Your new year's resolutions for 2002
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Submitted by jen from ottawa ont Canada
Submitted by Tanisha from Rialto CA USA
Some of you guys know that Sunday is the People's Choice Awards. I don't remember anybody on here talking about voting for them.
Submitted by cheryl from st. louis missouri USA
I wish i had something new to say to the "nick" character, but damn lily!! You said everything for all of us, you go girl!! As a reminder, I hope all of us remember Backstreet Boys Day, January 17, and request drowning that day on the radio and on TRL and anywhere else...and go out and buy some BSB merchandise. Even if you've already bought everything, at least go buy something on the 17th, and if you really need to, go return it a few days later. Have a wonderful weekend everyone and KTBSPA!!!!
Submitted by Vick from Nyc Ny USA
Firt off i wanna say that im a 19/m bsb fan who enjoys the bsb's silky harmonies and great songs! Yes i do admit it if people ask me becuz its nothing to be embarrassed about. To all the girls out there that think bsb only have female fans and that the male fans wont admit it well here i am. I've liked bsb's music since 97 also im not just some dude who likes their music becuz they are famous and well-known like some other people might be!
Submitted by Lily from USA
okay this comment is towards "nick". listen buddy, what do you mean we circle our lives around bsb. i'm going to be turning 18 in less then 2 months and i have a part time job, i go school and i am a 4.0 student i am going to college do something with my self and i have been going out with a beautiful "man" (unlike yourself) for 3 years. let me take a shot at this, your what around 20 to 26 years old, no girlgriend, not many friends (which could explain why you are always in here), disowned by your family (because they are just ashamed of you), oh yeah and your job includes the words of "would you like fries with that?", or you could be a computer geek who has nothing to do but harrass teenagers. well, listen this site was set up for bsb fans only and it has a lot of work put into it. people in here do everything possible to make this site so every one can enjoy bsb and their music. so your not a fan? then what the hell are you doing in here? nobody cares about your opinion, did you ever think that you could go harrass nsync fans? or go do something constructive with your life. who knows maybe your are even a fan but just because you are a guy aren't man enough to admit like most are. all guys always trash bsb even nsync, i am sick of it will you just admit it you would love to be them. after all they are rich and got women falling out of the sky. you may deny it but i am sure that just the tought of it is making your best friend excited, if you know what i mean. well, anyway, this thing would only happen to a site like this you don't see people going to websites like, korn, busta rhymes, or eminem or sum 41 and talk shit about them, this only happens to pop groups. well get over it you know, you are only giving them even better luck so find hobbie or something, i hear jerk off is great won't you try it.
Submitted by Mary Jo from Oak Brook IL USA
This is for that Nick person.
Submitted by Megan from USA
OK this is 2 "nick"...even tho I would bet money that's not his real name...I've got 3 words 4 u...go to hell!!!!!! Or at least off our site!!! Gosh u ignorant assholes make me sooo mad. Not that you're worth it. Ummm BSB has never been caught takin drugs..try 2 get that thru your thick skull..tho I'm sure u were high when u wrote that entry...we happen to love BSB something apparently u have never received otherwise u wouldn't be so jealous...and we*gasp*support them!!!! Jus go away!!! And yea i think i believe that story by makes sense 2 me. KTBSPA ppl keep voting 4 them!!!!
Submitted by Backstreet Girl from USA
my resolution is to meet bsb!(lets see if i can manage that one!)
Submitted by Backstreet Girl from USA
this is to that JERK nick who was calling bsb and bsb fans pathetic. U SUCK. what us fans think about bsb is nobodys biusness but ours and we have the right to be however obsessed with bsb as we want. and the same 2 nsync fans. i like nsync myself though not nearly as much as i LOVE bsb. KEEP YOUR DUMB, STUPID, IDIOTIC OPINIONS TO YOURSELF! ive never meet someone more pathetic than you!bsb 4ever! BYE BYE BYE nick & NSYNC!
Submitted by Diane from USA
this is to a guy named nick who wrote about all of us bsb fans who thinks that bsb circles our what if it does? like nsync fans dont do the same! i am not going to sit here and say that i hate or dislike nsync but just sit there and say that we are the only ones that do that.. and so what if we believe everything they say we are their fans and we should support a group that we like and love.. that's what fans are there to do..arent they? it sounds to me that you think that it is funny that nick got arrested why do you if that's the case.. i mean i am a HUGE fan and have been since 1995 i dont think that it is funny what so ever. that's all i have to say about what you wrote!
Submitted by Nick from USA
To the person who didn't bother writing down his/her name: Well, I wouldn't necessarily say you are stupid, but... shall we agree on naive? Stupid is a bit drastic, but probably not too far from the truth.
Submitted by MB from Australia
Dear Everyone
Submitted by Elicia from Rio Rancho Nm USA
My resolution is to get a better job and get good grades. And to be a BSB fan forever !
Submitted by heather stock from kingston new york USA
the thing with aj getting married none of it is true the thing on TRL said that it is rummered that he is engaged but none of it is true it would have been all over the news and it would have been all over mtv and vh1 don't listen to anything that is said by people that don't like bsb unless you hear it from bsb themselfs than don't believe what the tabloids say they do this to make money and to upset fan's this is just like the rumer that said the where going to brake up and was any of it true on so don't listen to these ignorent people because they don't like bsb they want us to stop liking them.
Submitted by JEN from OTTAWA ONT Canada
OH COME ON GUYS. THE GUYs DON'T HAVE TO TELL US ABSOLUTLY EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENS IN THEIR LIFE!!! It's none of our buisness what happens in their personal life. Just stop this. This board is for resolutions. Mine is to love BSB with everything I have and to respect them as telented people, which I already do, so to love them more for that. I don't want to be mean, so sorry if I sounded like that.\
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