Backstreet's Back on VTeens.Org - The Contest Winners

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Date: Mar 24, 2003
Submitted By: Lisa M. Lombardo

By: Lisa Lombardo

Backstreet Boys Fans ROCK!

Email after email - fans from around the world flooded the VTeens.Org email box with letters, stories, and poems about Kevin, Howie, Brian, AJ, and Nick!

After sorting through your countless messages and votes (23,137 - to be exact) we finally have a winner at hand. Please join us as we crown the VTeens.Org Unofficial Most Dedicated BSB Fan:

Kathleen Del Rossi

We extend our CONGRATULATIONS to Kathleen and THANK all those fans that participated. The BSB DO have the BEST fans!

Kathleen, in order for you to claim your prize PLEASE email at Lisa@VTeens.Org with your mailing address.

Answers to the Contest Trivia:

1. Parc Studio and Platinum Post Studios

2. December 27th 2000

3. Parent Hood

4. Tates Creek High School

5. Finger Nails

6. 12 Years Old

Read What the FANS Have to SAY:

I’ll Love You Forever , Forever I will

By Brittni Yule:

My life has changed since grade 3, 1996

I think of you guys, and feel like I’m in heaven

You guys mean so much to me

I’d pay any price

To see all of you perform just a thousand more times

To hold you guys in my arms one by one

Just once or twice

And although you guys are off in a far away place

I love you guys the backstreet boys and not just for your faces.

It's the Backstreet Voices

By: Ariadna Guerra

As I sit in the dark

the music plays softly

a medley goes on and on

and then comes the voice

that mends my soul

its the Backstreet's voices

No matter how sad I am

the voices, they keep me sane

they make me healthy

is just something about it

that soothes the soul

its the Backstreet's voices

I Love the BSB

By: Cheryl Bellis

I have supported BSB since 1997. I know that seems a long time but it isn't for a band that have been going for 10 years I am not going to babble on about how I deserve these prizes because I'm the best fan there is, iIhave been to one concert an i have all singles and all albums and as long as I keep showin' my support by buyin' anymore albums or single that they have out then I will be a great fan by showing my support!

As Time Goes By

By: Gabriela Larrea

As the time goes by,

and I saw the lyrics pass

I wonder if your face can see mine

and for eternity become one....

What if one song, just one

become the song of the world?

would we be happier?

would we have less problems?

All singing to one and only one lyric?

Well I have news for you....

that song already exists....

and we all are singing it....

it's -LOVE-

what keep us as one big voice....

A Figure

By: Mumtazah Mustaffa

In the nightmare of eternity, the demons disappear,

As I stood there helplessly, tears falling down my face,

Not wanting to know my destiny,

I cried in pain for help,

Desiring for someone to come to my aid,

While crying out in agony,

Not knowing that no one could hear

Nor see me,

Then I woke up

To see a figure standing before me...

Keep the BACKSTREET Pride Alive!

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