Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by Vonda from Louisville KY USA
I like the BSB because of their talent. I am not a loyal fan or anything,but I bought their music,and I like it. I am a fan. No doubt about it. I don't care about the hype. I have had all that I could take from this N Sync vs BSB bull (admit it,it is stupid,immature,and childish and it keeps critics at fans' and the guys' throats) because I respect and like both groups. Anyways,I mean....I am only 13 years old (younger but mature BSB fan and proud!) and I am not the type of fan to say that I mostly like themm for their looks. There has to be more to that. I like their voice,their dancing,and their writing ability. I respect them...and just because I am a younger fan,does not mean that I am a crazed and hormonal teenybopper who thinks that she will marry a BSB (As if!) I also get pcked on for liking their music. So what if they don't play their own instruments?! You don't see TLC,IMx,Boyz II Men and others having to play instruments. Anyays,that is why I like BSB.
Submitted by Kjersti from Oslo VE Norway
Submitted by kitty from kowloon nil hong kong
i love the backstreet boys because.....
Submitted by Shar-Lyn from - -
Ok, this is a hard question. If I tell you why, I'll go on 4 ever. Anyway, here are some of them:
Submitted by shannon from vancouver canada
Why do I love the " Backstreet Boys " ? Well... I'll be honest, my first impression of them was both a positive and negative one. I was not a fan until I saw them being interviewed on MuchMusic ( a 24 hour music video channel) and watched with little interest some " boyband " . As the interview finished, I realized I liked these guys as people, but not as musicians. I still wasn't that interested in their music. I didn't understand what all the fuss was about. Everytime I'd see one of their songs ( either on the tv, played on the radio, etc) I'd turn it off. Then one day, I decided to actually listen to their music and try to give it a chance. This is what most critics fail to do, listen and then give an opinnion. That interview was three years ago and I've been a fan since that time. I wish the guys all the happiness and sucusses.
Submitted by Hannele Lehtimäki from NOKIA FINLAND
Ilove the Boys because they are so nice and humble. and because their voices are incredible beautiful. I have loved them from 1994 and I am 36 years old. I like to listen to their music. and as years have come by Their sexyness has became more obvious. Expecially Kevin is a hottie and Nick is becoming more and more sexy every day.
Submitted by Gabriela from Dallas Tx U. S.
Why I love the Backstreet Boys? Well let me see, I love their talent, voices, and how they have inspired me in so many different ways. Ever sence I saw there video ''Quit Playing Games With My Heart'', I became a fan imediately. BSB will always have a place in my heart. The reason why backstreet boys have inspired me is because when I first saw their video QPGWMH, I thought they were good-looking, gourgeous, and hot, but the real reason why I love them so much is because they have changed my life with their music, voices, and the great talent that they have. And I would love to see them in concert, because I hear they put out a great show for their fans. I WILL ALWAYS KEEP MY BACKSTREET' PRIDE ALIVE!!!!
Submitted by Erika Villarreal from Brownsville Texas USA
I love the Backstreet Boys bacause they are the greatest people on earth. I can honestly say that I love all their songs and I love all of the Backstreet, but A.J is my favorite. They're so cute and are very talented. Their music makes me really happy and it's very positive. They are so great and I will always be a devoted fan. That is why I love them . !Oh, did I mention that they are fine?!
Submitted by continued from B-burg ky USA
I heard their music first and that's what I love first about the Backstreet Boys. Of course I now wanna know everything about them and can't wait til I can meet them b/c they are hot and I don't know any guy that's sweeter than any one of them. But I just wanted to say it was music first and it always will be. I think the Backstreet Boys will be no more when they call it or when they stop believing in their music. Not when a critic(I HATE critics) say their time is up. Obviously that hasn't worked or they'd be gone by now. Music first, music last, music always! Or to quote AJ: "Music is Love and Love is Music. Music is Life and I Love my Life" KTBSBPA!!!!
Submitted by Fawn from Brandenburg KY USA
Why do I love the Backstreet Boys? That's a question that most "boy band" fans get asked. Why do you like them? What makes them so great? Geez, they don't even play their own instruments. And what do I say to this? I laugh. That's all, I just laugh cuz I know that the Backstreet Boys aren't just a group. Just like Boyz II Men wasn't just a group. Back then you had Shai and All 4 One and Boyz II Men but one stuck out for their incredible harmonies. Boyz II Men. Ironically they share part of their name with the Backstreet Boys. The first thing I noticed about the Backstreet Boys was not their faces. Sure I'd seen them and I say hey, they're fine. But I didn't know who they were nor did I care to, but one day I heard them on the radio. And I'm boppin' along and thinking this is a great tune. I was kind of wondering who it was with these great harmonies when they announced it was the Backstreet Boys. That's how it started. Not b/c they were hot, or their personalities. I heard their music
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