Your new year's resolutions for 2002

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Submitted by Danielle from west milford nj USA
Date: Sun Jan 13 21:14:36 2002

Alright I dont know if this is a resolution or not but i need to meet the backstreet boys.... i havce been a fan since 7th grade and i am now a senior in high school! if i dont meet them this year i dont know what i will do with my life haha!!

Submitted by ERIN NEYREY from KENNER LA. USA
Date: Sun Jan 13 19:37:49 2002

i really love the backstreet boys.they're the best.hope that they win tonight on the people's choice awards.i'll be watching.i love the backstreet boys alot and i think of them as family.

(All caps detected. Message converted to lowercase)

Submitted by Mary from RIO TX USA
Date: Sun Jan 13 18:52:12 2002

My new resolutions is help BSB every award possible. And you all could help me by helping me vote for them at the People Choice Awards which is coming up on Jan. 13.

Go vote A.S.A.P.

Its time to give them something by their fans.

Submitted by Anke from Nashotah Wisconsin USA
Date: Sun Jan 13 16:37:38 2002

Ok, after I moved to the USA last year and met the Backstreet Boys also last year...
I will finally move to Florida and start studying there! And I am very excited about that!

Submitted by kelly hems from london essex United Kingdom
Date: Sun Jan 13 15:00:33 2002

My new years resolutions are:-

1. to get settled in a job
2. to go see bsb (if they come back!)
3. to meet nick (that would make my life!)
4. to go out more and enjoy myself.

kelly. (nicks' official booty shaker!).

Submitted by ~*~Melissa Carter~*~ from CT USA
Date: Sun Jan 13 12:35:50 2002

My news years resolution is to meet the Backstreet Boys and to meet Aaron Carter when I go to his concert next month :) KTBSPA forever and ever. We're behind you all the way guys!!!!

Submitted by jen from ottawa ont Canada
Date: Sun Jan 13 11:28:41 2002

hey everyone. For all of you that want to know about "backstreet boys day"..... I don't think its a special date for anything. i think some one just picked it...but I could be wrong!! Anyways, it will be on jan 17th and we are asking that every BSB fan requests drowning on radio stations, mtv canada,, tlr, asia awards,, and if you can, go out and buy somehting BSB, cd's, magazines with them, anything. Let everyone know about it too. I was thinking that if everyone got chapter 1 or another copy, maybe we can make it go platinum, cause it hasn't yet. Anyways, jan 17, don't forget. Hope that helps a few of you.



Submitted by Jenna Katie Driver from Tottenham London United Kingdom
Date: Sun Jan 13 03:19:18 2002

I usually break my New Year's resolutions, I mean, who doesn't?! But this year, I'm going to stick with them!! My first is to make sure that I have front row seats when BSB tours England again, try to meet them again 'cos they are just so nice and the other is to stop biting my nails!! And everyone remeber to keep on supporting Nick!!

Submitted by Honey from Orlando Florida USA
Date: Sun Jan 13 02:50:42 2002

wassup !
1/ to be popular
2/ to study hard for my finals
3/ go into a great college
4/ meet the Backstreets & go to their concert
5/ to work on myself too this year & health

lotsa more these are the major ones !!!

Submitted by kaosgirl from Melbourne VIC Australia
Date: Sun Jan 13 02:33:32 2002

I was just reading some of the earlier entries and came across Backstreet Boys' day as January 17th? Can someone tell me what is going on? I thought BSB day has always been October 7th since 1998 when BSB got the key to Orlando. I have celebrated every BSB day in Oct as well.

By the way, my new year's resolution is definitely to meet the Backstreet boys, they haven't been to Australia for so long and I know the Aussie fans have tried so hard but we are not giving up. I have been a fan for over 6 years and I am determined that one day I will see them live in concert. I wish that BSB will be no. 1 and enjoy success in 2002.

To all the BSB fans, let's keep the BAckstreet Pride Alive for life!!!!

Karen :)

Submitted by Adelle from chaparral new mexico USA
Date: Sat Jan 12 21:08:40 2002

My new years resolution is to meet the Backstreet Boys and go to one of there concerts. The fan that i am they never come near where i live. I live close to el paso TX. That's what it is

Submitted by Emily from montreal quebec Canada
Date: Sat Jan 12 11:57:46 2002


Submitted by Jennifer from Orlando Florida USA
Date: Sat Jan 12 00:50:44 2002

I've been a BSB fan for quite a while and have always heard about Backstreet Day but never got a straight answer about what it was about. Is it just the day that they got the key to Orlando? Is that what it is? If anyone can clear this up for me that would be cool.

P.S. If you like Mandy Moore or Shane West or liked "Message in a Bottle" I'd recomend going to see "A Walk to Remember" ~> the book is awesome. So touching!!! (1/25/02 ~>premire!)

P.S.S For the one person thinking it. Me living in Orlando has nothing to do w/ any of the BSB. UCF gives out super scholarships. so :P *blows raspberry* :o)

P.S.S.S Any other fans in Orlando? I can't seem to ever find any over the age of 15. No offense to anyone 15 or younger.

Submitted by SHINING STAR from DUBAI DUBAI.UAE United Kingdom
Date: Sat Jan 12 00:42:32 2002

This one goes out to the guy who called himself NICK &i,m pretty sure that it,s not his real name.
i,m 22 years old & i will get married in a few months.i met the man that i will marry when i was only 15.we grow up togrther.he got his own job & so am i.he is the most wonderful man i ever met in my whole entire life.see our lives is not a circle around the BSB & let suppose it is? it,s none of ur the way if u hate them all this much,so why u spend all ur time (which i bet u have)in this site which is made for the BSB& their fans?

Submitted by Vicky (I love the BSB) from Kevins Nice Tight Pants~!!! USA
Date: Sat Jan 12 00:34:42 2002

HEY HEY HEY~!!!! Wats up everyone. I havent posted ah message on here for ah while. I was watchin some news thing on TV... and one of the guys said that the movie with Lance in it called "Quit my day job" or somthin like that... who cares... anywayz, He saiD "It sucked and I wish Lance really would quit his day job,.... Im sorry but I dont like Nsync." Thats what he said... it was kinda cool... but kinda mean too!! Anywayz,... I gotta go... bye bye~!!!

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