Your new year's resolutions for 2002
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Submitted by Leah from USA
I will start off by saying. It wasn't Nick's fault that he got arrested. Its almost like something possesed him...and no I don't think you guys should worry,our Nicky will be fine,hes just not so inocent anymore. He is a bad boy now, it goes along great with those evil sexy looks he gives. You all know what Im talking about.
Submitted by Kat from USA
1. Nick wasn't drunk
Submitted by Grethel from Bayamón Puerto Rico Puerto Rico
Hola soy YO la gran fanatica de Puerto Rico.Estoy muy contenta por todo lo q le paso a los BSB en esta añoyo no pido nada nuevo en este año solo amor y salud para todo el mundo espero q hasi sea los quiere GRETHEL de Puerti Rico.
Submitted by Stacey from Tower City Pennsylvania USA
My new years resolutions for this year are... Well i wanna meet bsb and just be able to tell them how much they have inspired my life with there. I have been a big fan of them since they first day i heard them, That was about 8 years ago. I also wannna go to another one of there concerts, so if u know that they are having concerts again somewhere in pa plz email me. Or u can email me for the fun of it i always like chatting with other bsb fans my email is One last thing we all know nick is gonna pull threw this everyone makes mistakes and this is one of them. You just cant turn your back and be like o he is a bad A$$ now so lets not like him. We gotta be there for nick like we all were for A.J he'll get threw it... I LOVE U NICK!!!!! and nick if u read this please EMAIL me thanx peace out ya'll
Submitted by jeannie from la ca USA
He didn't get drunk, moron. He just moved too slow. They yelled at him for being loud
Submitted by habab/helen from Al-Ain Abu Dabi ....UNITED ARB EMIRETS Sudan
hi all bsb real fans...
Submitted by Kara from Martins Ferry Ohio USA
At the top of my list is be more well-liked. I'm not saying i'm a b****, i just have a tendancy to be anonying on not that rare of an occation. Also I'd like to be better at volleyball, and softball. And lastly to have one of the leading anti sites on the net (Anti-Britney/Nsync that is).
Submitted by Erin from North Carolina USA
Erin's New Year's Resolutions
Submitted by Tiana from Sydney Nova Scotia Canada
My New Years resolutions are:
Submitted by Rossy from Houston Texas USA
Well let's see to do good in everything as possible and support the BSB. I also agree with what Carolyn said. Well bye!
Submitted by Megan from USA
Mah new year's goals are:
Submitted by Meg from NP RI USA
my new years resoulution is to first go back to dancing, then quit hte drugs and drinking thing and to not create so many problems for myself and to just let things flow, ecspecially when it comes to guys, just be myself (a total flirt) and do whatever, just have fun!!!
Submitted by jen from ottawa ont Canada
Submitted by Cindy from Boring town, USA MD USA
I would love to meet the backstreet boys and tell them what an inspiration they are to me. I have kind of grown up with them and I'm 17 and I still love them. Oh and Nick if u read this, all ur fans are behind u and we hope that u can get past this, ur a strong and intelligent young man!! Thought I might mention that. I also want to lose some weight so I can attract some of the fine backstreet butt that is on the stage. If they tour this year, I would love to go to another one of their concerts, if they don't then they need to make that one of their 2002 resloutions. I want to graduate from High school and find a good job. I want to be there for my family as much as possible and move away from my boring town but unfortunately I can't until im 18, only a few more months. I want this NSync/Backstreet bull to stop. Both are great bands but the Nsync fans need to realize that Backstreet boys were here first and they opened the pop door for Nsync to enter into. So the next time you find yourself dissing either band, just think if there wasn't a Nsync or a Backstreet Boys, that would be pretty depressing because we all need music whatever kind it is or whoever sings it. So everybody have a great new year and I hope that u accomplish all ur resolutions!! PRAY 4 NICK!!!
Submitted by Carolyn from USA
Grow Up, everyone. Stop making such a big deal out of Nick's arrest. It really is soooo trivial. And this type of thing can happen to anyone. I am quite the upstanding citizen (never been in trouble), but a week ago I was trying to defend my daughter from her abusive husband, and the policeman involved told me to "shut up." I said "what do you mean talking to me, a citizen of the USA, like that? He told me if I said one more word, he'd arrest me. I am old enough to know that I couldn't say anything more, but Nick is young and a very passionate person too, and so he didn't do the right thing and follow the policeman's orders. However, on a scale of 1-10, I would put that "crime" at about ZERO. Everyone learns from their own mistakes, and I'm sure he will from this one. What does any of this have to do with the way we love the BSB? Their music has gotten me through some of the worst times of my life. I love their vocalizing so much. And their dancing, personalities, good looks add to my being their fan. However, bottom line is: it's the music. They are the best group in the whole world. They don't want to be in this silly, teenage competition with nsync. If people like that group, fine. But leave us alone. We love the Backstreet Boys and their music. Nsync is just a teenage fad. They don't sing well, their personalities are quite arrogant and rude, they DO dance well, but there is no depth to these guys. And they really are not good-looking. My Gosh, they are the oddest group. But the little kids like them, especially Justin because he dates Brittany Spears. What role models they are! She is so vulgar looking. But to each his own. So, non-BSB fans, please stay off this site, and let us enjoy our Boys. They are going to be around for a long while. By the way, didn't that homely guy from nsync have a baby out of wedlock? Great role model. They are truly the phoniest, most money-grabbing bunch of guys around.
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