Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by solly from melbourne victoria Australia
I love the guys so much, but not in a teenyboppery way. Ive been a fan for 8 years and i love them in a mutaul respect kind of way.. They make me laugh with their cheeky antics, their bloody nice to talk to, and they spend time with the fans and i think thats very important in pop groups or for any other group for that matter. we want to know they respect us just as much as we respect them... their music has made me smile when im upset.. its just weird if i was sad, i would think of a thing brian would say on a video or something and laugh.. and not just that stuff, they leave a good vibe.
why do i love bsb soooooo much????? is because my friend showed me a picture back in 1994 and ever since i could not stop loving them. each one has a special place in my heart. #1 aj's place in my heart is he alwaysmakes me laugh and when he had his problem last year i know that he would pull through it.#2 kevin he is always there for the other guys. if they have problems they can go to him and he is like there big brother.#3 brian he is always there for his cousin and helping the others.#4 howie he is the quite one of the group you really don't know what he is thinking or what he is going to do.#5 nick he is always making people laugh and he got a lot of energy and he helps out his little brother with songs. now that is why i love the backstreet boys.
Submitted by Karina from Jamul California USA
Hey my name is Karina and I wanted to say that the Backstreet Boys Rock and this group has change my life alot. Sorry to say this but Nicky Is way way way better tha Justin. NIck You Know You're VERY HOT. You all 5 are the hottest guys in the world I am glad to be your fan.
Submitted by yadira from houston texas USA
I love the Backstreet Boys as much as ya bsb fans they are the best.Kevin is real cutie,Nick is so hot,aj is so fine,Brian is a really sweet guy,and howie you are the sweetest (Sweet D).I love all of ya the same because with out ya Probably I would be really sad cuz I LOVE YA'LL sooooooo much and one more thing backstreet boys are soooooo I mean sooo much better than the gay people of n'sync.n'sync are losers and they know it,HaHa!
Submitted by bsb rulez from USA
hey guys. i just got this thing in my mailbox saying that brian and leighanne are expecting a baby sometime before the year is over .They Also said that this DJ in Toronto Canada the same DJ that comfirmed Ajs Engagment confirmed the fact that Lieghanne is pregnant hes also a personal friend of the fellas .but i dunno if its true or not. does anybody know wether it is or isent true . im not spreading any rumors i just want 2 know wether what i read was true or not sooooooooooooooooooo if u know wether it is or isent could u be the kind bsb fans u are and e-mail me at kaos1Angel@aol.com. thankies!!!!!
Submitted by Jennifer from San Saba Texas USA
When I was fourteen years old, I listened to only country music. I was visiting my family in New York during the summer of 1999. I was at my grandmother's house, channel surfing, when I passed a channel and heard the most beautiful voice on the planet! I had passed it, so I changed it back and saw this really hott guy singing! I was like, "Wow!" I listened to the rest of the song and I was hooked! I didn't know what the song was called, or who sang it. I just knew that there had been 5 really hott guys on the screen! I walked around for the next 2 days with that tune in my head. Well, 2 days later, I was with my father at the house of some friends he worked with. I was introduced to their daughter, who happened to like a group called the Backstreet Boys. I was like, "Who?" So she took me to her room and showed me all of her posters. I looked at one and said "That's him!!! That's the guy!!!" She said, "Who?" and I said, "That blond guy right there! Who is he?" She said, "That's Nick Carter." I told her about the song I heard and she got out her CD. She played each song, one-by-one, asking if it was it. She came to the third track and I said "That's it!" The song was "As Long As You Love Me". Ever since that day, Keri has been my BEST friend and I have listened to all kinds of music. I cannot explain why I love them. Its like Apple Jacks..."WE JUST DO!!!" But from now until the second that I die, my favorite group will always be the BACKSTREET BOYS!!!
Submitted by Terri from Jackson MS USA
Where do I begin, to be a fan of the BSB no matter how old you are is to believe in five very talented guys who go out there night after night and deliver their hearts and soul. Never have I ever enjoyed listening to a group of artist that sing from the heart like they do. I am not a teenager, but a I am a very big BSB fan. Their music makes the not so young at age fill young at heart and in todays world that means alot. I have been to many of their concerts and I can asure anyone who hasn't that these guys are wonderful artist and more than that they love thier fans. They owe alot to their fans and boy they know it. They never receive an award without thanking their fans and I truley believe it comes from their hearts. I will always be a BSB fan, no one can change that. As fans we have to remember they are human, they will not always be perfect, but what person is? If you find something to believe in hold it close to your heart and cherish it always as I will the Backstreet Boys.
Submitted by amy from dublin Ireland
why wud ane1 NOT luv BSB der talented singers,songwriters,musicians,dancers,performers & 2 top it all off der cute,funny & way way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay SEXY!!!....nick's my personal fave.
Submitted by KEVINSKC from kaohsiung Taiwan
why i luv bsb!
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