To Be a Teenybopper

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Date: Jan 25, 2000
Source: Jessica Levy
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To Be a Teenybopper: Keep Your Pride and Feel No Shame

I must make a confession. I recently turned 18 years old and I love the Backstreet Boys. "Ahhhhh!" you shout! "It can't be!" you cry! Well, I am living proof that this is possible. The question is, why did you have such a strange reaction to my declaration of love towards my favorite music group. After all, haven't the Backstreet Boys sold more copies of their CD Millennium than any other artist in 1999? Over 10 million copies in fact, and still counting. The Backstreet Boys could not have possibly sold this many copies of Millennium if only young teens were buying their album. Teenage boys and adults, male and female, also have Backstreet Boys CDs in their possession. They have also snagged five, yes five grammy nominations, and just won an American Music Award, and a Billboard Music Award for Artists of the Year. They have also recieved nine Rollingstone Readers' Poll honors, including Artists of the Year once again. So why is their such a stigma attached to loving the Backstreet Boys and pop music in general?

The answer to this question is not an easy one. It all started back in the early 1990s when the New Kids on the Block swept through America. Now it seems the Backstreet Boys can't shake off comparisons with this talentless group, however looking at the two together is like comparing apples and oranges. The Backstreet Boys are no "one hit wonder," having supplied the world with delicious, infectious pop for 7 years now. True, they are good looking, but looks can only get you so far. It is talent that gives a group longevity, something that BSB have proved to have. And as for people not liking pop music, what is their not to like? It is always positive and upbeat, usually about love. What a nice change from the negative lyrics of so many rock and rap songs. With all the horrible things in the news, why listen to music that only makes you feel worse?

So here I am, an 18 year old Backstreet Boys fanatic. My room is covered in their pictures, particularly of Brian Littrell, the blue eyed guy from Kentucky that makes my heart melt. I have been to 2 concerts, and am planning to attend a third one, spending literally hundreds of dollars buying tickets from scalpers. I know all their songs by heart and I can recite their birthdays as easily as I can recite my own. Freak? No way! Everyone has hobbies, and liking the Backstreet Boys is mine. I define myself as a Teenybopper, just as easily as someone might define themselves as Goth if they like Marilyn Manson. No, teenyboppers aren't just twelve anymore. What is a teenybopper you ask? I will now supply you with the official definition of one ( that I am about to totally make up) which is that a teenybopper is: "One who possesses a deep love for pop music, collects pictures of a certain group, and wears platform shoes." To ensure that you understand exactly what I am talking about I have provided you with the following list of 7 Ways to Be a Good Teenybopper:

Collect Pictures: As was mentioned, this is something that every good teenybopper knows how to do well, by going to Osco or Borders and glancing through magazines made especially for us. You will know these magazines right away by their stupid names such as "Tiger Beat, Teen Beat," and "Superteen." Nearly every teenybopper magazine has "teen" in its name. A money conscience teenybopper, such as myself, will only by one of these magazines if they have more than two pictures you desire. Go home, hang them on your walls, and be happy. Who cares if the magazines are dumb? This brings me to my next point.....

Stay Proud: I'm sick of meeting "closet" teenyboppers. These are people who try to suppress their teenybopper habits and loves. Part of being a teenybopper, especially an older one, is staying "True to your heart," as 98 Degrees says in one of their songs. Blast pop music, wear shirts to school with Nsync or Backstreet Boys on them, and attend lots of concerts. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Do you see Korn fans, or Limp Bizkit fans, only wear their t-shirts on the weekends? If somebody doesn't want to be your friend because of pictures in your room, or the CD in your stereo, then they are not someone who you would want to associate with anyway! We live in America. HELLO? It's called freedom of expression. A good teenybopper feels no shame, and they shouldn't have to.

Be Mature: A good teenybopper stays clear of the age old philosophical teenybopper debate: Who is better?, ‘Nsync or the Backstreet Boys. If you find yourselves caught up in this debate with others, please follow my advice. Go to a mirror. Look in the mirror. Say to yourself, "Why am I even thinking about this question?" Splash some cold water on your face and go about your day believing that one group is better than the other, just don't vocalize it. It is not a competition between the two groups, and yes, you can like both. Don't you have better things to think about, like, for example, A.J. McLean's new hairdo? But seriously, go do your homework and let your mind uncover more valuable lessons.

Be Internet Savvy: The teenybopper of the new millennium loves the internet. What could be better than instant interaction between other fans of your group? Or, how about finding out the latest news on such informative sites like You can even bid for tickets like I did on

Pick a Favorite: This may sound like an unimportant one, but a good teenybopper always has a favorite guy. He would be the one that makes you scream in delight at your TV when his face is shown, or the one whose name you yell the loudest at concerts. Once you choose a favorite, see how many pictures you can collect of him and create a silly screename that involves his name or nickname.

Wear Platform Shoes: Why? You will be able to see better at concerts, and frankly they make you look cool. Ignore the unpleasant glares from your mother. The bigger the better. Enough said.

Know When Enough is Enough: This is a tricky one, for there is a fine line between obsessive and "Woah, that girl is a wacko!" Wackos are the bad teenyboppers who stalk the Backstreet Boys or ‘Nsync and have convinced themselves that not only will they meet Nick Carter, but they will marry him if it is the last thing they do. These types of teenyboppers need to get a grip on reality. There is more to life than the Backstreet Boys. There is nothing wrong with being obsessed, in fact I recommend it, but make sure you balance this obsession with other things in your life. Join clubs at school, hang out with friends, develop intellectual interests, and read books besides the one written by Brian Littrell's ex - girlfriend. An unbalanced teenybopper is boring to those who aren't teenyboppers themselves.

I feel much better now, don't you? And if you don't like the Backstreet Boys, please don't tell me about it and call them gay. Everyone has a right to like what they like, so be respectful of other people's tastes. And remember, you can never be too old to be a teenybopper. So, teenyboppers of all kinds let us unite and rise up to become a community as large as Britney Spears' new breasts! No matter your age, race, or gender, don't let others intimidate you, and always, always, Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive!

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