Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by Agos from Buenos Aires Argentina
When my grandma bought me the BSB's debut album for Christmas a couple of years ago, I didn't LOVE the Backstreet Boys. I hardly knew them! I listened that CD over and over. A week later I went to buy their second CD, Backstreet's Back. And my love grew every day!
Submitted by Kim from Commack New York U.S.A.
why do i love the backstreet boys? i'm not sure. they've just got me hooked. it's something about them that i love and i love going to see them in concert. each show reminds me how much of a fan i am to them and i hope they appreciate each and every one of their fans for keeping them on the top. just two days ago, i went to see the backstreet boys in concert. my friend and i drove about three hours to see them and it was my eleventh show of theirs. over a year ago, i had the opportunity to meet nick carter at a local bookstore and it was one of the best days of my life. i know i will probably never get to see him up close like that every again, unless by some chance my friend and i get onto MTV's FANatic, which we are determined to do, we're currently working on a video tape for the show. anyway, this is just a shoutout to all the backstreet boys fans around the world..you guys are awesome! and of course, the boys are too. ktbspa forever and always!
Submitted by Ashlyn from Liverpool New York USA
I love The Backstreet Boys. I went to the Albany concert, February 15th. I was beyond screaming, I was in tears. It was amazing. I was happy that I was close. The girls next to me were whining that their seats were to far away. I have been to 2 other concerts, both of them they all looked like specks on the stage. It makes me mad, cuz my friend wanted to go but she didn't have the money. I love them, I could have sat outside the arena and I still would have been happy to be where they were.
Submitted by Mrs. Ajah Littrell from Troy NY u.s.a
the reasons why I love the backstreet boys are there really good singers.
Submitted by Nikki from Knoxville Tennessee USA
Let me be honest, when I first started to listening to the Backstreet Boys, I didn't "LOVE" them. I liked them because I thought they had great voices. I had heard them on the radio for months before I ever saw their faces. Yes, they're five sexy guys, but it's their beautiful voices that got me hooked! This may sound crazy, but a simple phone call turned my simple "liking" of the Boys into pure "LOVE" for them. See, I had just gotten in from class and my roommate tells me that I had this phone call from Kentucky. I don't know anyone in Kentucky so I go on with my normal routine, then, the phone rings again. I pick it up and BRIAN'S MOM is on the other end. She was calling to tell me that I had just won tickets to see the Boys in Florida. Turns out I had entered a contest when I bought my Brian Littrell Healthy Heart Club for Kids t-shirt via the Club web page. They were haveing a contest and Brian agreed to fly the winner and a firend to a show in Florida. Needless to say my heart was beating a mile a minute!
Submitted by Sonia from Walpole NH US
They are all so cute especially Nick and Howie. They sing so well. Whenever I listen to their music I can feel the feeling they put into the songs. They are the best ever. I love them all.
Submitted by someone from does it matter???? somewhere
I luv them 'cuz they don't bash other boy bands, who copy every move BSB makes(Nick even thanked N Sync at the billboard awards!), their 5 talented guys(who happen to be HOT!!) they can sing, soooo well!!!!
Submitted by Kia from Atlanta Georgia United States
I luv the boyz because they are spritual. I'm a fan cause they are very talented, and very down to earth. Everyone seems to become instant fans when they see the boys perform. I luv em' not only cause they are major hotties, but because they are humble and never let the fame go to their heads.
Submitted by Sylvia Sattler from Gloucester Virginia USA
I like BSB because they entertain me, and because they are positive role models for young people. (I'm only 16, but I'm at the age where I no longer need a role model of sorts.) Sure, BSB is pretty good looking, but it was their music and their videos that made me like them, not their looks. My GOD we can't havethat going on now can we?
Submitted by jesser from Cavite philippines
why do i love the backstreet boys? hmmm, there are many reasons for it but the main thing is that they make the greatest music known to man! there's nothing that can compare to their music, it can make you jump and put on your dancing shoes, can make you go 'oohhh' and definitely will make you sing along with it.
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