Submitted by FDG (Lou) from Soviet Union
Date: Sun Mar 10 15:04:46 2002
A dialogue with Conscious (dedicated to Natalie A.Walker) A girl is sitting in the park with brand-new magazine in her hands, hardly trying to hold the tears. The woman in grey dress comes up and sits down next to her. Conscious: - How can you love the married man? Girl: - Who told you that? I don't! Conscious: - Why d'you behave so foolish than? Girl: - Impression might be wrong. Conscious: - You walk like crazy, talk like mad. Girl: - You're first who thinks that way. Conscious: - Your forehead's hot, your cheeks are red. Girl (impatiently): - Is that all you wanna say? I'm tires from your useless words, So please, just go away. Conscious (softly): - One question's left. Girl (tiredly): - Don't ask me why... Conscious (friendly): - Forget my prudent role. How could you love the married guy? Girl: - With all my heart, with all my soul!***Наташа, где ты? Ангел_нрок мои сообщения не принял, а рамблер еще работает! У Вари есть ящик? Кажется она мне написала, а я перепугалась до смерти, что это Лара. Я тебе напишу на Дракулину.***