Transcript of the BSB on Viva Interactive

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Date: Apr 17, 2099


This is the properly translated version of the transcript. As you may know, the BSB appeared on German TV on April 12'th to promote their new CD.


3pm - the show starts! thousands of screaming girls wait in front of the studio in Colonge for their favorites!

Mola(V.J.): welcome to MediaPark (I dont know what that is), stay tuned! (interactive theme clip-the beginning to the show)

VJ(Mola): as the first, we are waiting for Kevin (applause) !

Kev: hi everybody hello Germany

mola/flow (V.J.): Kevin you brought a video with you for us, which one? It is Everybody! We are having problems playing it, so next question: how long has it been since you were last in Germany?

Kevin: 5 months ago we were here for Hand in Hand for Children (a charity event in Colonge that the Boys are often a part of) Since then we have been hevily working on our album! And now now we are here for our only TV appearance (performance)!

[play the video Everybody- backstreets Back]

VJ(Mola): our next guest will also be greeted with great applause! here is Howie D.

Howie: hi Mola (Mola is one of the VJ's)

VJ(Mola): you (speaking to Howie) also brought us a video with you

Howie: yes its Genuwine! (they play the video "what's so different?" from Ginuwine)

VJ(Mola): we are back and I hand you over to Flow our co-VJ

VJ(Flow):up here photos, etc. are held up, the mood is fitting! next, we greet B-rok!

Brian: Hi!

VJ: how are you?

Brian: (in German) thanks good, and you? (way to go Bri!! use your German!!!)

VJ: good, you also brought a video with you for us

Brian: yes, "I'll Never Break your heart" is in my bag!

[the video "I'll never break your heart" is played/ commercial]

VJ: yeah and we are back with VIVA-interacktive (the shows name) with the backstreet boys!

Jenny (a fan calling in from Berlin): what do you guys think of plastic surgery?

Brian: AJ thinks its great! hes already has two lifts! No thats only a joke! I personally dont like it.

Howie: no I dont like that. when people want to do that thats their own business

Kevin: people should just accept what god gave them and be happy with it!

VJ (Flow): here all hell has broken loose! how is coming next! audience screams : AJ Nick AJ!

VJ: yes AJ is here for you all!! Aj we were talking about plastic surgery, the guys said that you like the idea!

AJ: really??? I think thats its not good! I think its exaggerated, what is operated on! What would you operate on if you had to? I would make myself taller. Change my hair. get the dent out of my nose! A permanant tatoo on my chest!

[video memories of the BSB]

VJ: there is still someone missing! here is the young man! the one and only Nick!

Nick: hi!

VJ: the complete backstreet boys will now perform quit playing games with my heart!

[the boys sing live]

VJ: I am happy that you sang for us!

Kev: first we have to listen to our translators to find out what you just said!

[the guys all have ear pieces now so that the VJ speaks pretty much all German then the translators tell them through the ear peice that was said]

VJ: I only said that I think its great that you are here!

BSB: we are happy to be here too!

[video is played "beatbox rocker" from westbam]

VJ: now we are complete! whats going to happen next?

Kevin: we are definately comming back! we haven't forgotten our fans in Germnay!

VJ: what can we expect to be on the new album "millennium"?

AJ: it is a little different from what we have done up to this point. somehow its a good mix. it goes a little deeper. family tradgies, lost friends etc. there is something for the fans! and a song about relationships that "go into the bridge" [I think that means that they failed, you know breaking up]

Kevin: I think that it is the best album that we have made! I hope the fans think so too!

Marina and Carolina (from the audience): what adive would you give to someone who is in love with a famous person?

Howie: lots of patience! we are always busy traveling , we are never at home! it is not easy! we have a lot of girls around us! and lots of money for long distance phone converstions!

Linda (from the audience): what do you have planned for the German fans?

Howie: we are releasing our new single, a new album, a new stage show (tour)!

Nick: we fly on the stage and there are many suprises!

Anna(from the audience): why werent you at the bravo super show?(the boys are always at this concert and were long expected to be at it again this year but werent there this year-- this concert is probably the biggest concert in Germany for 13-17 year old girls -- it is one huge pop festival)

Kevin: we have to be at alot of cities now, all the places where we have had success! the whole world is expecting that we perform! it is not easy ! we were already at the Bravo super show 3 times! we were at a show in america I think! (personally I dont know what kind of tone was used in this answer but the words are kinda mean!)

[commercial/ return : birthday kid of the day Christina, gets the single that is coming out on may 3rd and the boys sing happy birthday]

christina (either on phone or in audience) asks Nick: where did you get the ring that you are wearing?

Nick: its a friendship ring!

VJ: not from the girlfriend? (the words were the girlfriend not your girlfriend so please do not take my translation as a confirmation of anything bacause I can not tell that from the German version)

Nick: no!

[play video for anywhere for you -unplugged-BSB]

VJ: are you ready for your next live performance?

crowd: yyyeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhh! (yeah)

VJ: ok- here are the backstreet boys with all I have to give for you

[boys sing all I have to give live]

VJ: we are geting closer to the world debut performance of the new backstreet boys single, but you all are next (I dont know why the VJ says that last part but thats what he said)

[play video of MfG from the Fantastischen Vier]

e-mail: is there going to be a project with the Booya family? (The booya family consists of several people- rappers, some singers, and producers included. Important things to know about them: Nana is one of the leaders of the fam and a prominant German rapper, although he rapps in english. Tony cottura is another big part of booya, he raps and is a big producer, if u notice tony has produced/written for the boys before including get down among others. Booya does alot of r&b and rap influenced stuff but thats not all. NSync has worked with booya too)

Kevin: no we arent working with them yet. But maybe there will be a christmas album!

e-mail: do you wish sometimes that you were normal people, to do things that you did before?

AJ: no, we also have vacation sometimes! it is our normal life actually!

Kevin: no, we dont wish that, its part of our job, the business!

e-mail: do you want to have kids later?

Brian: naturally, I would already love to have kids!


VJ: do you ever surf the internet?

Kevin: We all have laptops and are often in the internet! most of the time people dont believe that it is us, when we chat somewhere!

VJ: Has the press ever reported something that wounded you?(rumors ,etc.)

AJ: My girlfriend is not pregnant! Also we dont have any kids!

Kevin: We arent breaking up! We know that the fans were suprised (becasue of the rescheduled tour) We had to get/build up new management and record a super new album and that took some time!

Aldiana (audience member): What do you think about the situation in Kosovo?

Nick: We dont want to discuss/figure out political situations! We want peace!

AJ: They think that conflicts can be solved with weapons! But people should use thier mouths!

Verena (audience): What was your most embarrassing sex-mishap?

BSB: (laughter) Interesting question!

AJ: I've broken wind during sex

Lamanda (audience): how many songs are there on the new album?

BSB: there are 12 songs

Lamanda: Brian, how did you celebrate your birthday?

Brian: I was at home! My family was away! I was alone and because of that I did everything that I had wanted to do for a long time! (look at the gifts on the Interactive-wall)

[play video: mr. brown- Glow]

VJ: and now it is time -- the Backstreet boys will sing their new single "I want it that way", coming out on May 3rd, as a world debut performance on VIVA-TV!

[the boys sing I want it that way live]

[another birthday kid from Slovienia gives Nick a small dolphin out of gold in a rose]

[play video of the day : hammerhart- absolute beginner]

VJ: now that we are going outside it is also going to he hammerhard (hammerhard is the title of the video they just played) ! here are the backstreet boys for you guys outside!

Kev: I want to thank you all for the great time and buy our new single and our new album!

AJ: thanks for everything and for all of your support!

Brian: I love you all !! thanks and visit us on our tour!

Nick: we love you! we are happy/excited about our upcomming tour!

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