Your new year's resolutions for 2002
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Submitted by Nicole from Houston texas USA
HI!! I can't believe A.J.'s engaged. Things are all changing! Well, whatever it might be, CONGRATULATIONS A.J., and Sarah!!! I just want you to be happy too!!! KTBSPA!!
Submitted by Brian's Misstress from USA
hi guys, please stop this stupid fighting with these stupid nsync fans and lets get on with life. the matter here is what can we do to keep going? anyone have any ideas? let me know i'd love to help. i don't want this website to be shut down it's the most interesting one on BSB, so please lets put our heads together and think of something!!!!
Submitted by Christina from Greensboro Nc USA
i know you are all getting pissed at the nsync fans and all but we have bigger fish to fry. I don't know if you have noticed, but might be closing soon and we can't have that happen. This is a time when our boys need us most, and if closes, i honestly think that that will be a whole hell of a lot harder. come on we need to think of something
Submitted by Mary Jo from Oak Brook IL USA
Hey people... Sorry, I am responsible for 1. pissing the n sync fan off the first time, 2. pissing off the n sync fan the second time, and 3rd. pissing off the n sync again. I was having a bad week + took it out on her... But I am NOT apologizing for what I said, because I ment every word.
Submitted by kaly from quebec ontario Canada
hello guys this site is gonna close it cant close. we have to do something. what will we do without this site and the pictures and everything.its the best site
Submitted by Backstreet Girl from USA
NSYNC fans stay off this site if u r gonna critisize BsB! And BsB fans ur lettin them get 2 u, and stop dissing nsync. i like both bands.(BsB is better though).BsB r tired of the comparing them and nsync,in case no1s bothered to look up on how they feel! and I for 1 agree! NSYNC and BsB united after the attack on america, so get over with saying ones better than the other!u people r acting ignorant and annoying.STOP THE FIGHTING!
Submitted by bsb luver from bsb rule bsb lover land Canada
nsync suck my white assssssssssss bitch! now do us all a favour n get u're ass out of here, cuz bsb fans r lovers but n sync fans r haters. dang nsync should be ashamed 2 have a fan like u, giving them a bad rep. thank god bsb have us!!
Submitted by vania from Portugal
Hey guys!!
Submitted by Mary Jo from Oak Brook IL USA
"OK who was number 1 yesterday on TRL???
Submitted by Leah from USA
Greetings, BSB Fans.
Submitted by María René Torres from Bolivia Sucre Bolivia
Please Nsing fan we don't want to fight with you.
Submitted by Stephanie from Montreal Quebec Canada
Chapter One is already platium in the U.S and Canada. Globally BSB already reach the 100 millions albums sold.
Submitted by Victor from NYC USA
Hey U Girlfriend, When is your dumbass gonna realize that the group u like(NSHIT) Only have 2 idiots that sing outta the 5 idiots they have! That is a Pathetic excuse for a singing group! All those dumbasses do is dance! I wanna see when those morons get old and cant dance any longer if your teenybopper ass is still gonna be a fan of those 5 turds! FACE IT if that bum justin wasnt in that group they would be nobodies!!!
Submitted by Girlfriend from Nsync Ns For Nsync USA
LOL i heard backstreet are going ORGANING???? what the hell is that???
Submitted by Girlfriend from Nsync Ns For Nsync USA
LOL i heard backstreet are going ORGANING???? what the hell is that???
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