Transcript: Carson Daly Interview on KROQ with Kevin and Bean

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Date: Jan 09, 2000
Source: KROQ Radio, Las Angeles, Jan 5, 2000
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At about 8:15 on January 5, Los Angeles rock radio was hit with a bomb. The world famous KROQ, a very well known LA radio station, played the Backstreet Boys. Then they had a chat with Carson Daly of MTV about our Boys. The local DJ's are Kevin and Bean and they are known to HATE the Backstreet Boys and on many occasions have insulted them.

Here's what was said:

Kevin & Bean: Hi Carson how is every thing at MTV?

Carson: Things are great at MTV.

Carson: I hope you didn't book me as the official Backstreet Boys expert.

Kevin & Bean: Well we're gonna get to that in a second, But first I have to ask you…cuz I have heard from reliable sources namely from the cover of this weeks TV Guide you are the king of cool. Is that true?

Carson: Well there's even more proof... never believe what you read.

Kevin & Bean: Now Carson I know it's hard for you to speak so frankly on the subject of the Backstreet Boys b'cuz let's face it you have them on total request live about 3 times a week.

Carson: Right

Bean: But seriously... you've been in the business a while now... have you ever seen anything as big as the Backstreet Boys?

Carson: Never

Bean: Never?

Carson: Never ever!

Kevin: Not Spice Girls?

Bean: I mean what the hell is goin' on? I look outside your studio and there are 10,000 girls out there holding up signs… Oh Nick you're cute … oh AJ I love you! What is the deal here?

Carson: I don't know... they're pretty hot. Have you seen 'em? {Everyone laughs} they got their pants down on the cover. I think I'm gonna be out there with a sign next time they're in.

Bean: Seriously

Carson: You know what I was thinking about…

Bean: Isn't it time for a little backlash? That's what happens to everybody that gets huge... there's a huge backlash. So let's get it started.

Carson: Well they're sorta the backlash to what was goin' on you know, before Hanson and the Spice Girls and a whole resurgence of pop.

Bean: Now we've had that let's move on.

Carson: I agree with that we're spendin' a lot of time here at MTV really lookin' at rock... not that we can 100% facilitate which way the wave of music is gonna go but, we can try and influence it a little bit. If we get Boy Band heavy on the channel... you know we definitely try and we've been talkin' up the new Filter record, talkin' up the Foo Fighters. Tryin' to help it get back to that but, I mean you can't deny the demand. If the Backstreet Boys are here... if there are 5,000 people here in Times Square at six o' clock in the morning it's unbelievable.

Bean: Here's our theory Carson and I don't know if you would have any information on this even your opinion would help... we're looking at this Rolling Stones poll and we see the Backstreet Boys... they really did sweep like 10 or 12 different categories. Do you think this is a grass root thing or do you think it's sort of campaign that the Backstreet Boys fans get on the Internet and they say okay, send your post cards to Rolling Stone 'cuz we want our boys to win.

Carson: You know, it could be a bit of both... their fans are extremely active. I mean if you look on TRL everyday that's just the top 10 based on people's emails and phone calls so they do have an active fan base. I don't know if they can necessarily stuff the ballot, if you will, but I think it might be a little bit of both. Remember somethin' like the Backstreet Boys you've got 30 to 35 year old women now who have kids that are 10, 11, 12, and 13, so you've got households buying these records and you wonder why somebody like the Backstreet Boys or the Spice Girls sell you know upward of 25 million copies it's B'cuz you know the parents like it, the kids like it, the parents like that their kids like it... they don't have the parental guidance sticker on it. It's a lot like country. It's the same way a family in the South can go to the Dixie Chicks concert.

Bean: I mean the point is that they've sold 25 million albums. So there's got to be a backlash starting some place and we would like ground zero to be KROQ.

Carson: I think KROQ has taken that position many times in its history.

Kevin: It needs to...we have to

Carson: What seems to happen with anything like the Backstreet Boys... it starts and then there's an undescribable amount of room for the other acts like 'N Sync... then they make it big and they are almost as as big... and then 98* and then eventually what happens is the melting pot does not get full and then it starts to over flow and then the backlash happens. We're not quiet there yet.

Bean: Right now looks like every white kid who can dance is on TV is the way it looks to us watchin' it from the other side. Now I try to uh... I love TRL you do a terrific job with that show... but I have to be honest... sometimes I sense there's disgust in your voice when you've got to talk about the Backstreet Boys for one more day.

Kevin: He can't admit that!

Carson: Well you know... I, I like the Backstreet Boys I mean, I do

Kevin & Bean: Booooooo

Carson: Well now listen they're nice guys you know, I don't go and see 'em when they're in town like I do you know with Kid Rock or Limp Bizket or stuff like that but I take a personal, personal liking to them as people and musically... but you know they're hot they're good lookin' boys.

Bean: I know what your talking about Carson 'cuz there are guys... there are people we have in on this show who's work we hate but we really end up likin' them as people they seem like good people.

Carson: You kinda end up bein' fans of them and rootin' for them a little bit... Somebody you know sorta makin' it... it's like yeah that guy was nice to me. There are so many a-holes that come in here with a lot of the rock star crap... it's actually, in a weird way, kinda refreshing when some of these guys come in and they couldn't be nicer you know.

Bean: So your professional assessment of the Backstreet Boys meter right now... Are we peaked? Are we on the way down or do we still have more to look forward too?

Carson: Oh I think you have a lot more to look forward too. Their management...they're managed by the same people who manage KoRn and everything, their management does a pretty decent job of their imaging campaign... had they stayed (with) the whole QPG, their earlier stuff I mean, was real kinda pop and hokey... they're doin' a pretty good job with their music like their latest video SMTM looks a little bit cooler and a little bit edgier and all that's just gonna make 'em last a little bit longer.

Bean: Here's what I'd like to see since we're really not on the backside of this yet... I'd like to see people who are Backstreet Boys fans keepin' it to yourself.

Kevin: Here's the answer... we need to institute a national don't ask don't tell policy.

Bean: And hopefully it will slowly begin to fade away.

Carson: Well good luck (sarcastically)

Bean: Yeah I know it's an impossible cause (*at least he knows*)

Carson: I think it's just a matter of waiting it out 'til these kids grow up and get a little bit older.

Bean: Alright Carson just never have them on again do us a favor.

Carson: I'll start that right now I'll make a call.

Kevin: Like that isn't a bad career move.

Carson: Have you guys ever thought of jumping on the ship?

Kevin & Bean: NO

Carson: Get behind em?

Kevin & Bean: NO

Carson: Spent some time listening to the record?

Kevin & Bean: NO

Carson: Give it a shot

Kevin & Bean: Maybe if we were the king of cool. Carson thanks for your time.

Carson: No problem my pleasure Happy New Year.

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