Your new year's resolutions for 2002
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Submitted by micha from montreal canada Canada
k 1rst of all this site is amazin' i luv it!! but yaa n-e ways i luv bsb, they r the best n most succesful group (well 2 me) n i adore them! my resolution 4 2002 is 2 try much much harder in school, i'm the type of chick that will study the day b-4 the exam (or not even study) n fail alot of my coarses. my parents r kewl about it, they no i have trouble n i'm lazy, but i don't just wanna do it 4 me i wanna do it 4 them 2. cuz i want them 2 no that when i put myself 2 it i can do it!!!!! so thats my resolution!!!!
Submitted by Lily from USA
well, hello everyone it's me Lily again and this is going to the guy who made an entry bellow about me. the only reason i wrote such a thing is that i am not used to guys admiting such things and certainly not all at once and even though you may feel that way doesn't me all guys who made their enties feel that way. i did say i hoped i didn't offend anyone. if you liked them that's great for you.
Submitted by MARY JO from Oak Brook IL USA
HELLO!!! I just wanna tell all BSB fans that NICKS B-DAY IS A WEEK FROM TOMORROW!!
Submitted by to lily from ny USA
well this is one of my 2nd time to the website and im here on this early sunday morning before work ha can u belive that....basically i was just online the other day and some girl out of no where imed me, and said that my friends put my screen name on this post, which was pretty funny, thats how I found this website (I didn't have a prob with that I like talking to new peeps plus she was real nice) after I read there post I was like oh man they did not just do that.....but the fact is I'm not really a closet fan I used to tell people all the time I listened to them...and I wouldn't do it to pick up girls or nothing(well maybe not all the time)....I really liked there music...and I do stick up for them sometimes.....I just think it's unfair that so many people disrespect them for no reason thats all(sad thing is I know some criticizers who like a few of there songs)....I even stick up for other bands such as 98 degreez, and nsync..I think pop tunes is great and fun to listen too, I think you girls have great taste in music, and I'm glad that bands like BsB exist as well as some rock bands that I me, maybe I don't vote on cosmo girls thingie cuz well Im not gonna vote for a guy cuz I aint like that, but i'd still vote for them on that MTv asia award and stuff like that....anyways lily hun, I think who ever wrote the BSB wannabee thing is funny and after seeing that MTV show Becoming with nsync(with nsync wannabees) We could use more peeps like that so the next becoming will have BSB instead....maybe guy fans aren't as into it as the girls, but we still love taking ya to see them in concert, and I love it when I see a smile on whatever girl i'm taking when I pay for there whole ticket price....But lastly some of the things that I've read were cool possibly some new slogans for BackStreet Boys... THe B to the S to the B's.... LOL.....I'm actually gonna start saying that from now on... oh yeah Jakes doin fine his G/F and him are going to the Bahamas for spring break lucky kid...see ya all Bye lily.....
Submitted by Liza prounced leeeeeeeeeeeeza from skokie il USA
i enterd an entry then umm i read other ppl and they didn't put a resoltuion and i feel reely gay so i don't read mine!!!!
Submitted by Liza pronounced leeeeeza from skokie IL USA
hey to all the bsb fanz out there!!!! much love!!well my new years resolution is to be more nicer to ppl and not to get stressed out so fast. i am the most short tempered person and if i don't wanna have a heart attack when i'm 20 i shud learn how to chill!!!! and work my ass off to do good on finals and highschool and shit!!!!
Submitted by Lily from USA
hi everyone, i couldn't believe when i read Nick's entry here, i mean when i read this stuff, i don't actually read who's writting it but wow was i suprized. He's such a cutie.
Submitted by vania from lisbon Portugal
Submitted by soha from Germany
backstreet boys backstreet boys backstreet,backstreet.BACKSTREET BOYS wwwwwwowwwww
Submitted by zaina from Germany
oh baby I bleivvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvve you nice try
Submitted by Nick Carter from USA
Wassup to all da fans in here ! Thank you all for you support during my time of "need", you guys are always here when I need you most. KTBSPA, and get ready cause were comin' back baby stronger than ever.
Submitted by Alicia from Toronto Ontario Canada
Wussup to da ppl in da backstreet house. Ya'll i just wanted to say that I am a huge fan of the Backstreet Boys, Nick Carter is soooo daym fine i want da boy's butt ya'll, but anyway my New year's res is to keep da backstreet pride alive yo b/c there ain't no world witout great music. god bless all ya'lll fans, you guys rock and it's bsb for life ya'll .
Submitted by VICK from NYC USA
Hey Call me Corndawg im the male bsb fan that likes the Backstreet Boys Music and i am defenitely not a closet fan cause their is nothing to be ashamed of. They make great songs thats the bottom line and i have no problem admitting that! For the simple fact that i dont care what people say! My Favorite songs are 'I Want It That Way' 'All I Have To Give' and 'As Long As You Love Me'. They are aslo the only Pop Bands Music i really like. Every other group sux! But thats just my opinion.
Submitted by Kelly from LA California USA
We still can vote on MTV Asia so make your vote now
Submitted by call me corndawg from upstate New york USA
well I see that there are alot of guys admitting that there closet BSB fans,I might as well go out and say I like there music too(fav songs are Shape Of My Heart, Don't Want You Back, and Quit Playing Games With My Heart).Every girlfriend I've ever went out with since like 9th grade has been a big BSB fan its wierd. I was talking to a BSB fan I met online she's really Kewl. She told me about this site, and I was checking it basically my new resolution was becuz of something that happened that involved BSB....My ex-girlfriend would tape all the times they were on late shows and important shows, and one night she taped when they were on Jay Leno singing More than that(another great love song) there was this one part where Brian impersenated Donald Duck, and Nick carter burping extremely loud. She then would watch it over and over non-stop and the first time I saw nick carter burp I dont know why But I burst out laughing and couldnt stop( It was the way he did it I guess and it was so LOUD), unfortunetely for me, I stumbled on a pizza that we just had delivered to us, and it got all over my expensive jeans that I just bought...but somehow I didn't notice it cuz she played it again on purpose and I was cracking up too hard while not realizing that my legs were rolling around the pizza that we just bought. Well by the time it was all over with. I promise my self I'd never laugh like that every again...and thats one of my new years resolutions..oh the pants were washed the next day and the stains were gone..Good stuff right anyways see ya fans some other time...Backstreet Boys are a great band..and yes I'll admit I'm looking forward to there 4 album.
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