How do you feel about the tour postponment?
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Submitted by Nicole from Houston Texas USA
Hey Y'all! Go vote for Backstreet Boys for the viewers choice award, not for the reason that NSYNC will lose, but because, BSB will know we love them. Keep the Backstreet Pride Alive!! Do it for Kevin, Brian, Nick, Howie, and A.J!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Tanisha from Rialto CA USA
BSB FANS!!!They showed the standings again and BSB is only up by 2% now.(BSB-38%,*NSYNC-36%)BSB is so close to winning we can't stop voting now!! Just a few more hours and Backstreet will get this.KTBSPA!!!
Submitted by bsbfan26 from USA
Hey BSB & NSYNC fans (yes, nsync fans, we know you have arrived)
Submitted by bsb fan from howie's arms USA
hi everone please vote for bsb like crazy nsync fans said they are voting all night long so please please vote vote your ASS off! please i want bsb to win this so please lets vote all night if we have to and all day tommorw no stop please please i know i need to chill but i don't care i want to SEE bsb with that award in thier hands so please lets vote vote vote for bsb please bsb will win i will not give up until they win if i have to stay up all nigth i will to vote and all day so please vote for bsb NOW! OH TO THE NSYNC- SHUT UP!
Submitted by N'Stoppable from O-Town Fl USA
Hey bsb fans, u guys better prepare for a big letdown. Us nsync fans will kick ur butts badly in the voting cuz we're gonna be on at all times tomorrow, making sure the backstreet boys never touch the viewer's choice award. We'll be caught up by tomorrow, so stop leading yourselves on and just give up. This award has nsync's name on it, so u might as well just stop, we're catching up. When u see nsync win tomorrow, i'll laugh in your pathetc faces, cuz nsync's n'stoppable haha!
Submitted by bsbfan26 (2 questions!) from USA
Submitted by Tanisha from Rialto CA USA
Hey BSB fans!! They just showed the Viewer's Choice standings so far and BSB is still up by 3%.(BSB-38%,*NSYNC-35%)We have to make sure that they are going to stay on top. We only have to keep voting for one more day, so show our love for our boys!!KTBSPA!!!
Submitted by Alicia Jackson from Manchester Kentucky USA
I think it was sad to hear about A.J and the group having to postpone their tour and I love them so much I think all that mattered when A.J didnt feel well that he got the help he needed I love Nick so much and I will always support them 1000% they are the greatest And I love their new cd
Submitted by kidnikki from CA USA
Hey BSB fans!!! I was wondering who won the last fans standing contest. Alexis was the BSB fan, rite? Anyways, good luck to our boys at the vma's and keep voting voting voting! KTBSPA!!
Submitted by bsbfan26 from USA
If,your a *NSYNC fan. May you do me one VERY easy favor.GET THR FRIGGIN' OUT OF BACKSTREET.NET AND ALL BSB WEBSTIES!!!!!!!! I'M TALKING TO THOSE RUDE, SELFISH, DUMB, STUPID, you name it type of fans!!!!!!!!!!! ok?!
Submitted by Vicky (Backstreetboys ROCK my world) from WA USA
Why do you people come in here if you dont like The Backstreetboys? Oh I know why... cuz you have nothin better to do with your poor-pathetic-worthless lifes. RIGHT!? I think so. Your stupid. Do you think that we care what the hell you think? I dont! So stop bein ah bunch of TEENYBOPPERS and get ah life. Anywayz, wats up BACKSTREET FANS!!?? Keep voting your asses off!! And its almost impossible that NSYNC cought up with Backstreetboys already. Backsreetboys are still ahead. Well I gotta go.... laterz and PEACE!!!
Submitted by Crystal from Marietta Georgia USA
Right on, Nancy!
Submitted by BEN from USA
first off, bsb r wining. they did not show any results lately. the last one they showed was bsb 38% and nstink 34%. so stop lying. and all the bsb fans, keep voting. i vote 1,600 times, and more. they deserve it. we can do it, keep voting.
Submitted by Tanisha from Rialto CA USA
Hey BSB fans!! Are you guys sure that *NSYNC is leading because last night they showed the standings so far and it said BSB 38% and *NSYNC 34%. I hope these are the results because BSB needs to win this and prove these non-believers wrong. Let's keep voting so they know that we are still behind them!! KTBSPA!!!
Submitted by Bea from Louisville Ky USA
To Nysnc Baby- obviously you are a person that seeks attention and gets none. Therefore I will pray that someday you find some fulfillment in your life since obviously your musical taste does not leave you filling satisfied.
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