Howie D Interview Transcript of Open House Party (10/7)

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Date: Oct 10, 2000
Source: OHP, 10/7
Submitted By: Sara

Howie was attending the Radio Billboard Awards in NYC at the time of this live broadcast.

John:He's Howie right here next to me.


J:So, here watching Amber?


J: What kinda chicken do they have?

H: A, they have a, a little chicken, with a, a little mushroom sauce. not to bad.

J: You look different. I don't know, you gotta little growth there.

H:I'm gonna actually leave my hair down a little bit for this next album. But a, today it took me a little to long so I says aw, forget it. Put it in a ponytail.

J: so, congratualtions on Shape Of My Heart.

H:Aw, thank you.

J:When is the album released?

H: November 21st. Black and Blue.

J: Now, what does the title mean?

H:Um ,you know it was kinda weird, we were trying to think of a title for a while and we thought maybe we should kinda do it in like a color. Like you know the Beatles had the White Album and AC/DC had the, what was it, that Back in a..

J: Back in BLack

H:Exactly, and u know there was a few different albums out there and a, we were just a photo shoot just receintly here for the album cover. and we were right in front of this a, this blue background a blue backdrop and a, we were wearing black. So all of a sudden Brian goes, what about Black and Blue? And we were all like, that's pretty ingenius Brian, not. And a (both laugh) but a we started talkin about it you know and there are a lot of critics out there and a takin punches, the whole boyband thing, bubble gum pop corny. And we've stayed through it all you know? We're still..

J: But you're not boys anymore.

H: Exactly, you know, from day one we've always considered ourselves a vocal harmony group, but they've always kinda catagorized us as a boyband. So, but we're still standin, making music, so. Black and Blue.

J: I saw the picture, the picture is Black and blue. the album's not out but it's on the single.

H: Right, right.

J: But what's this new look that Nicky has? With the hair, and the glasses, and the a..

H: ahhhh... i don't know. LIke I said, I had my hair down in it. we're all experimenting with looks. tring to do a little bit of a change. but a, we'll see what happens with it.

J:So give us real quick the Backstreet Boys' schedual for the next couple of months. The album comes out the 21st. Gonna start touring, getting ready for a tour?

H: Ahhhhh... yeah, actually, were gonna start preparing for the tour starting january 23rd. probably like a month or 2 in america, then take a little time off, then go to south east asia and australia, then probably a little time off, then europe, little time off, south america, little time off, and probably end it in america again.

J: sounds great. The first of 2001's gonna be great for tours and stuff. madonna's going on tour then at the same time.

H: that's right. That's right, yeah.

J:people have a lot to look forward too for great shows.

H: Yep.

j: Congratulations.

H: Thank you very much, we appreciate it. We hope you all enjoy it. Black and Blue, November 21st. Jive records. All that good stuff.

J: So you're headed outta here, where u going from here?

H: I'm acually going to see a musical with A.J. Nobody knows it. That's why I kinda keep a hush-hush. I said I was going to an A&R meeting. So...

J:(laughs)People lie. Howie Dorough from the Backstreet Boys. Thanks for coming over to say Hi to us.

H: You're welcome.

J: Over and out. (plays commercials then SOMH)

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