted by penelope from USA
my new years resolution is to stop biting my finger nails (because it hurts), and to stop craking my knuckles (because it drives my mom nuts). i have also made a resolution to meet the backstreet boys sometime this year, although i doubt that will ever happen!
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