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how 2 b sure that your madly and totally crazy about bsb!!

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: backstreet_chick

ok if u wanna know how your a totally mental about bsb (like me :):)) then read on........

*u tell people that your middle name is bsb

*u lie 2 people and say u met nick at a mall when u went 2 tampa and he introduced u 2 the rest and played basket ball *lol*

*your whole school even your teachers know your a fan of BACKSTREET BOYS

*when your frendz think your crazy cos u both the bsb single on cd and cassette even tho' u have that on your album already!!!!

*when u start 2 cry cos u know that u can never b with bsb!

*when u hate n'sync only cos they copied bsb and even tho u fancy justin u draw pictures on his face cos hes in n'stink

*if the only reason u have internet is so that u can go 2 the bsb sites!

*u love them so much u start 2 cry..........

* when u start cryin in skool cos there was a rumour about bsb splitting....that happened 2 me i was hoping no one knew about it but ONE frend this ONE frend called YEN asked me if the rumour was true in front of everyone i went all read and i just put my head down i didnt know if i was cryin or what and out of nowhere these tears came running down my cheeks!!


*when youve counted how many times bsb have been mentioned on wwf(wrestling) and its four times by booker T the rock and kurt angle oh and y2j chris jericho

*u start crying everytime u hear a song of theirs

*when u break frendz with someone cos they dontlike bsb but like n'stink!

all of this has happened 2 me my frendz think im the biggest and most devoted bsb fan in the world!!...........they also think im mad cos i have liked them 4 so long!!

Backstreet Obession- You know Ur Obsessed when....

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Krissy

You know every word to every song

At school they call you the Backstreet girl

When the newspaper in your home town does an article on the boys they call you first

Your older sister who says she will neve like BsB, comes to the concert with you and screams her brains out right along with you

You know everything there is to know about AJ ( fav color, pets names, parents names, shoe size, hat size, ex g/fs etc etc)

You do the little survey/quizzes on Backstreet sites and get evey question right

You hate Nsync and O-town

When they come on TV you start to scream and cry

You always tape EVERYTHING on TV, even if it is just the smallest segment

You go out of the country to see them perform

You spend over $500 in less than an hour on BSB apperal

You max your dads credit card on ebay trying to get a pillow case and a wall clock

You would do anything to meet them... anything

You don't care what ne1 says, you know bsb are so much better than nsync

You always make sure your home to watch TRL and make sure the boy are #1

You call them YOUR boys

Your friends know not to talk about Nysnc or Otown cause you hate them

You despise Lou Pearlman

Your favorite qoute is 'Backstreet- today tomorrow always'

You know you're obsessed when...

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Maggie

1. The only colors you'll wear are black and blue.

2. Any magazine you see with BSB in it...even if it's the tiniest picture ever, you buy.

3. You have a big birthday party on each of their birthdays. Cake included.

4. You cry every time you see them on TV.

5. You will not allow anyone to speak to you while they're on TV.

6. You've watched a certain video so many times you don't even sing the song the normal way anymore, you sing it the way it is on the video.

7. You don't have a boyfriend cuz you know that one of these days your favorite Boy will come to his senses and realize it's you he's wanted all along, and you want to make sure you're free for when that happens.

8. You know what they ate for dinner last Wednesday.

9. You scream and cry in the music store when you've finally found that rare BSB single you've been looking all over for.

10. You've gotten the kids you babysit hooked on BSB.

11. Whenever your friends are asked to describe you, they always begin with, "Well, she's absolutely OBSESSED with the Backstreet Boys."

12. Your non-obsessed friends are afraid to change clothes in your room cuz they feel that the Backstreet Boys are watching them.

13. Whenever you hear either "How Deep Is Your Love", "Papa Was a Rolling Stone", "I'll Make Love To You", or "Philadelphia Freedom", you turn it up real loud, cuz those are the songs the Backstreet Boys sang at the Grammys.

14. You stop talking to your best friend if she says she doesn't like the Backstreet Boys' new song.

15. #4 on Krystal's "Me and My Piano" is completely worn out, just because AJ and Nick sing on it.

16. You went out and bought "Me and My Piano" the day it came out (July 10) just because she's on the BSB's label.

17. You drag your mom to a concert and she realizes she knows all the words, cuz she's heard you play the CD so many times.

18. You know you're gonna marry someone named either Brian, AJ, Nick, Kevin, or Howie. Any other name just won't do.

19. You keep a pic of them in your wallet so you have them with you always.

20. A pic of your favorite BSB is on your pillow case.

21. You finally get your mom to admit that, thanks in large part to you, they're now her favorite band.

22. You've given serious thought to opening your own BSB school, where you can teach all things Backstreet.

23. You're friends are terrified of telling you they bought "Celebrity". They know what you might do.

24. You now hate Jamie Foxx for what he did with the champagne at the VMAs.

25. You hate Willa.

26. You hate Kid Rock cuz he said he liked the NSYNC McDonalds commercial better than the BSB BK commercials.

27. You hate anyone who has ever said or done ANYTHING bad to your Boys.

28. You insist that they are your Boys. No matter what anyone may tell you, they're yours.

29. You have more daydreams of them then of anything else put together.

30. One of your friends brought "Celebrity" to your bday party and you would have thrown it out the window if your saner friend hadn't been holding you back.

31. You're English teacher asks you to bring in the lyrics to your favorite song and you bring the lyrics to every BSB song they ever sang. You just can't decide which is your favorite!

How obsessed am I?

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Meagan

1.) When your mother asks to borrow one of your movies you point her in the direction of the specified shelf for BSB recordings, Backstreet Block Buster? That's me!

2.)You cannot even begin to count as high as how many magazine clippings and pics you have.

3.)You get up at 4:00 am to go to the arena and end up being 3rd in line, being the 1st person to buy tix in the state, and get 3rd row for June 21st 2001. That was the BEST day of my life.

4.)You take pics of a car because it looks like Brians.

5.)You name your fish B-Rok after Brian.

6.)Your cat knows how to meow the words Brian, Nick, Kevin, Alex, Howie and Aaron.

7.)You regularly spend at least 19 hours of the day thinking of them in some shape or fashion.

8.)You have a "gallery" dedicated to them in your WALLET.

9.)Whenever there is a possability of bad news you get out your sippy cup, place pics of them all around the living room, and pray to God that they are all safe.

10.)When at a concert you hit Leighanne in the head with kooshballs.

11.)You gave the guys your phone # 164 times and they did not call ONCE!

12.)You made your grandmother take you back to her old neighborhood so you could stalk Brian.

13.)You got a card from the man who drove Brian and Leighanne's window.

14.)You think you are special because you live in Kentucky and Brian grew up here.

15.)You think you are really specail because your dad lives less than 20 minutes away from Brian's current residence.

16.)You have eaten at all the Long John Silver's within an hour of Lexington just in case Brian worked there.

17.)You asked a Ninja turtle at Disney world who wore the costume before he did and you weren't even OBSESSED yet!

18.)You refused to get out of bed all day when your mother wouldn't buy you tix to see the guys AGAIN because you spent all your money on Back Issues of Tiger Beat and your in high school.

19.)YOu memorize an entire page of your computer book because it has the words Nick, Kevin, Bob, Jane, Willa, Brian, and Jackie.

20.)YOu want Jamie Fox to die for hurting Alex, and you are SO proud of Brian for being rude to the loser.

21.)You hate NSync but admire Lance for openly being a Backstreet fan.

22.)You decide Britney is just STUPID because she knows Nick thinks she's pretty but she is still dating Justina Timbercake.

23.)You decided when you were 10 to name your 5 daughters Holly, Kevina, Brianna, Nicole, and Alexandria.

24.)You changed the names to Maile James, Katarina Gabriella, Keltsie Mae, Jenna Madison, and Kaylie Renee...and your son? Brian Thomas Jr. of course!

25.)When your 18 your going to buy a winnie and follow the guys around for 2 months.

26.)You have spent over 6,000 in merchandise in less than 3 years.

BaCkStReEt'S #1 gUrL

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Sharon

Wow now that I need 2 write something I can't think of a thing! I sorta suck @ writing about things. Sooo.....Ummmmm.....I guess I'll tell u about how I became obsessed with BSB in the 1st place.

A few years ago I wasn't in2 the whole boy band thing @ all. I hardly listened 2 nething but country bcuz I luv Garth Brooks & Keith Urban so much. Plus only the giggly boy-crazy type of girls I knew liked BSB, not the level-headed ones.

Then I put my horse @ a barn where the owner's daughter & her friends just LUVED BSB. And when my sister became good friends with them, she started tellin me LIES ABOUT BSB. Stuff like BSB SUX, BSB r snobs in it 4 the $$ (ya can u believe it?!?!? She actually had the nerve 2 say that!), Nick Carter of BSB is an asshole (like she would know?!?!? She never met the guy b4!), BSB doesn't write ANY of their own songs, and other stuff of that sort. So newayz since I knew nothing about them, I made the stupid mistake of believing her.

Then the country radio stations around here REALLY started 2 suck - all they were playing was crap like Kenny Rogers & George Jones. So I started buying lots of CDs of the country artists I liked, and listening 2 pop & rock radio. At 1st I wasn't really in2 it, but then I started 2 LUV it. Next thing I knew my CD collection was starting 2 include stuff like Savage Garden, Bon Jovi, Smashmouth, & Third Eye Blind along with all the new country stuff.

One day I was @ the barn just grooming my horse like alwayz & I heard a REALLY cool song called 'Larger Than Life'. I totally LUVED it! 1 problem tho - The DJ @ the radio station. Mayb he was on crack or somethin, I don't know. But he was fucked up 4 sure. HE SAID IT WAS SUNG BY NSYNC! Now I had heard the same type of stories about NSYNC from my sis that I had heard about BSB, but I figured mayb she was lyin about NSYNC & that they were a good band, bcuz I was totally in LUV with that song 'Larger Than Life'. So I started thinkin that BSB was a piece of crap & NSYNC was a cool band. (Don't worry ppl this lasted a VERY SHORT while).

Late 1 night about a month later I was sitting in my living room cleaning a saddle & bridle 4 my horse, listening 2 a pop radio station, and that song came on again. I was like SOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited! I turned it waaay up. Then @ the end of the song, the DJ's like, 'That was the Backstreet Boys with their latest, "Larger Than Life"'. I was just like, OMG!!!!!! THAT was BSB?!!!!?! I thought it was NSYNC!

So newayz my sis had bought the 'Millennium' CD even tho she hated it, just bcuz her friends had it. So I looked on the back cover 2 c if 'Larger Than Life' was on the CD. AND IT WAS!!!!! I was like soooooo totally excited! I threw down the bridle I was cleaning & ran 2 my room 2 put in the CD. Then 4 like 2 hrs straight I listend 2 that song on repeat. 4 days after that I listened 2 that song on repeat almost non-stop. It was just sooooo amazing.

Then 1 day a friend called me & we were just chattin on the phone & she could hear it in the background. She's like, 'What the hell r u listenin 2? I thought u hated BSB!' I was like 'Weeeeellllll, this is a cool song. I decided they're ok'. And she's just like 'Ooooooooookkkkkkk then', like I was going crazy or somethin. (Later she heard the song tho, now she likes BSB 2, even if she's not quite as obssessed with them as me.)

So newayz 1 day I was bored so I took the song 'Larger Than Life' off repeat & listened 2 the whole CD. And OMG! I WAS SOOOOOOOO IN LUV WITH IT! OK actually u could even say I bcame obsessed with it. I listened 2 BSB only, whenever I was @ home. I even kept the cd on @ night - I found I could sleep better with it on. I really liked the song 'Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely' alot 2. I once kept that song on repeat 4 a whole day & night.

By now every1 I knew was getting a little annoyed with me (even my friends). I mean most of them think, 'BSB is ok, but enough is enough'. That really pissed me off, (I mean they R supposed 2 b my friends, right? Y the hell r they dissin me just bcuz I like BSB?)but newayz I just kept talkin about & listening 2 BSB practiaclly non-stop.

Next thing I knew I had bought a BSB poster & hung it on my bedroom door. Actually, 2 b honest, I convinced my dad 2 buy me the poster by telling him it was a horse poster that looked almost exactly like my horse. (This REALLY pissed him off bcuz he thinks BSB is like heathen or something just bcuz they sing pop, not christian, music).

Newayz, this was just the beginning. Pretty soon my walls were filling up! BSB was all over my room. And I bought their other CD, which I LUVED as much as 'Millennium'. I also bought every magazine with BSB on the cover, spent as much time as possible on the internet sites about BSB lerning about them as ppl & about their career, & bought a few BSB t-shirts.

Some ppl were beginning 2 think I was crazy, and that all I liked in the whole world was BSB. Some of my friends started 2 not like me that much, but that was fine by me. I met alot of ppl that liked BSB, both near me & on-line. And a few of my old friends I converted in2 liking BSB, so that was all cool.

Then last year I moved my horse 2 a new barn, & the owner's granddaughter liked BSB as much as I do! We became great friends instantly. It was sooooo cool. Finally, some1 else that could never get sick of talking about BSB, and also loved my horse as much as I did!

In November when 'Black & Blue' came out, I skipped school and my mom took me 2 get the CD. (That's easy 4 me 2 do, bcuz I do corrospondence courses with a Florida based school instead of public school).

I now had 3 BSB CD's & I LUV them! If ppl were annoyed with me b4, now they were just plain pissed off, no questions asked. My sister started telling every1 I was 'weird' & all I like was BSB. So now every1 alwayz disses them 2 my face, sayin they're gay & shit, just 2 make me mad. Of course I DO get mad, but I guess that's ok.

This week from e-bay I just got 3 more BSB CDs with 54 new songs. ( I think some of these songs r released in different countries, I'm not sure). They're AWESOME! Even my sis like a few of 'em! So now I've been listening 2 those non-stop, learning all the lyrics.

OK I guess that's all 4 my story. My current BSB status is: 9 BSB CDs; 2 BSB videos; a whole room full of posters, magazines, folders, notebooks, and other BSB merchandise; and some t-shirts. And I still need 2 c them live & meet them. I really can't wait 4 that last part, I just know it's gonna b great! It's my greatest wish, & I know that someday it will come true, even if it takes a few years.

When your obsessed with bsb you

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Coral

you forget that one groups name N... what?

you have countless bsb stuff

everyone you come across knows your a HUGE bsb fan

you can recognize a bsb song within seconds

sometimes you think you hear someone say bsb but they didn't

you dream about them when you sleep

you can't talk after a bsb concert

your friends say "BSB is all you talk about isn't it?

you celebrate their birthdays

you listen to them alot

you watch them alot

you stare at their pictures

you have a crush on them

you care about them like you know about them personally

you support them through thick and thin

U Know Your Obsessed When...

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Tiffani

(1) You do have Wallpaper...BSB wallpaper that is!

(2) You have 4 or more disks filled to the maximum capacity of BSB pics. JUST PICS.

(3)You have 5 or more disks of your fave boy singing acapella...you may have the same wav. 6 times. But hey! ITS YOUR MAN FOR GOD SAKES!

(4) You cried when you found out that AJ went to Rehab, and also cried when you found out that Brian and Kevin were gettign married. And when Brian's dog was stolen..and all of the other times..


(5) Your parnets are afraid to enter your room beacause it seems like they're eyes follow you everywhere from the posters that are all over walls (See # 1).

(6) you strongly believe you and your destined bsb WILL meet, WILL fall in love, and MOST DEFINAtLY WILL get married.

(7) You already bought an engagement ring and said it was from him. LOL!

(8) You sign your name with his last name, and when people ask who's last name it is, You get extremly mad at them for not knowing who your husband is..

(9) You own every album including the imports, cd promos, singles, and ALL three of the BK cds.

(10) You bought all school untensls with BSB theme.

(11) You have his angelic face plastered all over your locker.

(12) You wouldnt talk to your best friend for a week for insulting your man.

(13) you and the Nsync fans at the your school have forme alliances against each other.

(14) You debate with a Justin Fan everday at Lunch about: who's eyes are bluer Justin's or Nick's?

(15) You refused to go to Spainish Class cuz she/he asked you who was pasted all of your locker. *sigh* how did they become teachers!?

(16) Your fave websites are Nsync hate sites, and hate BSB dissing sites.

(17) You love Whodaman! I KNOW I DO!

(18) You love ur man above all things EVEN CHOCOLATE, MEN, AND THE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!! *GASPS*

(19) you've stolen clumps of their grass from their yards and hide out in your room for a week thinking the cops would get ya!

Well if you reach 19, Im sorry to say that I know you. :)

Am I destined to marry a Backstreet Boy?

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Laura (Carter)

This is how to tell if you've finally convinced yourself that you are destined to marry a backstreet boy:

1.) You check if your horascope is compatable with any of the guys and make damn well sure it is.

2.) You check all the compatability quizzes online and on the BK cd-roms.

3.) You tell all your friends Nick, Howie, Brian, AJ, or Kevin secretly live in your house. (Nick lives in my hollowed out mattress)

4.) You have defended that whole "why they're not gay" thing with "Trust me, I would know!" >wink wink< more than a few times.

5.) You pick everything to their liking, (example: wearing green for Nick, and having urges for pizza) in hopes you may run into them unexpectedly.

6.) You refer to them in names you like, I call Nick "Nicky", after all if Howie can do it why can't I?

7.) You try to find every connection you have to them, let's see, my friend's friend's brother works at jive, and my other friend's uncle is a police offer around the arena.... you never know how you can meet and fall in love with them.

8.) You've convinced yourself that the car you just heard pulling up is MTV coming to take you to meet them because all your friends told them that your such a huge fan.

9.) As bad as you want to you won't paint your face for concerts anymore because you don't want to look like a total dork if they spot you out there.

10.) You've already decided on baby names for your first child together.

Heres what I have Not to much And Bot to Little....

Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: Rocio Castro

Over 300 pistures (only reg. pictures on my wall)

25 big posters

3 of the big big ones (the ones you get at Wal*Mart :-D)

10 shirts

1 Tank Top

4 Cd's

3 Singels

2 Cups

40 Real BSB pictures

11 Stickers

1 Book collection of BSB stickers (this apart from the 11 stickers)

5 Videos (I'll Be having more Real Soon)

1 Calendar

5 postcards

2 Tapes

1 Binder

1 Report on them 50/50

1 Milk add

1 AJ Key Chain

1 Big Big cologe (from tose science fair boards)

1 pen

1 Big pencil

1 Binder Full of BSB lyrics

10 Magazines and 3 Tv Guides

1 Tour Book (From Concert)

11 BSB zines ( That I made)


Date: Sep 17, 2001
Submitted By: sara


1.get conceret tickets to see them 8-31-01

2.get great seats i got 8th row it seemd like we were 4th row

3.scream when they come out and alomost pass out when you see how close you are

4.scream when brian blows a kiss to you that was so awsome when he did that.

5.own all thier cd's even imports

6.own over 100 mags with them

7.spend over 200 dollars at their concerts

8.vote for them all the time until your fingers become numb

9.listen to them before I go bed and when I wake up

10.e- mail has somthing to do with them

11.kiss all of them goodnight

12.ware a aj pin when he was in rehab did not take it off until the went back on tour

13.own over 5,000 posters with them

14.got a teddy bear and named it howie case howie is like a teddy nice and cuddly!

15.turn the radio up when their songs come on

16.got a protable cd player just so I could fall alsleep to their music

17.covered my walls so you can'r see them any more

18.pray for them so they will beb

19.was so happy when brian and kevin got married

20.howie winked at me during my concert

21.own close to 30 t-shirts with them

22.yell at dad when he made fun of aj for being in rehab

23.made a sign for howie but they would not let me in with at the concert=(

24.own over 20 somthing videos with

25.throw somthing at the tv when bsb are not number 1

26.cheer when they are number or if they win somthing

27.throw away pin-ups ect. with nsuck

28.was ery upset when bsb was not number one od the mtv trl summer condown (i think they rig everthing at mtv.)

29.reqested off from 6 months before bsb came to concert just my manger would give that day off =)

30.suport them in everthing they do

31. love to watch howie dance

32.hope one day I will marry howie he is so hot!

33.like howie's hair short cause you can see his sexy eyes now!

34.own all tourbooks

35.was sad when the concert ended =(

36.was happy to catch the confeti that touch howie's body =)


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