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Date: Dec 07, 2000 London went BSB crazy when the boys jetted in for a flying visit, squeezing in a signing at Virgin Megastore in Piccadily Circus and an appearance on Smash Hits TV. They also invited a few British mates to a press conference.... Q: Westlife say you're legends, any advice for them? Nick: That's an amazing compliment, cos we don't think of ourselves as legends. I really like their music. If they keep working hard, stay together and stay true to their music they'll keep on doing well. Q: Kevin wins all the Mr Sexy awards in America, but who's the most popular in other countries? AJ: It depends on which country it is. Howie's got a bigger following than the rest of us in the Latin countries, and a lot of the soul sisters maybe like me more. And just about everyone likes that little crap-poop-head over there (pointing at Nick!) cos he's the young one with the all-american look. Now Brian and Kevin are married, no-one likes them anymore...Just kidding! Q: What's the most insane thing a fan's ever done to get close to you? AJ: For me, it always goes back to Brazillian people... Nick: I don't know, man. What about Argentina? They like to tip over buses. AJ: This girl was banging on the window of our van so hard she cracked the glass right by Kevin's face and Kevin just touched it and it busted and fell all on his lap. We looked around and there were five girls chasing us on one moped. It's scary cos it gets dangerous and we don't want any fans to get hurt. And WE don't want to get hurt! Q: Do you ever annoy each other? Howie: Oh yes! AJ: Sometimes Nicky and Kevin have their moments. Nick's the worst with Howie-he annoys him and Howie tries to, like, stay calm and adult. But when it gets to the 30th time, you're gonna retaliate. You can't put those two together. But Howie always wins though cos Nick just goes "Ahh, Howard!" Nick: (In squeaky voice) Ahh, Howieeee-Howard!
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