Transcript of Howie interview on KRBE, 2.21.00

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Date: Feb 23, 2000
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Katy Kat and .:BrokLovah:. for sending this in.

They interviewed Howie on Monday, February 21, at around 8:00 am to 8:30 am. They talked about his career, the engagements, the tour, and future of the Boys. Listen to it here.

Sam Malone: @ 8:03 please welcome from the Backstreet Boys, and joining us here on 104 KRBE Houston, Howie D! Howie wuz up!

Howie Dorough: Hey Sam how's it goin?

SM: Outstanding Howie, welcome to Houston Texas on 104 KRBE

HD: Well thank ya thank ya

SM: So when you guys were here last time did you actually go see the town or did ya just fly in and fly out

HD: well ya know what it was kind of a bore cuz we kinda flew in and kinda flew right out dont you have a six flags there?

SM: yeah

HD: I remember being across the street from our hotel and I remember just like biting at my teeth just tryin to get over there so badly.

SM: well ok now we know you stay at the Sheridan @ Kirby and 610

HD: and now I definitely have to change that hotel

SM: rrr, but generally so I mean its like come to town do a sound check perform out the uh

HW: exactly exactly we've been lucky enough not to have to do too many sound checks now that we've gotten the tour underway our sound people know pretty much how to work the boards by now

SM: yeah well listen, you hope so

HW: *laughs* exactly

SM: your singing and kevin, and you're like Turn up the mic dude!

HD: *laughs again*

SM: so, so how big is the crew? how big does the on tourage look like like the Backstreet Boys tour like how many people are on the pay roll?

HD: we got a good like about 70 to 80 people

SM: ok their names, go!

HD: uhh, Jimbo, John, Jue nah

SM: there's gotta be a Steve!

HD: uh sure, I'm sure there's a Steve and a John in there somewhere

SM: so when you talk to them do they go like Uh I was on the road with Alice Cooper in '79

HD: it's funny we actually have some of our crew guys um they're big techies they do a lot of the uh the main you know tell um people what to do, actually used to be on the tour with Metallica for a long time there was kinda a switch from Metallica to Backstreet Boys

SM: good lord! man, Metallica, Backstreet Boys!

HD: uh you never know!

SM: oh goodness gracious, first off I guess we should roll out a congradulations on MILLENNIUM

HD: oh thank ya, we appreciate it

SM: thirty six weeks still on the uh Billboard hot 200

HD: yeah i know, unbelievable, knock on wood everyday

SM: is it uh have you passed 12 million sold?

HD: you know what I'm not exactly sure I know we're up near there, um cuz I think we went diamond, not too long ago, and um we should be close to there, it's been a great run

SM: man, have they presented you with that big uh picture ten million sold plaque thing yet?

HD: haha, not yet not yet, hopefully the next time we have a uh a big platinum party we'll bring company that will meet with us and give us one of those big puppies

SM: do ya have a big garage just full of em just sittin there collectin dust?

HD: actually there all at my parents' house, my parents' house looks like a museum now of Backstreet albums its funny

SM: listen, it beats wall paper right?

HD: hell yeah, hey we covered up that uh that 1970's at my parents house with plaques so uh it looks nice now

SM: *laughing* hey thats so cool! do ya um do you fly your parents around out on the road? so they can get a chance to catch the show out in the different cities?

HD: yeah they come out here and there um they've come before with me up to Canada and I've had my mom and sister come out to Europe a couple times my brother as well in LA, um out here in America they come out as well here and there

SM: that's cool

HD: yeah it's like a family thing

SM: now do they go, Howie uh thanx for flyin us out but uh where's the Ritz Carlton?

HD: haha, nah they're actually really cool about it, we uh I know alot of times people think we have glitz and glamour and you know each of us have our own pin suites, and you know that our family has their own suites and everything, I'll just have my family stay with me,

SM: really?

HD: just bring out the couch and be like, here brother! you get to sleep here in the night

SM: and your like, seee ya I'm going to the mansion!

*Howie laughs*

SM: Howie can we order pay per view? wheres the bath robes?

HD: don't take anything out of the mini bar, it's too expensive!! *SM and HD are laughing*

SM: Howie, from the Backstreet Boys is our guest live here on 104 KRBE, now I guess the hot news that's been coming out obviously involves Kevin and Brian,

HW: oh yeah

SM: and the engagements and stuff like that, what, was there pressure to not say anything, did they like threaten you, hold you up against the wall or lockers or something, *Howie laughs*

HD: no no not at all. I mean they're um very open about it, even though our lives are, um we try to have a little bit of privacy, um you know our lives are very public. and everybody knows about it it's very hard to keep anything really hush-hush and Brian and Kevin, you know, Brian's you know has announced he's had a girlfriend for the longest time, and um Kevin's been you know dating his fiance on and off for 7 years, and they just felt like you know that the right timing was over this holiday,

SM:that's cool

HD: and we've had a very merry christmas, and they just wanted to announce it to the public, so that way they wouldn't be hearing it from second hand information. They had nothing to hide, they are very proud of their situation,

SM: Howie from the Backstreet Boys is our guest, um as far as gifts, what do get for someone that you've worked with for all these years, like for a wedding gift, have they asked for anything? do you have anything in mind, crystal, you gonna give them dishes

HD: *laughing* I honestly don't know even know! we'll probably smack um in the face first

SM: Dude! Congradulations, wack! Comes to Houston with a big fat lip and we'll know why.

HD: *laughing* no, um you know what actually I haven't even thinked about that, I think you are the first person to get me thinking about that, um they havent even set a date for it yet, any of them, obviously with our schedules being so crazy, they are probably going to work around that, and uh so we dont know if it'll be this year or next year or whenever, um but uh I think it was a big step alone to you know get engaged and everything so um I dont even know what to get them, I'll probably get them something for their house, like you said

SM: get them a weed whacker

HD: *laughs* yeah right, a John Doe

SM: yeah get um a John Doe, and a ten pound bag of salt and say here shut up

HD:*laughs* there you go

SM: Now listen I want to know can you hang with us, cuz I wanna play Show Me The Meaning

HD: ok,

SM: and then we've invited some listeners, and I cant keep them up here much longer, they're about to faint, when they heard your voice.

HD: *laughs* well cool.

SM: alright, Howie's online with us and this is Show Me The Meaning, we'll ask some more questions, and we've got some more concert tickets hidden away in here, right here on 104 KRBE (They play SMTMOBL)

SM: bring um back my friends, from the Backstreet Boys, Howie D., Howie, you still hanging with us?

HD: oh yeah, definitely,

SM: where's everybody else by the way?

HD: everybodies packing up their stuff gettin ready to go to the venue,

SM: cool

HD: we got a big fan press conference today

SM: neat, alright lets bring up some moms up here, and here i guess we're going to have Debbie come up here first, say hi to Howie

Debbie: hey Howie, how you doin?

HD: hey, how you doin Debbie?

Debbie: doin wonderful, um I have 3 children, one is 18, a senior, Brandon, at Katy High School, then I have a 13 yr old, Kristina, at Katy Junior High, and an 11 yr old, Bobbie, at Katy Elementary,

HD: wow, congradulations,

Debbie: thank you, and also I've been married 20 yrs this year,

HD: wow

Debbie: yeah! that's exciting, marriage is a good thing, tell Kevin and um, both of them

HD: Brian

Debbie: yeah, Kevin and Brian, best of luck, marriage is a good thing, ah listen my question is for you, what would be your advice for teenagers, on making healthy choices in regards to sex, drugs and violence?

HD: whoo, that's a big one. Um, i would just say, you know, um my advice to them is, um there is no pressure into anything, whether its sex, drugs, or violence, you know i don't think you should, nobody should have to conform, um I know, especially teenagers, there's a lot of peer pressure, and um, I was very fortunate to grow up in a stage, and my neighborhood and my school and not having as much peer pressure as I understand some of these other places in the states have. I would just say be very family oriented as possible, you know, if your gonna stay with family, and surround yourself around good positive people, good friends, have good morals, good background, um you know and good family up bringings, I think it'll be easier, for kids to not to have put themselves in that position of the pressure, and its if they are, you know just know when to say no, as they always say

Debbie: thanx, i think thats great, good advice

HD: thank ya

SM: thank you Howie, How bout Debbie, huh? She's a hell of an interviewer, huh?

HD: yeah i know!

SM: Debbie Canales, ladies and gentlemen, in Katy! Lets get Kim Weevermyer up here, come on Kim, now she's wearing your t-shirt

HD: oh alright!

Kim: hey Howie how you doin?

HD: hey Kim how you doin?

Kim: fine thank you, i was wondering if you could say Hi to my daughter, Kirsten, and my niece Amanda, they're both at school today

HD: oh yeah? Well Hi Kirsten and Amanda! This is Howie here saying Helloo

Kim: I've notice they've picked you as the ambassador of the Backstreet Boys, and they couldn't have picked a better person for it

HD: *laughs* ambassador?!

Kim: yeah you know you sorta speak for them all

HD: well I just uh I try to have a way with words here and there

Kim: and you do

HD: well thank ya

Kim: I noticed in the past, you did some acting, do you have any of that in the future plans?

HD: actually, I do, I was out in LA here, I dont know if yall saw the American Music Awards, I was down on behalf of the group, I was out in LA writing some music, and actually at the same time, and actually taking up some means with some different casting directors from like H.B.O., Universal Studios, Century 21, and actually I landed my first role in a movie called Bloom. And they are supposed to be gettin Jeff Goldblume to be the the star of the movie, and I'm up for a couple of roles um coming up here other different movies so during these next break that we have off i'm goin to start downloading a bit back into the acting scene

Kim: well cool we'll be looking for you

HD: well thank ya

Kim: buh bye!

HD: take care

SM: these women, lemme tell ya somethin, these women are good or what?

HD: yeah, good questions there!

SM: well lets do one more, Howie Dorough is our guest, from the Backstreet Boys, and lets see, uh Teresa Guyger, come on down!

Teresa: Hi Howie!

HD: Howie land! Hey how you doin?

Teresa: I'm doin just fine, um i have 3 daughters, and one son, we go to Barber Sill High School, Kristina, Lorena, Kasey, and Hans Jr.

HD: wow congradulations

Teresa: Um thank you, I just wanted to ask you um where do you see yourselves in the future? you know like dreams beyond the stardom?

HD: um, I mean honestly we're going to try to take the Backstreet Boys as long as it could go, um as long as you keep likin our music and we can grow with our audience, we want to do this as long as possible, um but alongside of the Backstreet Boys, we want to eventually you know get married, maybe have family, you know have a couple little Backstreet kids of our own (*aaw how cute!*) running around,

Teresa: *laughs* that sounds good

HD: *laughs* aw we all support each other, on our individual goals, as well. Like me getting into acting, and a couple of the other guys doing some possibly solo/duets stuff, um so constantly you know allowing each other, to uh further our careers, and also our individual lives, Teresa: ok that sounds great, good luck to you in the future,

HD: thank you thank you very much, I appreciate it

SM: like to stick in, *sarcastically* yeah like we need more luck! dude you got the Midas touch

HD: yeah i can use it all the time,

SM: just come over here and touch my taxes *laughs*

HD: *laughs* you're crazy

SM: we have tickets to give away, for the show on the 28th and 29th so at least we know you're going to be staying in Houston for a little bit

HD: yeah definitely

SM: and why dont you and I make dinner plans now, where do you wanna go? Go!

HD: heey, sounds good to me! What do you recommend?

SM: uh, anything you're paying for!


SM: I am a HUGE fan of your credit card!

HD: nope the record company's! *SM & HD laugh*

SM: so we'll give away some tickets, how bout the Hollywood Dirt it's great to have you a part of the show, here on 104 KRBE

HD: thank you very much, I appreciate all your support down there can't wait to get down to Houston

SM: Outstanding, ladies and gentlemen, Howie Dorough from the BACKSTREET BOOOOYS!! *lots of clapping and cheering*

***After the interview Sam Malone talks about the Backstreet Boys and now knowing how nice Howie is he says he is a fan of the Boys.***

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