Backstreet's AJ, Fighting to Stay Sober!

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Date: May 04, 2003
Source: The Sun
Submitted By: Sarah Donahue

Backstreet Boy AJ McLean is re-starting his days-sober counter. "I'm now 30 days sober and counting," boasts McLean, "It's getting harder now, though".

Fans were shocked with the news in July of 2001, when AJ was admitted to a rehab center in Arizona for his booze addiction. After a full year of being clean, McLean "gradually went back in time".

The Backstreet Bad Boy announced in 2002 his engagement to up-and-coming pop singer Sarah Martin. A tall, busty brunette who captured his heart in January of 2001. "I fell in love with her the day that I met her," says McLean, "I just shut my eyes and refused to see what was really there".

What was really there was an ambitious musician, who saw an opportunity for a career boost.

"There is no doubt in my mind that she loved me, but I realize now I was not just her boyfriend or fiance' or whatever"

What he was, was a ladder to the top. Slowly noticing the basis of the relationship, AJ became depressed. He illegally took perscription pills and washed them down with alcohol. Then came the affair with his AA partner.

"This is going to sound horrible, but she was just a ****, a fling... whatever," says McLean, "There was definitely nothing there."

That is not what the AA partner thought. She wanted a relationship. He didn't. Enraged at the thought of being his "fling", the alledged woman picked up the phone and called his fiance.

"And that was the end of it" says McLean.

After losing his girl, his fling, and his sobriety, AJ finally decided that drugs and alcohol made his problems worse. He went for another round in his fight for sobriety.

"It seems to be going well" he says.

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