Your new year's resolutions for 2002
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Submitted by Sabriel from USA
my new years resolution is to tell people what i really think of them. and not to let other people bring me down, becaue in the end they won't be the ones i'll have to stand before and be judged by. so bascially my new years resolution is fuck the world, i'll do what i wanna do!
Submitted by LILY from USA
okay to begin with, my new years resolution is to not let people take advantage of me and also not be so judgemental. now this deal about nick needs to stop. first of all i think it's rediculous that he faces up to a year in prison, when there are others out there who don't get this much punishment for killing or other shit. second of all, nick is old enought to make his own decisions, and he made a mistake learned from it and he bailed himself out of it. i can tell you that my older sister is his age, and she gets in trouble all the time, so the only reason they are making a big deal about this is because he is a celebrity. and third of all, a little contresersy didn't do eminem harm so the same goes to bsb, im sure nick will come out a whole new person from this and have a lesson learned just like aj. and all you nstink fans, well, your gay, whinning goody goody clean cut wannabees, are too perfect for the real world, so bsb are the perfect role models they mess up and they always find a way out of this. so just like alliyah said "dust your self off and try again" and that's exactly what's gonna happen, so bsb fans don't worry our boys are as strong as stone and they'll come out of this squeeky clean. now let me go find so nstink websites and do what i do best, speak my mind.
Submitted by Kelley from Jacksinville FL USA
All I have to say about BAD ASS Nick getting arrested. Is the fact that he is 21 and he is gonna be 22 in a couple of weeks and if he wants to go to a club in Tampa kick back a few with some bud's and take his sweet time leaving all the power to him and I will always have his back no matter what. I believe him not the cops. And all these rumors are just going to make BSB bigger. And they are going to get alot of attention.And all this shows is that their is more than 1 BAD ASS in BSB. So my new years resolution is have Nicks back no matter what and I'm gonna have his back like I had AJ's . So that's all I have to say about it. KTBPA and all my fellow BSB fans stay LARGER THAN LIFE.
Submitted by Jeannie from l.a. california USA
Okie we go...
Submitted by Mimi from Sydney NSW Australia
My resolutions?
Submitted by hussain changazi from Quetta Pakistan
Submitted by What the?! from Australia
hahaha- yeah coz I know that MY new years resolution is er, Nick getting arrested. LOL- Girls please- take it elsewhere! This section is ABOUT YOU. I know we're not used to it when it comes to the backstreet boys but hell- if no one else is gonna use it for the reason it was made- I will.
Submitted by Ryz from Philippines
okay, i have to admit i am mad right now at some nsync fans who disses Nick bec. of what he has done. but honestly, i'm a fan of both (bsb and nsync). i just want others to, instead of bringin' them down, support them coz we're all HUMAN. i'm just so lonely bec. nsync fans didn't know that some bsb fans also liked nsync like me. but i like bsb more, of course! we all have to be united as fans!!
Submitted by Windermere Girls from Vancouver Canada
First of all, I'd like to say.. I understand this WAS a new years resolution thing for Backstreet Boys fans, but it all became.. people talking about Nick Carter and tons of N Sync fans start saying bull about them!
Submitted by Zhi from USA
Christina, i think it's really selfish and fake for you to have said that u like the bsb even more now than you did before, just b/c u're just now realizing they're makin mistakes. they've always made mistakes except it's just gone public.
Submitted by Sally from Vancouver Canada
Nick is one sexy, young, fine man.
Submitted by Ryz from Quezon City Philippines
i think this arresting thing is crazy. i mean, for me, the cops should listen to Nick before arresting him. those guys are really CRAZY! and Nsync fans are too! and other media who's keeping him down, and the DJ from kissfm saying about crazy rumors about Nick. they're all keeping BSB down but glad that they're not listening to what OTHERS might say. We, as BSB fans are there to support him! Being a role model doesn't mean that you have to be clean. (i dont say Nsync are clean) BSB are still role models. they dont lie, and give opinions, they dont swear, they advice. KTBSPA!!!! Nsync fans, stop going to BSB site, you're not a big help. we're not going on your site to diss nsync so stop that. at least be a HUMAN. everbody in show business have problems more serious than this. Nick's not a criminal. HELLO!!! did he killed somebody? raped? I suppose you Nsync fans know the word CRIMINAL!! and Nick's not like that.
Submitted by mad from TN USA
OK some ppl think Nick deserves punishment, some don't. The point is, he didn't kill nobody or rape anybody he didn't steal nothin, he wasn't doing drugs or "indecently exposing" himself. He didn't listen 2 a cop. If he was wrong or right it isn't a big deal. Justin didn't get arrested 4 possesing alcohol at under age 21. Get over it Nick and BSB still rule 2 us BSB fans and one more thing will the Nsync fans PLEAZ get the hell off this site?? We NEVER go on your sites and diss nsync. If we diss them sumtimes here that's our business. We have Nsync fans here 2 who also happen 2 be big BSB fans. If u diss BSB fans on ur site that's ur business. But please stop posting your opinions here, we want 2 here other BSB fan's opinions, not your prejudiced ones. BSB is still plenty big. Quit being worried enuf bout nsync that u have 2 come here. And guyz, can we pleaz get over this Nick thang, he has my support and if he doesn't have your support that your opinion. But the ones who still are true fans and still love him 4 who he is GO GO GO over 2 and and vote 4 BSB and Nick. and vote on MTVAsia too. OK i've gotta bounce now, KTBSPA and quit arguing.
Submitted by Stacie from Minnesota USA
so wat if the Backstreet Boys make mistakes??? at least they prove that they are human & make mistakes like everybody else. mistakes are mistake whether someone spills a glass of milk or if they get arrested for not obeying the police. a way to be a role model is to fix your mistakes the best you can whether you can do that your self or if you need support, and then prove that you have learned from them. i am proud of A.J. for being somber for almost 6 months and i hope that Nick's incident at the night club is over with soon. oh yeah and my resolution is to stop biting my fingernails and i've been good at not biting thme so far. KTBSPA!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by CDM from Calgary Alberta Canada
One: Learn to diminish my obsession for the BSB.
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