How do you feel about the tour postponment?
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Submitted by Meg from Wellington North Island New Zealand
If that was what AJ and the group needed I don't mind. I probably doesn't matter to me, because they won't be coming to my town. I heard they'll be in Auckland, New Zealand later this year, but I won't be able to travel that far. :( I just hope AJ's better now. LOVE YA GUYS!!
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
Hey Jenn I like that one (STBSF) Thats what we need to do. STICK TOGETHER BACKSTREET FANS!!(And if you dont mind Jenn, we should all use this!!) We gotta do this for our boys, and to prove to those jerk off critics that Backstreet is here to stay FOREVER~! I will alwayz love the backstreetboys!!!!
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOte on the VMAs.. Please you have to... if the BACKSTREETBOYS dont win then im gonna die, and I cant stand watching them lose to NSYNC, Backstreetboys DESERVE WAY WAY better then all this!!! PLEASE!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE~ Im begging you! Everyone who hasnt voted yet and keeps tellin your self that you are... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!?? PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!! YOU GOTTA VOTE PLEASE!!! Heres the addy again.....
Submitted by jenn from ottawa ont Canada
hey guys, we cannot let these dumbass critics get to us. They are pissing me off too, but I think they are trying to lower our confidence in our boys and try to split the fans from BSB, IT'S NOT GOING TO WORK! Who cares what the dumb critics say, as long as we still support BSB by going to their concerts and buying their FABULOUS music, they are here to stay! And the only reason why the critics are saying that they are going down is because they are not selling out all of their concerts. The only reason for this is because the tick prices are too high and people can't afford it. BSB still have all their fans, they just don't have the money to spend on the ticks. WE HAVE GOT TO STICK TOGETHER! We cant let the critics pull us and BSB apart. Please, we need to, I don't know what I would do if something ever happen to our boys. So please vote, the've gotta win so we can proof those assholes wrong and rub it in their faces. If you wanna chat, drop me a line. I'm gonna vote right now, YOU DO IT TOO!!!!!!!! KTBSPA aand STBSF(stick together backstreet fans)!!!!
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
WHAT THE HELL... In the new YM mag. on the October Calendar Theres no KEVIN RICHARDSON B-DAY ON the 3rd. Hes turnin the BIG 3-0... that pisses me off..... Im gonna email those people... please you to email them.. this is not right. They ALWAYZ have there B-DAYs!! Instead of puttin his name and they put someone eles's b-day. I know its ah little thing but this really pisses me off. They NEVER skip ah Nsync B-Day or any one elses. So please email them. Here the email address.... (Address your general, questions, or concerns.) ... so please email the and ask them wat the hell is up about this? Like I said its ah little thing but its not that little to me.
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
God what the fuck is up with these critics? Wats there problem? its makin me so mad... ITS NOT THE END OF THE BACKSTREETBOYS!! how can I email these people? I really wanna. Well anywayz, VOTE ON THE VMAs. I gotta bounce. LATERZ!!!
Submitted by Alex from Boise ID USA
Hey there!! The webcast was pretty cool!!!! Although my computer kept booting off and by the thime I would get it on again a song would be over but it was cool other than that. I also have to make a comment of the stupid reviews that are being given out. Why does the critics keep saying that it is surely the end of BSB and that those bombs and so forth are something you would see at a Motley Crue show not BSB. Please. These guys are always being portrayed as lolly pop sucking goody goodies. I thought the show rocked. It shows that they aren't young and are grown up. If it is so hard for younger kids to grasp it then maybe they shouldn't be going to the show?????? But anyway I'm glad they are doing the stuff they are doing with the shows. THey are going to be around a lot longer than the stupid critics think. Peace out!!!!!!
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOte on the VMAs.. Please you have to... if the BACKSTREETBOYS dont win then im gonna die. PLEASE!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE~ Im begging you! Everyone who hasnt voted yet and keeps tellin your self that you are... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!?? PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!! YOU GOTTA VOTE PLEASE!!! Heres the addy again.....
Submitted by Nicole from USA
Hey everyone!! I'm sorry its been so long since I have posted anything, but we just started school this week again, and I really haven't had the time. Anyways, just a piece of info for all of you. If you wanna hear parts of the song "Drowning", then go to the fanclub website and go to videos, then click on the one that says "Boys joking around on set of Drowning." It has some great footage and I am sure you all will enjoy it. Ok, another thing....I am so sick of hearing all these nasty reviews of the concerts!!! It upsets me so much that some people in the music business have such stupidity!! They need to do their homework and check out the numbers, because there is no end to BSB!! They can keep doing this as long as they want, becuase their true fans will always be behind them 100%!! Won't we?? Of course!! Groups that are not as popular never get this much bashing...groups like LFO, and other bands that have sold a few million copies! No one says that they are on their way out, no one bashes them in every way possible. I just think those critics need to get a life. They are all sick of seeing BSB around and want to put an end to them. Sorry, but that won't have them, because they have the best fans in the world, and we will never desert our Boys!!! This makes me so proud to be a BSB fan! You guys all rule, let's keep supporting our Boys and show those critics that they are all wrong. Ok, now that I have let that out, I read somewhere that a girlfriend of one of the BSB, Sarah, was at the Milwaukee show. Ok, i have never heard of this girl, but this article made it seem like it was AJ's girlfriend.....I am confused. If any of u can fill me in, that would be great. Also, I am still looking for the Krystal chat transcript. I submitted a few questions, and I would like to see if they got asked. I really need to know, so try to find out guys, please!! Also, BSB is supposed to have a big feature on, but I could not find it.....I am confused by this as well, someone please lemme know if u know what's up. How was the webcast y'all?? I am so disappointed that I could not see it, I had a game on Friday nite. Oh well, I'll see them soon enough. Just tell me how it was and I'll be happy. Also, when I went to the fanclub website, a thing popped up on my screen that showed a screen where the webcast was played. I think maybe I can view it now, but I am not sure. I'll try, but lemme know if any of u have watched it since it was broadcast. Also, don't forget to vote everyone!! AJ is still in the lead for Survival of the Sexiest, so let's keep it comin'!! Also, as afr as I know, they are in the lead for Viewer's Choice, but that could have changed.....Let's keep votin', day and nite, nite and day!! It is so very important....we need to show all of those stupid critics that our Boys are here to stay. It will be such a statement if they win...It is so so so important guys, please please please vote!!! If any of you guys do have the percentages lemme know cuz I would like an update, these can change at any time.....fill me in if you know... Also, "Drowning" hits airwaves on Sept. 17, and supposedly, the video premiere will be on TRL on Sept 19. So if u did not already know that, mark it down. And don't forget to vote for "Drowning" many many times once it premiers... It would not hurt to vote for Krystal either until the vid comes out. It would be cool to see her on the countdown let's do it!! Sorry this has been so long, but I had a lot to say and its been awhile. Hope you guys did read it cuz its very important to me! I love you all, let's keep th love comin'!! KTBSPA!!!!!
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
Im gonna stop posting that message AFTER they WIN! If you have like 3 windows open to vote for the VMAs it goes so much faster and you get more votes in! thats what I did... and i voted for ah hour. I got WAY WAY WAY more votes in.
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOte on the VMAs.. Please you have to... if the BACKSTREETBOYS dont win then im gonna die. PLEASE!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE~ Im begging you! Everyone who hasnt voted yet and keeps tellin your self that you are... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!?? PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!! YOU GOTTA VOTE PLEASE!!! Heres the addy again.....
Submitted by Amber from WA USA
I'll go vote some more right now!!!! :) We need to KTBSPA!!!!!
Submitted by Amber from WA USA
Ok, Vicky...we get the point! You're gonna die??! LOL! I've already voted a lot but I guess it wouldn't hurt to vote a little more!! I really do want them to win!!!!
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VOte on the VMAs.. Please you have to... if the BACKSTREETBOYS dont win then im gonna die. PLEASE!!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE~ Im begging you! Everyone who hasnt voted yet and keeps tellin your self that you are... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WAITING FOR!!?? PLEASE PLEASE!!!!!! YOU GOTTA VOTE PLEASE!!! Heres the addy again.....
Submitted by bsbfan26 from USA
Ok, so who had the BEST EVER Yahoo LIVE webcast on August 31, 2001?
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