Your new year's resolutions for 2002
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Submitted by Gerry Capo from Springfield MA USA
Hey girls i love listening to backstreet boys music and i also went to the black and blue concert on puerto rico with all my boy friends and family and my girlfriend jenny ghuys u dont know how much i like these guys as a group and i hate fuk!ng N$hit being on tv i am getting tired of that $hit they suck now i used to like them but now there faces are everywhere people itrying to make them famous JIVE but they dont know they are doing bad!!!!!!!
Submitted by Megan from TN USA
Hey ppls!!!! Nick is winnin on CosmoGirl, not by very much tho, vote like CRAZY 4 him!!!! Let's let him be the champion this month same as always!!! O yea major props 2 the guys who come here!!!
Submitted by Mary from USA
It is refreshing to see GUYS admit that they like BSB. It shows that they are REAL men, and they are not afraid to appreciate good music. My Dad, brother-in-law, nephews: they all love the Backstreet Boys. BSB is a family affair in my house. My Mom (who's 50) ADORES them, and of course I'm the number one fan. So, again, thanks to the guys who have the guts to admit they enjoy BSB music.
Submitted by Mary Jo from Oak Brook IL USA
Hey, this is for Jake and that other dude that wrote on this site. U guyz kick a**!!! It's not everyday that guyz openly come out and say they are BSB fans.. so I give U major props 4 being so honest!!!!
Submitted by Someone from Someplace Imadorkiknow USA
Hey Y'all!! My New Years resolution, well it's joke, always has been. Who actually keeps up their resolution anyway??? Still, it's fun to make up one though, tradition. I'm glad so many guys are able to admit to being backstreet fans, although it is a little suspicious that so many guys admitted that at the same time.... Anyway, KEEP THE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE!! Hate MTV!! Hate TRL!(Sorry!) Don't like them, don't support them....
Submitted by Pinky from florida USA
my new years goals r to meet bsb
Submitted by Vick from NYC USA
Yeah Jake i agree DUDE im a Male 19 year old bsb fan and i give BSB alot of props too cause they actually sing really good. Also in my college alot of chicks dig those dudes its not only little girls like people think its also guys who dig their music! Well peace out!
Submitted by ele from France
hi guys I just get my marks wooooooooow!!!!!!1
Submitted by jake da BSB wannabee from NY USA
hey heres an im screeen name its my best friend LOL......he likes bsb, nsync and willa ford too im him DaMan1981ny, but he's different from us cuz he tells people he likes them and doesnt care whut they think......he's the biggest jokester in the world...he wont care if u im him he's 20 though LOL this is gonna be funny anyways back to da boyz.......the B's to the S's to the B's.....yeah....well Brian B-ROk littrell he is another legend i was watching the mtv show becoming once and they guy who played him in that tell me y song...told it like it is.....Brian sings with inspiration...and he's good at it...his wife looks good tooo.......lucky guy....yeah excatly this is shawn up here on the computer on a tuesday night...sup ladies I love u all, i was just upstairs looking for my fav bsb song i was jakes sisters room and i found the cd its on the blue and black one......shape of my heart....good song..well on to big kev....i saw him on tc the other night and sw that he finally cut his hair....good cuz now my exgirlfriend thinks he's good looking again, but not as good as me of course....syke i wish....his wife is hott to as well as that krystal girl....well for me its different then ryan he was forced to watch a tape while i was forced to go to there concerts...but but.....i kinda liked it I had fun...and i noticed that kevin can play the piano pretty good....guess that means that they DO PLAY THERE OWn instraments....good stuff that mean they got TalEnt they do i give them respect....and big kev is da man....He needs to sing more solos though.....Heres jake ladies he;s gonna finish this off with THE icon the showstoppa the main event THE MAN.....NICK..bye ladies much love to u cuties....u love a good band really im serious...muah....alright ok NICk first off he went out with WILLA FORD....ok shes like the best looking girl in the world...if had the choice to get with any girl id be her...his little bro aaron reminds me of my little bro, and we look the same too.....both good looking both get girls....and my favorite song personally is his solo "I need You TOnight" Great song one of the best songs off all time...and i can say that without no regrets....hey i promise u girls me and my friends will stick up for them anytime.....and maybe just maybe ill take my girls to there concert and actually pay for never thought id say that...but i did yeah.......well were gonna go get something to eat....this is a good website our new years resoulution is try and stick up for them more cuz they take alot of trash from the media for no reason.....there just trying to do there thing....good luck to ur band not like they need it.....mad girls in my school love them to death....laterz girls.......oh yeah say this THe B's to the S's to the BOYZ.....thats a kewl saying bsb 4 life.
Submitted by Jake Rogers from Ny USA
Alright Alright girls girls, Im here with my friends and we somehow got to ur site.... i dont know how but while were here all we gotta say is........YO BSB is Awesome..first off we dont tell many peeps we listen to them, but we'll come out and say A.J i give alot of props to for showing his fans love back in the summer not keeping anything behind....he sent my little sister a card with him and his mom on it, and signed made her WEEk maybe month....she showed me and i was like WOW he really cares about his fans.......anyways hes a great singer too, he's got a certain funk to his voice that sounds Good...Now Howie he's kewl my friend ryan who has the hottest girlfriend in the world will tell u why howie reflects to him....Basically cuz Howie like a myth...he's smoooth, laid back I was forced to watch about 4 years ago when i was baby sitting my little cousin, a night out with the backstreet boyz video, and at first i was like oooooooooh man, but then as i heard it, I thought they sounded good and i really like how howie gave a fan a flower and sang to her...well now I do stuff like that, i even wink once in a while like he always does..and I'll even admit that he has a great voice to u fans....and ill never diss them again...cuz there just doing there thing and they are TRULY the best pop group and best POp music around....even though im into rap and R & B, I'll say some of there songs reminds me of 112...alright im gonna go get something to eat ill leave u with these 2 characters LATE....Well Ryan bounced now its just us 2....were gonna add some more alright we still got 3 more of da BOYZ left....
Submitted by john sorice from NY USA
Yeah yo AJ is da man da myth da legend he is A getting his tatoo on his right arm.. u knwo the big may cost alot but it looks kewl...anyways I gotta go my new years resulution is to take as many girls as i can to boy band concerts EXSPECIALLY THE BOYZ aka the BEst.......laterz
Submitted by bsb fan265 from USA
This isn't really related to BSB, but I bet the BSB think of him on Jan 15/and or Jan 21.
Submitted by bsb fan from USA
hey guys.. listen im here to tell you all that i'm gonna be doing a scrap book for the backstreet boys . this scrap book is going to be made in honor of our appreciation towards them!!!. and to show them that they are and will always be no 1 in our hearts. this book will be given straight to their hands so what im trying to get at here is that if you would like to be in the book please e-mail at the addy below which is or at Howies N Nicks but preferably at the first addy mentioned!!!!. thanx in advanced . o and just so u ppl know this book will be consisted of bsb concert expriences,bsb encounters,poems,letters,songs,small messages,drawlings,pics ,etc..... so agian if you would like to be in it please e-mail me with one of the following things mentioned previously . thanx agian in advanced ... please do this for them please show them that they are and always be no 1 in our hearts and to thank them for everything and show them just how much they mean to us. if you have any Questions or comments Feel free to e-mail me . bye o and one more thing in the e-mail please be sure 2 include ur name where u are from age and favorite backstreet boys name. thanx a bunch toodles!
Submitted by AJ Wannabee from NY USA
ha i just won a talent show singing this song..........ONCE we were lovers lovers we were.......oh what a lie.........once we were dreamers .........Dreamers we were both U And i just see that ur somebody who wastes all my time and MONEy ......WHat a LIE........U and I...what about ur ........ur 10 thousand promises that u made to me.........haha i just won 100 bucks baby songing that whole song solo........YEAAAAAAAAAAah
Submitted by jenn from ottawa ont Canada
hey everyone. Thanks for voting on mtv canada. Please keep voting, you know who is comming up close behind. BSB was the #1 vid of 2001 on mtv can, lets make it #1 in 2002. Please vote here, and you have to use the "other artist" because they erased BSB from the request list!!!!
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