Transcript of Interview on "Wetten dass"
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- ![]() Date: Nov 12, 2000 taken from ZDF (Second German Television Channel) Backstreet Boys’ appearance on TV: Wetten dass…, Germany, November 11, 2000 Thomas Gottschalk is the host of the German show “Wetten dass…” (in the following “TG”) and is speaking partly in German and partly in English. We didn’t translate all of the German comments, just the interesting ones, but we listed all English comments. Backstreet Boys were performing “Shape Of My Heart” first. Then they had a small but interesting conversation with TG. TG in English: The Backstreet Boys! Hi! Good to see you again! TG is shaking everybody’s hand. TG in English: Hello, stay with me. Good to have you back. AJ: It’s good to be back. TG in English: You may not like it but I really like your music. Kevin: Oh, we are glad. Brian: We love that. Howie: Thank you. TG in English: I’m surprised but it’s really good. I’ve got some trouble with my kids, I mean I have a problem with the Real Slim Shady. But I mean, I can really live with your music. BSB’s laughing. TG in English: I’ve seen them come and go. AJ is nodding. TG in English: I’ve seen them around a while. What you do is great. I’m not really sure what the girls want to know. I asked some of them. TG is turning to Howie: TG in English: Question to Howie, Little Panda wants to know when you finally come up with a tattoo and what motive it is going to be? Howie: hmmmm. Howie: I don’t have one yet: Kevin: He’s the only one who hasn’t. Howie: Actually I just talked with the guys and I said there is something we kind of came up with the … like backstreet kind of … and maybe in some different languages TG in English: ZDF (Second German Television Channel) on your back! Kevin: Wetten dass...! Howie and Kevin pointing on Howie’s butt. TG in English: Wetten dass... sponsored by the Backstreet Boys. TG in German: Daniela from Brandenburg wants to know and asks why Kevin lets his hair grow indecent long? With short hair you were so sexy! Fans in the audience are screaming and applauding. TG in English: She thought you were more sexy with short hair, Daniela. Kevin: Do I? I’m sorry! TG in English: You look more sexy with short hair. Kevin: Oh really? Now, I’m sorry! Fans in the audience are laughing. Kevin is shrugging his shoulders and doesn’t really know what to say. TG in German: If you had said that earlier, it wouldn’t have happened! TG is turning to Nick: You’ve got a girlfriend in Germany already, somebody wants to know? Once in your life you had a girlfriend in Germany? Can you confess? Nick hesitates answering. Nick: I have dated a girl from Germany. TG: Yes? Nick: Yes I have. TG: Yes! TG in German: Yes, there was a German girlfriend. We are glad about that. TG in English: Nick, are you still together with Mandy? Nick: No, I’m single. AJ is grinning and trying to give Nick five, but Nick doesn´t react, he´s just grinning, too. TG in German: Ok, that’s news, of course! TG turning to his left side where Brian, Howie and Kevin are standing: TG in English: Anybody going to be father really soon? Is there any chance? Kevin: Hopefully one day, but not soon. Brian confirming: Not soon. TG in German: You’re right! Enjoy your success! TG in English: I mean, do you still have time to spend? I mean, If I don’t see you here, I see you on MTV. Do you guys live on television now? AJ: Sort of kind of. We gotta kind of busy, got a brand new record coming out. A lot of promotion on TV. TG in English: I always love to have you here. TG in German: Look over there, there are your fans. TG in English: Thank you very much. Always a pleasure to have you with me. Thank you, bye, bye. Good to see you again, bye. Nick: See you. A.J.: Tschüß (means "Bye" in German). TG in English: I gotta come to the concert the next time. TG in English: You had this Meet ‘n Greet thing going on, but it didn’t work out. The next time, I gotta come with my kids. TG: Thank you.
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