Transcript of Brian Interview on 93.1 WDRQ FM, Detroit, MI, March 6, 2000
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Date: Mar 07, 2000 Jay Towers: I'm excited about the guest that we have on the telephone, that is Brian Littrell from the Backstreet Boys. Brian's coming back to town with the boys for the big show in Lansing, coming up next week, and Brian, it's good to have you on the show. You and I, last time you were in town spent some time together and we had a really good time. Brian: Yeah we did, how ya doin Jay? Jay: I'm doin good, it's good to have you on the show. And a new development since we last talked, a recent engagment, congradulations. Brian: Yeah, well thank you I appreciate it. Jay: How do you like engaged life? Brian: Uh, it's nice. I mean it's not really that much different than the dating thing but uh, you know, I'm looking forward to the wedding so it's exciting. Jay: You guys set a date yet, or are you still working on it? Brian: Uh, we have but you know, there's all kinds of talk over the internet, and all kinds of people got it wrong, but uh, I'm sorry to say I can't really tell ya. Jay: Oh that's alright, you know that's personal. I get hackled all the time because my fiancee and I have been engaged for 2 years, and we haven't nailed a date yet. It's like you know how people attack you all the time, like "What's the date?" And you're like, "Listen I don't know yet. Back off a little bit." Brian: We got one but uh, you know... Jay: But that's cool, you know, it's gotta be private. Some things gotta be private. Overall, how do you think the fans have reacted? Brian: I think the fans have reacted...uh, wonderfully actually. It was pretty surprising to me. I hadn't really thought about it in the intitial, like pertaking of doin it, um but when we got on tour, I had all kinds of congradulatory signs in the audience and I've read a lot of good things on the internet and I keep up with the website and what's goin on out there and what the chats are talkin about. And everybody seems to be very positive about it. Jay: You know what, you gotta be. Sometimes I think that people don't understand that everybody is a real person. Everybody's human. Brian from the Backstreet Boys can fall in love with a girl and marry her if he wants to, and it's not fair to say anything otherwise. Brian: Yeah, I mean it's just, it's life, you know. Life goes on outside of what we do on Tour, and it's nice. It's really a down own-type thing, and it's something I've always wanted to do, so. Jay: That's awesome. Something we've been talkin about on the air a lot, that my morning show and I are really excited about, just cause we're big Stan Lee fans, is the comic book stuff comin up. Brian: Yeah, we're excited about it. Uh, we just topped it off in, I think in Atlanta we did the Dome a couple weeks ago, and um, we like issued everything at the beginning there, and just to see what the fans thought. And we're comin out with some Webisodes over the web, uh, we're really really excited about the comic. We're getting great reviews about it, and a lot of people are interested in it, so. Jay: How does the comic work when people pick it up, is it the kind of deal where you guys play yourselves and then you turn into superheros, cause I haven't seen the design yet. Brian: Well, the whole concept is basically of our lives in a comic book as if we were on tour and uh there is an alien invasion kinda like, kinda like what happened in Larger Than Life...(laughs) Jay: Right. (laughs) Brian: And uh, there's some sort of alien invading and what happens is we get a hold of these little crystal like things. Actually Stan Lee and Nick designed the whole story. Jay: Wow Brian: Um, and designed the characters, like Nick has been drawing us as cartoon characters for a long long time now. And it's a big dream of his, so. We get a hold of these little crystal things with special powers and so we can do things like individual things like savin' the world. So here we go. Jay: That's awesome. Well you know, we're looking forward to you, you're comin back to town. You're gonna be in Lansing in a couple weeks and uh, DRQ's doing something exciting. We're giving a mother and a daughter an opportunity to get on stage with you guys, which is awesome. Brian: Cool Jay: I gotta tell you, the whole biggest fan record, I mean, the second I heard that, I put it on a cassette tape and mailed it to my mother. Boy, she wept. I mean, people in entertainment, it's not just singers, I mean what a great record for a mother. Brian: Well thank you, that's a big compliment to me. I know as a song writer and an up and coming song writer, that's a big compliment coming from a radio guy. Jay: Well it's important to love your mother. I call mine every other morning. (laughs) Brian: When you get those contest winners, you tell them I said hello and if they're first in line, we'll have our press co-ordinator, Leela put them first in line and they can walk up with me. Jay: Oh, that'll be awesome. That'll be great. We look forward to that. It's gonna be a lot of fun. Brian, thanks for doin the show. I know you're so busy gettin ready for this tour and all over the country right now, but we look forward to havin you back here near the motor city and we'll talk to you again soon. Brian: Yeah. Thanks Jay I appreciate it. Jay: Thanks Brian, we'll talk to you soon.
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