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Nashville TN concert

Date: Jun 28, 2001
Submitted By: Kellen

Just had to comment on Deb's review.

That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

Sounds to me like you wanted the boys to pay attention, and look at you and stuff.

Well news flash, they can't look and wave to EVERYONE in the audience.

They totally interacted with their fans.

Everytime I looked at them(which was the whole time), they were ALWAYS, ALWAYS, waving at someone, blowing kisses, winking, whatever. And as far as the family thing.

They don't see their family all the when their fam is at one of their concerts close to home, you bet their going mention them and wave to them and stuff.

And did you not hear when Brian was talking about being together for 8 years, and thanking us for bein' there?

And did you not see, when they were on their second stage, them touching and shaking fans hands?? and waving and stuff?

The music was was plenty loud enough. of course we would have liked it to have been louder...but we could hear fine.

It was a very good concert. Have you been to any other bands?? I've been to a couple others, and the BSB were much better. Always interacting with the fans.

And as far as not being in the number one spot...well, there is alot of competition going on. For one...there's NSYNC...they are really big right now. But BSB still has fans, and alot of em too.

Black and Blue Tour, Nashville, TN

Date: Jun 27, 2001
Submitted By: Camillya

Let's just start with the fact that I have been a fan of BSB since I was a freshman in high school (I am now a sophomore in college) and I have never had the pleasure of seeing them in concert. My mom surprised me with tickets for my birthday (she works for Gaylord, where the concert was held). THe concert was off the chain!! I have to give Krystal her props. She has an awesome voice. And I had no idea that Shaggy was that cute. Before BSB came out I tried to bribe my mom to get me backstage. No such luck. :( She was working and I couldn't find her. Just being at the concert was awesome enough!! Those guys really know how to put on a show!! Their outfits were awesome, by the way. And they had this second stage that was closer to the back of the audience. I had already heard that they were going to move to that stage though. A lot of people didn,t know this, but it was easy to figure out because when Kevin jumped in the "wardrode chest" he had on a blue shirt and when they showed him inside, he was wearing a white one. So it had to be pre-recorded. It was still awesome, nonetheless. "the Call" was the best song to me. They ticked the audience and said that was the last song but came back out and sang "Shape of my Heart". All of the guys saw me and waved (Kevin even imitated the way I was standing) except for AJ. :( I've always been partial to AJ and he didn't even notice me. Oh well. On the way back home afterwards I passed a tour bus and saw Howie sitting with the driver. He waved. Needless to say, it turned out to be an awesome birthday for me!! I recommend that anyone who has a chance to see them in concert to go. It's undescribable!! :):)

Nashville, TN @ Gaylord Entertainment Center on June 23rd

Date: Jun 27, 2001
Submitted By: Holly

My Story of the Black and Blue Tour

I had VERY good seats, but it wasn't front row. The weirdest part was when we were outside the concert cuz there was a AJ look alike that walked by me and he looked 89% like AJ! That was really weird, but he had a gf though. So that was too bad. It seemed like front row bcuz you know the part where they moved to another part of the arena to sing "Show me the meaning of lonely" and "How did i fall in love with you" well i was VERY close to Nick than. It was so cool.Nick SANG to me! All of the Boys waved to me! So I was very lucky. I'll send u pics that i took @ the concert. I also got this signed bear from them. They were passing around stuff animals to each other to sign aNd AJ was last to sign so he threw it to this lil 13 year old boy that was working there and the boy threw it out in the audience in a section behind mine. I was in Section 8. So, the boy was gonna throw out this Polar bear signed by BSB to the audience, but he saw me jump cuz he knew I was gonna try to catch it and so he looked at and smil

ed and threw it to me and I was very happy and I was like "THANKS SO MUCH"! Than I told my sister to take out the poster we made for a Backstage Pass contest, but we didn't win. So, we WERE gonna throw it away. She put it up in the air and NICK READ IT! So, we're gonna keep it for sure now. I could tell that Nick was reading it cuz he looked @ it and nod just a little. Letting me know that he was reading it. I held that bear the whole time I was there till I got home I put it in a safe area where no one would touch it. It was an amazing experience too. I got to meet Krystal. I took a VERY close picture of her and I shook her hand and thats about it. Well if you have time please email me your part of the story @ the BSB concert. That's all folks!



Nashville Tennessee

Date: Jun 27, 2001
Submitted By: Nickii

Saturday June 23rd was hands down the best day of my life. We stayed in the Hilton Suites, which was right across from the Gaylord Entertainment Center where Backstreet perfromed that night. It was true that Backstreet was staying there. They were right above us!!!! I was up really late after the concert and I could hear them talking to eachother. It was awesome!! They were waving at fans from their window on the top floor when everyone was lining up outside for the concert. We met Ananda Lewis and Eddie George in the Eddie George Sports Grill a few horus before the concert which was awesome. Before the concert, Krystal was outside judging a poster contest so we got to meet her there and also meet her at the autograph signing after her protion of the concert. She was the best female singer I've ever heard!!!!! Shaggy was awesome also. He got the crowd all hyped up and made a really big mess with all the glitter. It took them 30 minutes to clean it up hehe. My friend and I got the wave started that went all the way around the stadium. We also got everyone to chant "Backstreet Boys Backstreet Boys" until the lights dimmed. Everyone went crazy when they did. The taped skits were as funny as crap!!!! My fave was the one when it was 2050 and they were really old,but it was funny when A.J. was running around in his underwear on the other one. When they were on the mini stage I yelled "I love you Nick!!!" and he replied with,"I love you too babe."The girls in front of me just glared at me caue they had been trying to get his attention all night hehehe. We were screaming for Brian and he turned around and pointd and waved to us. We also shouted for Kevin but he just looked at us with his arms crossed hehe. Everyone started to leave after they finished "The Call" so we moved closer for the last song. That was the best day of my life......not to bad for my first concert.If you wanna talk about the concert or BSB just e-mail me...or if you hve AIM,IM me. My s/n is nickiibabi.=)

June 23rd Nashville, TN concert

Date: Jun 27, 2001
Submitted By: Kellen

I attented the June 23rd concert in Nashville, TN. And lemme tell ya....IT ROCKED!!!!

Honestly, I didn't think it would be that good.

I knew I was going to have a ton of fun, but I didn't think the actual concert was going to be good.

I was a huge *NSYNC fan, and I didn't think they could top *NSYNC...but I was dead wrong. The difference between the BSB concert and the two NSYNC concerts I went to was the energy. BSB had much more engery!! Always waving blowing kisses, talking, etc.

Anyway, enough about that.

They opened with "Everyone" and went into "Larger Than Life", and then "Not For Me"! after that...I don't remember the exact order.

But it was well worth the money!!

As everyone already knows, they went out on another stage at the other end of the Arena. I was in between both stages, so I had good seats the whole time!! (I was in section 105!!!)

I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen their show yet....but if your prepared to scream you head off, have a AWESOME time, and watch 5 good lookin' guys!!

especially Kevin...DANG THAT GUY IS HOTT!!!!

Too bad he's married!!

I highly recommend going to see them!!

I wish they were coming to town again!!!

Nashville, Tn 062301 Concert

Date: Jun 27, 2001
Submitted By: Deb

Nashville, Tn concert review

Krystal's concert: This is really the first time I saw her really do a performance. I listened to the Wango Tango thing but my picture never came through. But this gal can sing. Let me correct that, this girl can perform, she was magnificent. She didn't dance and throw her body around for all to drool over, and she didn't wear these skimpy out fits that seem to be so popular these days. She has a rare talent and she doesn't need these other things to try to make herself look great, she just has to sing and play her piano and she was great. She also had a great rapor with the audience. She was seen talking to and hugging fans before and after the show and I mean all fans, not just little girls dressed in next to nothing, looking like they were in their 20's trying to get noticed ( and picked out of the crowd by Nick for a after concert whatever), or not just handicapped people(which I agree is real nice) or kids who won something from a local radio station, please no comments about this just read on and you will understand my statements about this later. All I can say is I wish for Krystal the kids of today learn to appreciate what real talent is , there is a lot of these performers now that have a good voice but a lot of their popularity is wearing as little as possible and shaking their bodies in suggestive ways forgetting a lot of their fans are very young very impressionalble kids which I think is why the kids of today now wear clothing looking like a bunch of streetwalkers, and why parents let them I will never know . Anyways Krystal was great and I will buy her cd when it comes out and if ya'll out there never heard her or saw her, you are missing out so do yourselves a favor and give this gal a listen!

Shaggy's Concert: What can I say , I always liked Shaggy but now I love him. He was great too, he had the audience singing, dancing and yelling and just having a great time, (this is one of the things the BSB need to have more rehersals on and review some of their old concerts on how they used to get an audience going) Anyways , Shaggy was great, He interacted with the crowd every song, he didn't let us sit down at all and everyone was into it, anyone that tried to sit soon had to stand up caz hey everyone else was so they would be looking like idiots if they just sat there. Everyone was so sweaty when he got done but wow, everyone was pumped for the BSB to do theirs.

Now I am sitting here thinking about the review I have promised to write about the BSB concert I just attended in Nashville, Tn. I am supposed to write about the concert and anything that might have happened that was different or funny or whatever, something great and telling how wonderful they were and stuff a BSB or a fan is gonna want to hear. I have read a lot of other reviews on this concert from fans and others that have said just about opposite of what I am about to write because I ,and a lot of others I talked to after the concert, felt as if we missed out on something, we were disappointed because this concert just wasn't what we thought it should be. Now I have to ask what did all these others see that we didn't, they say they saw all the boys interacting with the fans in the crowd well I guess they did with some, but hey just read this and see what we saw and I am telling you now it was a great concert but to me and a lot of others it was missing something, and I am sitting here thinking about what I am really feeling, what my daughter(14) and a lot of other fans of all ages that I spoke to after the concert were feeling. What we were really feeling and it makes me think of a question that has been going around about why the BSB are losing fans, why aren't they as popular as they used to be, and their own question as to why the B&B cd and tour just aren't doing as well as they thought it would. (though the cd sales are in the millons) but I recently heard AJ stating that they were unhappy with the cd and it just wasn't what they though it would be, like they are unhappy with it (I personally love it, but then I love everything they do, but then I am just a fan what do I know. Anyways, it's like they are wondering what is wrong , what is missing! Well , I don't know if they will ever read this or even if they will care, or if I am even right about what I am about to write but this is a review about my own personal feelings and those from my 14 year old daughter and a lot of disappointed BSB fans that I talked to after the concert the other night. And whats funny is that it wasn't a bad concert, but still there was just something missing but what? Well I had all these thoughts from the other fans we had spoke to, my daughter's thoughts , and having my own feelings of disappointment plus I had a long 300 plus mile drive home to think about it, but when we arrived home I still had not come up with the answer, so I was so bewildered by this feeling , I just had to figure it out, so I put on one if their old videos, The Homecoming , it always makes me feel better, in fact it's the one that first got me interested into being a BSB fan, well I put it on and watched it, and I found the answer to my question. Now ya'll can read this review and think I am making to much about it , you can get mad about it or just ignore it, because this is just my point of view on what is missing from the BSB. Maybe its the answer that they are looking for who knows? But, I am still a BSB fan as I love the music but I am also an honest person and the truth never hurt anyone, it might sting a little bit, but , well you know, well here this is my honest review, it will be a little different from most reviews as I am going to tell it in a story starting from the beginning of our journey so that you will understand why so many fans were left with such a disappointed feeling the day after the concert and I just bet a lot of others out there feel the same way.

I drove a little over 300 miles arriving the day before the concert so we'd be there to welcome the BSB when they arrived. The BSB had been sounding like they were down in the mouth lately about cd sales and everyone knows they are just not in the number one spot anymore and we all know they must be feeling bad about it so we just decided to be there to show them how much we loved them and they were still number one with us. A lot of other fans had also arrived early as they had the same feelings we did. The early morning of the concert the buses and trucks were already there at the Gaylord Entertainment center's parking lot and the trucks were emptying their contents into the center. There was a lot of fans near the buses all hoping that they would at least get a wave from one or more of the boys. The fans stayed there for hours, by the way our room was over looking the center and we could see the buses from there so we pretty much knew when the buses arrived and just how long the fans stayed. And they stayed all morning but finally gave up and left to walk around town hoping to run into the boys in places like the Hard Rock Cafe (which is a great place and if you ever go ask to be seated at Lisa's table) or Planet Hollywood. This is what we did. We walked around just knowing the BSB (who did not have another performance for a couple of days after the Nashville one) would maybe be wanting to get around Nashville (which is a very interesting and friendly place) and maybe see their fans that they always say they love so much. All of us fans(of all ages) talked and made plans to find them and it was really fun. But we never found them. We gave up and most went back to their hotels to get ready for the concert, but we walked by the buses first and here came 3 other buses, now we got to thinking that all the time we were looking they weren't even here, it kind of got us a little disgusted that we were such fools. But we never saw anyone get off the buses so we went back to our rooms and watched. There was a small crowd of fans in front of the center with all their signs trying to win a contest for best poster and to try to win a chance to go back and meet the boys, now here is my first question, "Why should you have to enter a contest to get to go back and meet the boys?" Why do only a select few get the honors? What about the rest of us? They used to let people know when they were arriving and sign or at least wave to their fans that had arrived early to show their love and support. But then that was as the boys themselves say "Back in the day!" Well we watched the events going on from my window. And I won't even go into what happened about that. The people outside there know. But anyways about 5 or 5:30 a black bus drove past the unknowing crowd. I knew it was them. I had forgot about the black bus, somone had told me they usually arrived on, hey I am getting senile I guess, but anyways there it was. I guess they were curious as to how many people were there. It was not a big crowd by far, not what they used to draw. Not what they draw overseas when the arrive in buses with actual windows you can see them in and they actually wave and blow kisses and show the fans they love them and appreciate them. But then overseas they let the fans know when they are coming, and they don't hide from them, they don't sneak in and out of town like they are afraid we are actually going to see them and then they will what? Have to take time out of their busy schedule to stop and sign autographs? I know they don't have time for this but hey that is what being famous is,isn't it? If they are so pushed for time that they can't spend some of it with their fans, the fans that have put them where they are now, put them in their nice big houses, in their nice fancy cars, need I go on? Anyways if they are so pushed for time then I suggest the next time to either not do so many concerts so close together. Instead of trying to break some kind of money making record or do a world tour in record time, just spread them out. Give us , the fans what we want, to see the BSB and not just up on a stage for an hour and a half. And to give themselves a break from all the rushing around, slow down boys we will wait for you to get to our town if we know you are going to give us a little more time than a few hours. The boys used to be like this,'Back in the day'. But now , well lets get into the concert. The concert basically was good, I will not say it was great because like I said before , there was something missing. I don't know what all the other concerts have been like, but I have heard some comments from others that have told of things they saw, things that I saw and others I talked to afterwards saw at this concert, and still that something missing. But lets just tell about the concert first. The BSB sang and danced great as usual, they are gifted there is no denying that. It is what you are supposed to be going to a concert for anyways, the music, right, but hey don't tell a BSB fan this, they want more, but then aren't they owed it, look at the BSB and what they have due to our loyalty. They are not just stars they are superstars, they were number one for how long, number one until recently and then what happened, we just get back to the question about what the hell is missing? Well let me just go on with my views, like I was saying the boys were great, the band was great and the dancers were great. But the band was a little to loud , some songs you could hear them and not the singing BSB so it was kind of like, "Hey guys sing a little louder, OK" And well the dancers were great, but if you ask any BSB fan if they even watched the dancers for more than a minute the answer will be no.And anyways we don't go to see the dancers, we go to see the boys. And it seems when the dancers are on stage the boys pay more attention to fooling with them than the audience. Well not Brian caz Leighanne and a lot of his family was there sitting just to my left, so he pretty much behaved throughout the concert. He was his usual funny self, which everyone loved but he really needs a lesson in what is funny and what is cruel to a BSB fan for example:during one song they tore one of their sleeves off and threw them out into the audience and Brian was making like he was going to throw his to one girl who was excitedly screaming her fool head off and trying to grab fot it but at the last minute he threw it to the side to someone else and made a face like, ha ha you thought I was gonna throw it at you,at the poor girl who thought she was going to get it. I wonder if he knew how bad he hurt this young girl, I know he probably thought he was being funny and cute, but he really wasn't, I am sure this girl is still heartbroken. And a lot of the concert he spent over in front of his family, hey it was great for us because thats where we were, but I had to think what about the rest of the crowd? He did go back and forth and do his little waves at little children (mostly) One thing I didn't see him do I heard he had been doing at most the concerts she is at is sing to her most of the concert, he did sing to her a little but not a lot and I mean hey its his wife right. But one thing that did disturb me about her, and I don't mean to critisize her(but remember I am a mother) and she is supposed to be such a christian, I mean doesn't Brian brag all the time how they read Bible verses to each other all the time and are just so religious, and how he tells he likes women dressing so they don't show off to much of themselves and leave something to the imagination, well people, I hate to tell you but she just don't dress like any southern Baptist young lady I ever saw, I am sure she is a nice person, and I really have no right to critisize her except that I like I just stated am a mother of a very impressionable teenager in a time where it seems to be telling everyone its ok to go around dressed like some street hooker and then people wonder why so many young people are getting in trouble , but now thats off the subject, but anyways she has got to realize she is a role model and she has young girls wanting to be like her and their parents in the audience were looking at her in shock at what she was wearing, it was a pink dress that was like 2 sizes to small and just about covered her torso, but hey all the dads in the audience near us couldn't take their eyes off her. But I guess thats her business, and I don't let my daughter dress like that anyways. I heard a lot of the people around me saying to their kids OMG that is Brians wife? I told some of them she was an actress and I guess they just dressed like that and they just gave me a funny look and I realized how stupid an answer it was I gave, but well enough of that I know she has the right to dress the way she wants (but hey if you don't want to be critisized by others don't say one thing and do another and get out of the business) Oh and I have to say one more thing I have heard her saying(other famous people have said it too but this is not about them) anyways about their privacy that she says people are always barging in on, like when her and Brian are trying to eat out or enjoy going out or something and a fan comes up to them and wants an autograph or a picture and they get mad,but hey, I wish the next time a fan bothers them eating or something they need to stop and think of the nice house they are in ,and the nice car they drive, and the nice life they live, if they don't want the fans bothering her, then they need to get out of the business they are in as this is just a part of it, just like any other job it has its quirks so I guess us bothersome fans are the quirks of being famous. Anyways Brians mom was sitting there a few rows in front of Leighanne and well I guess I am being to oldfashioned. Lets move on to the others, well lets take Kevin,well he got a Kentucky hat given to him and he put it on and then apologized and took it off out of respect fot Tennssee he said. Hey Kev, we aren't like that! A Tennessee fan gave it to him so why would we do that if we thought it would insult us if he wore it? But then he went on to say that there was a lot of his family and friends in the audience and he wanted to give a big hello to them, once again I am left with , what about us, the regular fans? Otherwise Kevin is great and I have to say something about his voice and I have heard him in person as I went to the Millenium concert also, but (and I am sure everyone knows this) Kevin has a great voice and I think he needs to sing lead more or something I love all their voices but him and Howie need more time. Now let me get on to AJ and Howie, they were the only ones to raise their arms and swing them back and forth to try to get the audience going but that was just for one song, and didn't last , and AJ did his "Oh what a buch of lovely ladies in the audience tonight" , for a few minutes getting the crowd a little excited and thinking they were going to start to make us dance and jump up and down and scream, but it never happened. And I knew Howie was a good dancer but he shook his well you know a few times and got the crowd a little interested but then it stopped. And after a skit on them being old(that was pretaped and really quite funny and the audience loved it) well they appeared on the small stage that was in the center of the floor and sang "How Did I Fall in Love With You" which is my favorite, and they sang it so beautifully and actually did a little waving into the crowd here. The they sang "Time" and walked over the catwalk which was so high up, back to the main stage , I thought the cat walk was so they could get close to their fans, I thought they would reach down and touch hands here and get our little gifts and whatever, but the catwalk was so high that one girl threw a toy basketball another fan had to toss it to Brian. Well we had some rather large fans sitting between us and the catwalk so we never made it near there. My daughter had bought some little stuffed animals when we first got the tickets(months ago) just so she could throw them to the boys , two of the things were blue UK stuffed widcats , and ahe just knew Brian and Kevin would love them. I told her to wait til the boys got near us, as they were looking to each side just about everywhere, I told her when they looked at us to hold them up and maybe someone would give the toys to them. So she waited, and nothing,they looked everywhere but to where we were sitting, I swear they did, they walked to each side and waved to a few and then went on and just kind of walked past us, maybe if she had been a little kid or a girl wearing next to nothing like the girls that were standing on the first level just to the left of us and right in front of the Littrell family which is where Nick spent most of his night. OH yes lets get on to Nick, he used to be my daughters favorite, and also the favorite of the teens I talked to after the concert that had also witnessed what I am about to tell, and I have heard a lot of rumors from others about this happening and I know he is a young man but he has got to realize he is in the public eye and if he wants to remain in a number one postion he needs to learn what the term being discrete is. And he was far from disrete this night. And I mean the BSB are wanting to know what they are doing wrong, well like it or not this is just another of the problems, and like I said before I have heard a lot of stories about Nick and one girl we were with this night told of what she saw after the Atlanta concert she had just seen and had run into Nick in an elevator of the hotel she was staying at, well he knows what he was doing so I won't go into that but he needs to learn that disrete thing. But anyways this is what happened at the Nashville concert that I saw with my own eyes and was sitting very close to the girls. These girls all young (about 16-17) blonde, cute, and very tan, especially the one he' picked' out for whatever, well he was spending a lot of time dancing in front of them and doing his thing and I could see Brian's mom's face not looking to happy about it(Oh a lot of Brian's younger cousins were with her) and I am just guessing at the reason but it was so obvious at what was happening and I am guessing she was as disgusted at Nick as evryone else that could see what was going on, but anyways a security guard came to the girl and asked her to follow him down to the floor and she talked with him and he wrote something down(name, phone number , what I really don't know but I did have a friend sitting right in back of the girls and she said when she came back to her friends she was telling them something about Nick so you put it all together and what do you think it was about. And once again I know he deserves his privacy but when he is in the middle of a concert the last thing a Nick lover wants to see is him flirting openly with a teenager that is wearing very little clothing. But anyways Nick paid most of his attention to either performing in front of her or dancing with the BSB dancers or with the band. I mean they all did their usual routine dances and singing to the audience, and like I said they mainly waved cute little hello's to little kids, and girls wearing next to nothing, but what about the regular fans? And back to there was still something missing. The same something that is missing from the B&B cd, and I love the cd but then I am an older fan and love the ballards but I also love the what I call make me wanna party songs. And this is what is missing. I think the BSB need to watch Shaggy , I mean he interacted WITH the crowd EVERY song! He had us singing and dancing and swaying our arms and jumping up and down, he had us wore out by the time the BSB were coming out and we thought we would get the same from them, but it never came. And it was a big let down. Like I said the concert, as far as the singing and the visual effects in the backgroiund, which I have firgot to mention were great and the beginning was powerful! But they never really got the audience going like they used to. Like in the video I just got through watching where I have found what was missing. They need to go back and look at how they were 'back in the day' when they would jump up and down and scream for us to swing our arms or jump up and down, scream or sing or whatever just so we would feel the energy of the music, feel the energy of the BSB. The day whwen there was no dancers to draw their attentioin away from the audience which is the reason they are doing the concerts anyways, right? I wish they'd watch The Homecoming video, especially the song "Get Down , and We've Got It Going On" and of course, Backstreet's Back, Those are party songs that you can feel the energy of the song and of the BSB, and that is how the BSB used to get us going, that is... 'back in the day.'. But now for the ending of the concert well it ended with them acting like"The Call" was the last song and a lot of people started to leave but then they came back for" Shape of my heart", afterwards we went to outside to the back of the center where we knew they would be coming out of an under ground tunnel the black bus had gone into. (remember I could see a lot from my hotel room) They had spent a little time with a handicapped fan(which is nice) But once again , what about us? The regular fans? Anyways we just knew they were going to come out and maybe spend some time hanging around Nashville and maybe we'd get an autograph and I would get a chance to get an autograph on the Jive Jacket of Brian's I had bought at an auction for his Healthy Heart for Kids charity a few months ago that was not autographed (which I was kind of disappointed about as I thoought they signed everyting they auctioned off but then hey maybe that was back in the day too.Anyways we all thought that this was when the BSB would make a little time for us, the regular fans, but once again we were wrong. We stood there and watched as the bus pulled out of the tunnell and all traffic was stopped and it drove past us in such a hurry that it was like they didn't want us to even be there! They just wanted to get away from us. It left us all feeling like hey , What are we? Is this how they show their love for us , their regular fans, by sneaking in and out of town so fast. They are not like this over seas and here they have their meets and greets with those lucky few that win contest or are handicaped, but what about us regular fans? The ones that have put them in their fancy houses and cars and clothes! What about us? Now like I said before this is just my opinion I got from my own feelings and from the conversations I had with other fans after the BSB concert. And don't email me and say oh they have their right to their privacy or oh they are tired or whatever trying to make excuses for them, that is for people that lead a normail life and have a normal job and like I said before they do not have a normal job and the lives they lead are what they have chosen knowing full well what it would be like to be a superstar, but then we pay them very well. look at what they live in and what they drive and wear. Didn't the fans pay for that so please don't tellme about them deserving privacy(I know they deserve it but hey that is one of the things you lose when you want to be rich and famous and if you don't like it then do what other people do when they don't like their job, find another one, forget who it was that put you in the nice seat your in ) The fans spend a lot of money and time on them to show we love them, and isn't this what they want?and aren't they wanting to know what is missing and why are they losing so many fans, well this is just my views on what is missing and what is wrong, and maybe I am wrong , maybe they don't want the love and attention anymore maybe they just want to be regular singers and not super stars anymore well if thats the case then I guess I need to just shut up and I will , so byz. ps my daughter and I are still BSB fans, but disappointed ones. And we are going to the St Louis concert and I hope it is better than this one. I hope they find what is missing and fix it.

Nashville, TN from a fan

Date: Jun 26, 2001
Submitted By: Elizabeth

Hello to everyone who will read this. I attended the BSB concert on Saturday June 23rd in Nashville, TN. Let me start off by saying, I am a huge N Sync fans so the BSB concert had to be awesome to top N Sync. My 2 friends and I got seats on about the 25th row. We were so excited. Krystal and Shaggy opened. Between the two Krystal signed autographs and i got my picture with her. Shaggy was awesome...but BSB. They came on stage about 9:30. the opened with Everyone. The costumes were great. they sang songs from the debut album, millenium, black and blue, and some songs I had never heard before. I knew there was going to be a small stage before I got to the concert so I asked around in BSB chatrooms to see when they went to the small stage so I could be one of the fiurst ones there. Well a girl said after they get in the blue box and as soon as I saw that blue box, I ran back there. The security guards mad us sit down but we just walked around near by. when they got on the small stage i was so close. Kevin touched some people hands, but i wasn't that lucky. I had snuck in two cameras and one with a special zoom, so I got some good pics. Then the bridge came down and some people had silly string and sprayed it on the guys. Then a girl threw a can to nick and they got in a fight. It was soooo funny. they all looked so hott and it was truly an amazing show except for the phsycos in front of me and beside "the call" was awesome and then they said they had to go. they left the stage but then came back out and sang "Shape of my heart". Overall it was amazing anf worth the $104.25. Thanks


Nashville, Tennessee concert

Date: Jun 26, 2001
Submitted By: Kelly

I went to the Nashville concert. Let me tell you, it rocked. The opening acts were Krystal and Shaggy(of course). Krystal was amazing that night. She said that she was going to be signing autographs that night between section 106 and 107. I immediatley went up to get her autograph. Me and my friend were the last ones to get a picture taken with her. She was so sweet and nice. I didn't really get to see Shaggy because I was still waiting in line to meet Krystal, but I did get back in time to hear two songs that I liked of his: "Angel" and "It Wasn't Me".

After about thirty minutes the lights went down and everyone started screaming. I started to jump up and down and scream beside my seat, which was in section 3. They played all my favorite songs so of course I sang along. At the beginning of the show when the guys were up there one by one talking to the fans, a fan threw something that she made that looked like Kevin up on stage. Kevin picked it up and said "Is there a resemblance?" That was cute. They showed this interview that they were going to do in 2050. It was so funny to see them old like that. Brian had his basketball in that of course. During "Time" the bridge went down and they started to walk across. All of them saw me and smiled or waved. I was about to die when they did that. I started crying and everything. It was one awesome night. I wish that I could go back in time and see it all over again. Everyone needs to go see this concert. It is totally slammin'.

Nashville, Tennessee June 23rd Concert

Date: Jun 25, 2001
Submitted By: Carolyn

The concert in Nashville was wonderful. I'm an "older" fan. My daughter, Karen, and I made a day of it. We went out to dinner at Hard Rock Cafe; then we went to the Gaylord Entertainment Center. People were milling all around outside the center. It was so exciting! We happened to glance up at the Hilton Hotel windows (next to Gaylord), and we say AJ and Brian wave to us. The concert itself was awesome, and the Boys were in fabulous voice. They were so full of energy - it was just so much fun. I liked Krystal and Shaggy, but Shaggy's portion of the concert was TOO LONG. Finally, the guys came out, and we were thrilled by the special effects and by THEM. They were so warm and fun-loving. At one point, we were almost close enough to tough them. What a great evening we had. The Backstreet Boys know how to treat their fans!!


Nashville, TN June 23, 2001

Date: Jun 25, 2001
Submitted By: Beth Goins

I won a contest from a local radio station. They gave me second row center seats. It was so awesome! Krystal and Shaggy really got the crowd pumped, but when BSB came out the crowd was so hyped. During the show I caught Nick's guitar pic. I was so happy. I got awesome pictures from the show. They really give all they got to the fans on this tour. The whole night on was on the edge of going crazy. AJ and Nick really know how to win a girl's heart. I have to say the dances are awesome. The best part was when they show them in their dressing room. AJ was swinging around in his underwear. He is so HOT! He showed us his new tatoo. It is his new nickname. The crowd was so loud that I missed what it was. This tour is a must see!

Nashville, TN

Date: Jun 25, 2001
Submitted By: Jen

Hi ya'll! Let me just tell you that last night was the best night of my life. I just recently moved from New York down to Tennessee and was so upset because at the time the boys weren't going to be anywheres near me, but when I got the news of them coming here I was so psyched =) I didn't get really close seats, but I was in section 119, so it wasn't bad. I went to the show with my boyfriend Bryan, extra brownie points for him haha =) The show was soooo amazing. Everything about it was just great, I especially loved the flames being thrown at the stage, that was so cool. And of course BSB rocked!! I was so impressed at how many songs they sang, I kept thinking oh my I hope this never ends, and it seemed like it didn't. It was great. The best was when they came out on the second stage, they were just so close to me, and I knew it was coming and all but it still startled me, and I started screaming so loud, and I swear Nick looked right at me because I was the only one around me swinging my blue light haha =) I could go on and on about how great the show was, but I just want everyone to get out and go see one of there shows, even if your not a fan, you will have a blast =) I know I did =)

Nashville, TN concert Jne 23rd, 201

Date: Jun 25, 2001
Submitted By: Hannah Moody

Hold on while i scream one more time. Let me start from the begining. The radio station in our city was having this contest called Backsreet on Your Street. You had to decorate your house, and if you did it the best, you got a pair of front row seats.. I WON! They called me while i wa vacationing in Florida! It was great. I'd already won another pair of tickets, so I gave those to my friends and me and my mom went front row. When we got there, we about died because our seats were mere feet from the stage. Krysal came out and ROCKED. That girl can flat out sing and she got the crowd moving. Then Shaggy came out and he and his gang are adorable. He smiled at the two girls next to me grooving. It was cute. Then we waited for what seemed like forever.. and then the lights dropped.

Me and the two girls next to me, just happened to see this cracked curtain beneath the stage, and we saw AJ putting on his bandana! And Nick putting on his mic. We SCREAMED for them, but explosions (which were REALLY hot that close) had begun to go off. Then they came out and started. As the opening number started, I saw Leighanne coming from backstage!! She was walking right in front of me and i screamed her name, and she turned and wave. She was with Krytal. Later,when she came back towads the end, I stopped her and she took a picture with me! It was great. The boys were AMAZING. Brian totally made tons of faces for my Mom's camera, and stuck his tounge out at me in the first number. Kevin and Howie played our side of the stage a lot. Howie gave me the funniest look when he saw me dancing my heart out, then smiled and kept watching me during the third or so song. I got TONS of pictures. When the boys were in the back, on the round stage, AJ's mom came around front like Leighanne had, and I stopped her also for a picture. They turned out great! Later, AJ came around was making the funniest face towards us. It was so cute. At the very end of the show, when the guys slowly sink into the ground, Nick was on my end and as he dissapeared, I got his eyes. He gave me this wicked grin through the smoke, winked, then disappeared. I about wet myself. ANYWAY. The contest I won comes with another pair of tickets to a concert in OHIO, so thats gonna be great. We shot five rolls of film,and if anyone who went would like to see some pics, you can email me at It was SO amazing, and I'm not sure I'll ever be able to top it. KTBSPA, and show love always. XOXO Hannah Moody, Nashville TN

Nashville,TN, June 23, 2001

Date: Jun 25, 2001
Submitted By: amanda

This was an amazing show! I was like in the 26th row, right behind steph, and her friend jon and her other friend, (who provided great entertainment, let me tell you =). and yes, in case u didn't believe her, keven actually has her hat. it was an amazing show. krystal was awesome. that girl can sing! and shaggy was really good too. got the crowd hyped up for bsb! and of course bsb was amazing. i lost my voice by the second song 'not for me'. it was great! if you can, everyone needs to go and see bsb.

Nashville, TN

Date: Jun 25, 2001
Submitted By: Sarah

Well the concert last night at the Gaylord was so incredible that I can't think of any other word to describe it! I was sitting with my friend in the 5th section, 5th row on the floor and we had awesome seats! Last year I was in Section 114 and it was in the round so they weren't that great. But this year EVERYTHING was perfect!!! The opening acts first of all got me hoarse they were sooo good! Krystal has a fabulous voice and Shaggy, well he's THE Mr. Lover!!! He looked so hot and he and his group of guys were soooo great! My favorite of his songs was "Angel" when they brought that LUCKY girl out on the stage and sang to her! That was soo sweet!

Ok on to the IMPORTANT part! The Boys started at about 9:20 after about a 30 minute break to set the stage. The fans in Nashville are sooo great! There were these three fans in the middle on the floor section who got the ENTIRE stadium to stand up and do the wave!!! It was sooo much fun! Then we all started to chant "Backstreet Boys! Backstreet Boys" And then the lights went out and the screams were deafening! They began with "Everyone" and then "Larger Than Life". It was awesome with all the fire and sound effects!!! They continued to get the crowd excited throughout the whole show by singing all the hits. My favorite part though was when they let the bridge down from the top of the Arena and set it right above the crowd! They were singing "Time" during this. The lady beside me was nice enough to let me and my friend move into her seats for this song so we could be RIGHT next to the bridge. They started across one by one. As soon as AJ, the first one across got in front of me, my heart stopped because I realized just how close they were!!! I went into a frenzy then! And then Nick crossed the bridge and a fan was squrting him with Silly Foam stuff and he told her to throw it up so she did and he started to spray it at us! Then Brian, my favorite, started to come across. First he went to the other side and sang where I couldn't see him. Then he was directly in front of me. Well, I was determined that Brian was going to see me so I climbed up on my chair (I had done this once before and had already got told to get off) and started to wave my hands frantically! He saw me and smiled and immitated me! He waved to me and laughed!!! It was a dream come true and that's not all. I was wearing a pink shirt with two turtle kissing and one was a pink turtle and the other was a blue one and there was hearts coming off of them. Well, after Brian stopped laughing, I pointed to my shirt to the Boy turtle and then pointed to him and to me! This cracked him up! It was absolutely the best night of my life!!!! I was sooo happy! The backstreet Boys are wonderful entertainers and it's apparent now that they would do anything to get closer to their fans! All of you who haven't seen them yet, you are in for the night of your lives!

June 23, 2001--Nashville, TN

Date: Jun 24, 2001
Submitted By: Shannon

Well, last night I had the honor of watching the Backstreet Boys' Black & Blue show from the 5th row on the floor at Nashville's Gaylord Entertainment Center! I still can't believe I was so close! The concert was AMAZING, even better than I expected it to be! Let me tell ya, going into the concert, Brian was my favorite, but now I have to say that NICK ROCKS!!! He was on my side most of the time, and I kind of gave a little wave during one of the slow songs at the beginning of show, and I swear to God, HE WAVED BACK AT ME!!! I know he was!!! I was the tallest person on my row, and there was a little bitty girl sitting in front of me, so I know he could see me and everything!!! Being tall has its advantages! Oh my God, and it gets even better...during "Shining Star", Nick was looking RIGHT AT ME the whole time during his verse! He was TOTALLY singing to me!!! WOW!!! I know I'm rambling on and on about Nick, but the other guys were wonderful too. They all made eye contact with me and stuff except for Brian. But hey, I'm NOT complaining!!! I'm just so sad that it's over now...I hope my pictures turn out well. I'm gonna cry if they don't. Anyway, I hope that everyone has a chance to see a show on the Black & Blue Tour. You'll have a blast, no matter where your seats are. :)

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