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Date: Nov 22, 2000 When Backstreet Boys made a whistle-stop visit to the UK, they chose to speak exclusively to worldpop. Here, Nick, Kevin and Howie discuss their new album Black & Blue and their favourite UK memories in part one of this world exclusive interview … Brit invasion worldpop: Backstreet Boys were famous in the UK and Europe long before America discovered you. Do you have fond memories of this area of the world? Howie: Always. Nick: Yeah, I remember PJ and Duncan! Kevin: We toured with PJ and Duncan, we did the Smash Hits tour in '95; we've been all over this place. I remember PJ and Duncan had some hot dancers! Howie: We've eaten a lot of fish and chips - and we just had some recently as well. Nick: We did some theatre tours with a bunch of people at small little theatres, back in the days of East 17, Peter Andre, MN8, Eternal and we're still kicking it! Black & Blue worldpop: Your new album doesn't have your picture on the front cover. Was that to get away from the stereotype of a pretty boy band? Howie: It wasn't so much to try to get away from it; we just felt that this album didn't need a picture on it. It's titled Black & Blue so we've gone with that image, but there's a picture on the back of the album. It's not just to strike away from the whole stereotype as a boy band, but we are growing and we have creative ideas of our own now. worldpop: Are you worried that decision might affect sales, because your image is so well known? Kevin: If it effects sales, that's pretty sad. Our record company was battling with us on that. The artwork for the album inside has pictures; the album cover doesn't have to have a picture. Our fans know our music, and I think our fans want to hear the music. Same Old Brand New Website worldpop: What can fans expect from your new, revamped official website? Nick: We did a whole overhaul and redid everything from our old site, to update things and make them more accessible for our fans so they can be closer to us. We've got a person out here every single day with a camera taping stuff and then shipping it back to the website, so they can get updated stuff every single day. Our old site wasn't that good, compared to some of our fans' sites, but this one will give our fans a run for their money! Shape Of My Download worldpop: Before Black & Blue was released, some fake songs were downloaded onto Napster, with your name on them. What are your views on free downloads via the Net? Howie: It's great that people can go to one source to pick things up, instead of having to shop around, but unfortunately as the artist we don't get compensated and that's how we make a living, besides touring. So we're the ones that get the short end of the deal. If there was a way for compensation, I'd be all for it. I'd probably be losing it myself. Kevin: It needs to be regulated with a royalty rate. I'm sure soon you'll be able to download movies on the Internet, and when that happens I'm sure all hell will break lose. It's like cheating the artist. In Part Two of worldpop's Backstreet Boys interview, the guys hit back at some of this year's biggest BSB rumours Interview: Colleen Last
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