Get Involved ~ BSB Fans Quilts for Kids

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Date: Apr 04, 2003
Submitted By: Lisa M. Lombardo

By: Malessa Pearce, Edited By: Lisa Lombardo

Do you want to bring a smile to the faces of children? Do you want to add joy to the lives of children that spend much of their lives in hopsitals due to illness and surgery? Team-up with BSB Fans Quilts for Kids and begin to make a difference in the lives of children in hospitals nationwide.

Although the Backstreet Boys are not officially affiliated with this project, their charity officers have given us various ideas on where to send the quilts upon completion. All quilts will be sent to hospitals that have substantial meaning the the BOYS. For example: we anticipate sending quilts to the hospital in which Brian under-went his heart surgery. We would also like to send quilts to those children suffering from cancer, in honor of Kevin. For Nick, we were thinking of sending quilts to the hospital he was born in or one he has visited in the past. There are more details to come, including where quilts in honor of AJ and Howie will be sent.

To Get Involved:

1. Choose 13" squares of any color.

2. The squares must be muslin cotton.

3. Be sure to choose happy colors or patterns.

4. You may decorate the squares using tranfers and fabric paints. However, please do not use buttons, lace, or strings for they are harmful to small children.

5. You may make more than one square if you wish. (We will be making 10-15 crib size quilts for each hospital we choose.)

6. If you do not have time to make a square, you may donate the material. This to is very helpful.

7. Everyone, from all around the world is welcome to participate!

8. Be creative!

We hope to have all materials in by May. If you would like more information, including where to submit the squares - please email GetInvolved@VTeens.Org with "Quilts" in the subject line and your message will be promptly forwarded to Malessa.

Please Note: The Backstreet Boys, The Backstreet Charities, and Jive Records are not officially affiliated with this project.

Editor's Note: VTeens.Org is a proud supporter of the BSB Fans Quilts for Kids project. We encourage all of our members to actively get involved and prove that YOU have the power to make a positive difference. If you would like to get involved, however you feel that the costs of supplies and shipping are not in reach - please email Lisa@VTeens.Org for assistance.

"Together WE Can Make a Positive Difference!"

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