Wedding Bells For Brian and Kevin

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Submitted by Natalia from Dominican Republic Latin America
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:54:31 2000

...well i already wrote some things but after reading what other fans had to say...i definidly agree with them and please pay attention to this...this is the chance you have to really know if your a true backstreet fan...if you just think that what they're doing is wrong then dont lose your time here and leave cause you...arent one of us and thats for sure...unless you give this a thought and get to the conclusion that its their lives and they have the right to do WHATEVER they want with them.We should thank them for being honest and for telling us...that means that they really care about us and they wanna let us know whats happening with them...Leighanne and Kristin seem to love the boys and thats the only thing that really matters unless they dont treat them the way they deserve or hurt them...then there will be a problem and a big one...! but do some of you have the right to call them names or insult them? NO...if you just did that , its cause your jealous and its crystal clear that you are not a real bsb really happy for my boys cause they deserve to be happy...and yes i cried and yes for a moment i coulnt believe it...but then i realized that i should feel happy for them and prove to everyone and to myself that I AM A REAL AND LOYAL BACKSTREET FAN...i love you guys a lot and to see you both happy is what makes ME happy...(but just dont forget about us...cause we couldnt live without you all!)thanks for reading and love you REAL fans too...)bye...and mua!

Submitted by Diana Blanco from Avellaneda Buenos Aires Argentina
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:52:54 2000

I'll write in spanish 'cos it's my language.

Pienso que es de lo mas comun que dos bellezas quieran casarse. Si ellos son felices, por que no?. Les deseo lo mejor. Lo que no quisiera es que se alejen del grupo.

Submitted by Callisto from Calgary Alberta Canada
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:50:58 2000

I am very happy for Brian and Kevin. It does change a little on the persepective of the guys because of the fans. I'm not dissing the fans because I am one as well, but it makes me sick to see fans dissing their girlfriends. TRUE fans don't do that. They'll be happy for them. I've heard that Leighanne had to get out of the crowd because teenyboppers were dissing her. Also, there old enough to get married. Brian is 25 and Kevin is 28 or 29.

And, the BSB will not split up!!! I predict that for a long time, they will be together. They might take breaks here and there for family or solo projects, but they will not break up, just like New Edition. I know pop music fades away and comes back again, but they'll always be here to melt our hearts with their great harmonies.

Submitted by Monica from Seattle Washington USA
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:50:48 2000

ok ok so here it goes... i dont know who is reading this (hopefully brian) but n e ways its kinda weird b/c i used to call Brians gf a B***h before i read this artical about how he has seen that all when i realized she really isnt shes actully a nice lady! the truth is i am just jealous and now that they are getting married i have spent the day moping around and crying here and there but i shouldnt be! i love brian with all my heart and i now know that i never have had any chances with him and i never will and because of my love for him i just want him to be happy so if you are reading this brian i wish you and leighann the best of luck and i hope you are happy together and maybe someday i will even get to meet you :) cause thats my only wish now and hopefully i will become true.

Submitted by Cindy from Central CA USA
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:49:57 2000

Alright, one more comment before I leave. I was reading other entries this afternoon, and upon reading some of them I was truly shocked with the way some girls were reacting

to the situation. Insulting Kristen and LeighAnne CERTAINLY will NOT speak well of you and won't make you a better fan than the other girls who reacted maturely to this announcement. If you claim to be a true fan, support the two and their happiness, don't boycott them for crying out loud! Go back to Walmart or Wherehouse or Sam Goody's, buy Millenium again, put those freakin' posters back up on your walls, and grow up. It's NOT the end of the world.

Submitted by Chelsey from Clinton USA
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:48:45 2000

Whoa! That was the first thing that came out of my mouth. I really don't know what to say. I have to admit....when I heard the news....I cried. I cried for about 2 hrs. I know that some of you guys are gonna be like, well, she's not a true fan. Well, let me tell you, I have stuck with them for the past 4 years and I'm not gonna leave them now. I love Brian with all my heart! He was my first real love and it felt like a knife going through my heart when I first heard the news. Everytime I think about it, I cry. It may be because I'm happy, but most of it is because I'm upset. In the last couple of years, we fans have been through a lot. We had to go through Nsync coming out. I'll tell you what a lot of BSB fans went to Nsync fans. Me and my friend, Jessie were the only BSB fans in our whole school. We stuck with them. Through Brian's heart surgery, I cried and prayed every night. A lot of fans knew it was gonna happen sometime. I stuck with them. And now I'm gonna stick with them, becuase I truly love them and I'm not gonna let some engagements stand in my way. A couple things went through my mind like....I pray they don't break up or Is this gonna ruin everything. I can't look at Brian the same way and I can't write (Soon to be Littrell) at the end of my letters anymore. Or I love Brian. I can't tell everyone, "you just wait, I'm gonna meet brian and we are gonna fall madly in love." I was wrong. All I have to say is, I love you Brian...still. And I wish you the best of luck. Leighanne, I don't hate you at all. You seem cool. But whatever you do, don't hurt him in any way. I'm serious. He's way too good for that. I know you won't. that's about it. Congratulations!

Submitted by Kristin Hawley from Denver Colorado USA
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:48:32 2000

Hey fellow BSB fans!! all I have to say is that I am very happy for both Kevin and Brian! They deserve the best!! Now to all the fans that are jealous of Leighanne and Kristin my question is why? Do you really think it's any of your busness? I AM A HUGE BSB FAN AND I LOVE THEM TO DEATH!! but I feel that thier personal lives aren't any of our busness! Sorry I just had to get that off my chest!! To Kevin and Brian may all your wishes be fufilled and I will be a fan and support you guys 4 ever!!! LUV YA!!! KTBSPA!!!

Submitted by Deanna from Pittsburgh PA USA
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:46:33 2000

Ok, I cried when I first heard the news, along with everyone else! I swear BSB makes me cry more than anything else! But anyway,I'm so happy for them, shocked, but happy. I didn't expect Brian too, but hey, if they're happy I'M happy, and all of us BSB fans should agree! Anyone who stops being their fan is so retarded, honestly, we love them for their music! Get over it, they aren't gonna marry us! Plus there's so many other married successful music people out there.....I just hope they will stay as tight a group as ever, which they will, and I'm pround that they know most of us are mauture enough to handle it. I'll still love them no matter what! I think they should wait a few years though before little Brians and Kevins are running around! Kids make it even harder so they should give that time and focus on their carrer and wives/girlfriends etc. right now. So now fans must unite and keep that Backstreet Pride alive more than ever! I have so much respect for you bri and kev! Congratulations and keep making us fans proud!!!

Submitted by Cristina from Pembroke Pines Florida USA
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:44:01 2000

This is my second time writing in here, but after reading all the entries, I now have a different comment. Ok. It is PERFECTLY normal to be devestated about Brian and Kev's engagement. It's PERFECTLY normal to call them ho's and say Brian and Kev are making a mistake. It's PERFECTLY normal to want to want to buy a semi-automatic gun and hunt down Kristen and/or Leighanne (Actually going through with it is just NUTZ and scary!)...but to not be a fan of Backstreet Boys because 2 of them are getting married is just SICK. I think Backstreet Boys will not do as well as they used to on the charts, but they've already did phenominally with Millennium. I know I will always be a fan. And for the poor fans who are moping around all depressed at the fact that their Brian or Kev is about to be married men...remember this. Brian and Kev still love you, and will always love you forever. Yes, Leighanne and Kristen are lucky enough to be with them, but they have to smell their feet every night, and..COOK for them! Brian and Kev are Kentucky Boys! Leighanne and Kristen probably have to wash thier feet or something!! Eww! All we have to do is wake up to a (non-smelly) poster and see thier fine faces on TV and listen to thier sweet voices.

Submitted by Lolly from - - Canada
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:41:09 2000

Hey I just wanna say that I am happy for the guys! I mean take Kev for instance, he is nearly thirty, and unmarried so I am really happy for him. Yes at first I was surprised but like everything you get used to it. Also it has come across my mind, the Boys could end it, all of it gone. You know look at the Spice Girls, (who?) Geri left, then two of them got pregnent and married, look whats left, nothing. But then again we, as the fans need to support them, so that won't happen, most of all we gotta stay positive (they won't split, they won't split). And to every body who is now gonna stop liking them just cause two of em are getting married are just plain dumb!

Submitted by Michelle from Dallas TX Unites States
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:40:29 2000

Anybody that isn't happy for Brian and Kevin were never true fans! I mean, talking bad or just plain dogging their fiance is so sicking! Kevin and Brian, like the rest of the guys have hearts of gold and to trash

Leighanne and Kristen is trashing them. Don't BSB have the right to be as happy as they can be! They deserve all the happiness in the world and 10 times more! Some girls have even gone and say they are as

good as over, not if you make it happen. There is so much more to BSB's appeal than them being single and hot, what about their great music? And think about it, it will certainly not stop their careers, they have

always said that they plan to be in this business for quite some time. Kevin has said himself that he and Kristen have been together off and on for seven years, so how in the world can something that has lasted that

long, not last! And with Brian and Leighanne have already be together for what seems like forever, so how many of us really didn't see this coming a mile away, please! Comparing the Backstreet Boys to the Spice

Girls is outrageous, the spice girls were over when Geri left and two of the other got KNOCKED UP. First of all, BSB have been out much longer than the Spice Girls were! Second, BSB can sing with voices from

heaven, the Spice Girls were strickly manufactured. I guess any girl who believe Brian's and Kevin's engagment to Leighanne and Kristen is wrong, it just proves that there love was just CONDITIONED AND

SELFISH. They have every right to private lives, I hope I get to see their wedding pictures. Brian and Kevin are going to make GREAT HUSBANDS. If any angry fan thinks about it, Kevin and Brian are very

intelligent men, you know they didn't just jump into this! It's bad enough that MTV critics and others will probably stress only the negative, we don't need fans fleeding because two are engage. They will never

stop loving their fans and REAL FANS will never stop loving them. Besides, there is still Nick, Howie and AJ and it's not like any of us will stop dreaming about them. I was a fan of New Kids on the Block when

they were hot 10 years ago, when I was 15 and like most fans then, I would have moved on if this happen. But we are suppost to be more mature now, more supporting. Be happy that they have gotten the love they

have always wanted and they are no longer lonely!!

Submitted by Nicky from somwhere Canada
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:39:11 2000

Okay I've read through alot of the comments about Brian and Kevin getting engaged and some people need to get a life!! Who cares if they get married?? It's not like you ever had a chance!! And to all those people who keep saying I'm SOOOO happy for Brian and Kevin...they deserve it soooo much...I totally love these two guys and they deserve it, okay! act like you know them are something! I mean all you have to write is congatulations not a novel telling them how happy you are!! We knew it was coming so don't act so shocked and it isn't the end of the BSB!! Get a life!! And don't stop liking them because of this! It's their music you should love!

Submitted by Jessica from Lancaster CA USA
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:38:48 2000

I am so happy for Brian and Kevin!!! When I first found out I have to admit I was a little upset. But by the end of the day I got over it. I think this is really great for both of them. This will also help the boys get more respect from the music industry, which is a major plus. I am so happy for them and wish them nothing but happiness whith their loves.

Submitted by Do you really care? from Why? USA
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:37:47 2000

Wow...all I can say is that you guys have been sending me hardly anything but HATE MAIL! Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is supposed to be OPINIONS, not "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" questions! Opinions can't be wrong! You should read what one girl sent me. I'm SERIOUSLY considering not even being a fan anymore because of what you guys are sending me. Have your favorite Backstreet Boy get engaged, and tell me that you want to scream and shout because you are so dang happy for them. I'm sorry, and I know I'm not the only one that thinks this, but...never mind...I don't feel like getting more hate mail.

Submitted by Moe from North Ridgeville Ohio .......U.S.A
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:37:23 2000

I'm not going to say anything I'm going to regret later- I just think it's really and truly not that big of a deal. I love them with all my heart and everything,but these are living, breathing people. To all of you who cherish such a relationship, I bow to you, for you have succeeded what life is all about- living with faith in God, respect, and loving one another. That is the Golden Rule from Jesus Christ Our Savior. I am happy for both of our boys. We all had a chance. All of you say we all never had a chance. All of us had the same chance as everyone else reading this right now.All I want is for people to understand that no matter what happens, they will love us so much more than you will ever imagine. Brian, A.J, Kevin, Howie and Nick- I know you guys love each and everyone of us and would do almost anything to make us happy. All of you reading, thanks for listening to my opinion, though it doesn't mean much. The Backstreet Boys- BOYS that deserve their own life. Could you ever imagine watching the one you love grow old alone? I know that it would put me in so much pain that I could not control myself. For all of you in that state- I love you, they love you, we all love each other- The Backstreet Boys will never forget where they came from, never forget the fans, and definitly never forget how to groove like a monster in the "Everybody" video. But when all the smoke clears, and all is said and done, all that remains is the MUSIC.

Love you all- Moe

P.S- I'm not a homosexual, I don't LOVE-LOVE you, aww heck, you guys are so cool and what makes it so greatis that you know it. Don't ever forget- We will ALWAYS be united as one, one Backstreet Nation. THANK YOU and goodnight.

Submitted by Jennifer from Miami Florida America
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:37:11 2000

I am extremely happy for Brian & Kevin. :)

I hope that their marriages will last forever.

The only thing I'm worried about is that unfaithful Backstreet fans will go to N*sync now just because two of the band members are married. It's not like they had a chance of marrying them anyway. Even Carson said that more people will go to nsync...I sure hope not.

Submitted by ~hugs~ from rmd can
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:34:35 2000

ok! first of all i'd like to say that i'm happy for them! sure, i was a little disappointed, but it's not like i'm ever gonna be the one for brian or kevin, first of all i'm too young, second, i'll probly never even get to talk to them.

to the girl who said she's gonna go to a concert w/ a sign for kevin saying "don't marry that skank heffer", whoever u are, i hope u get thrown out!!! how do u think kevin will feel if he sees that stupid sign??

to the girl that said "I lost all respect for Brian. That girl treats him like pure crap, and then he decides to marry her? Is he mentally unstable??" how would u know???

and the creepy little messages saying anything about owning the boys... those are just... stupid!!!! u don't own the boys... they're people, not objects, u can't own them!!

people that support them and their decision, great!! it's nice to know there's so many true fans.

Submitted by Lida from San Diego Ca U.S.A
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:34:18 2000

When I heared the news it really hurt my feeelings. I think It hurt any other fan. Like me and any other fan , would of loved being "That Special girl".

I would always love you Brian.

Submitted by Michelle from Dallas TX Unites States
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:34:01 2000

Anybody that isn't happy for Brian and Kevin were never true fans! I mean, talking bad or just plain dogging their fiance is so sicking! Kevin and Brian, like the rest of the guys have hearts of gold and to trash

Leighanne and Kristen is trashing them. Don't BSB have the right to be as happy as they can be! They deserve all the happiness in the world and 10 times more! Some girls have even gone and say they are as

good as over, not if you make it happen. There is so much more to BSB's appeal than them being single and hot, what about their great music? And think about it, it will certainly not stop their careers, they have

always said that they plan to be in this business for quite some time. Kevin has said himself that he and Kristen have been together off and on for seven years, so how in the world can something that has lasted that

long, not last! And with Brian and Leighanne have already be together for what seems like forever, so how many of us really didn't see this coming a mile away, please! Comparing the Backstreet Boys to the Spice

Girls is outrageous, the spice girls were over when Geri left and two of the other got KNOCKED UP. First of all, BSB have been out much longer than the Spice Girls were! Second, BSB can sing with voices from

heaven, the Spice Girls were strickly manufactured. I guess any girl who believe Brian's and Kevin's engagment to Leighanne and Kristen is wrong, it just proves that there love was just CONDITIONED AND

SELFISH. They have every right to private lives, I hope I get to see their wedding pictures. Brian and Kevin are going to make GREAT HUSBANDS. If any angry fan thinks about it, Kevin and Brian are very

intelligent men, you know they didn't just jump into this! It's bad enough that MTV critics and others will probably stress only the negative, we don't need fans fleeding because two are engage. They will never

stop loving their fans and REAL FANS will never stop loving them. Besides, there is still Nick, Howie and AJ and it's not like any of us will stop dreaming about them. I was a fan of New Kids on the Block when

they were hot 10 years ago, when I was 15 and like most fans then, I would have moved on if this happen. But we are suppost to be more mature now, more supporting. Be happy that they have gotten the love they

have always wanted and they are no longer lonely!!

Submitted by Cindy from Fresno USA
Date: Thu Feb 17 20:33:26 2000

I think the engagements are a great thing. I mean, I'm not

that big of a BSB fan, but regardless, I'm really happy for them, and a little relieved too! ;) Brian's 24, LeighAnne's 30, Kevin and his girl are around 27/28....I think it's

about time. They all deserve to be happy, so I wish them the very best in life!

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