Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by Kelley from Point Pleasant Pa USA
Why do I love the Backstreet Boys??
Submitted by marissa bains from la puente california usa
i think more posters of them show be put out. but mostly of Brian.!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Music17725 from WPB USA
Why do I love the BSB? Love? Truly madly deeply kind of love? You've got to be kidding me I mean love....love someone you don't know at all? That's crazy talk. No offence. How can someone love someone they don't know. You think you know them but maybe you don't...I mean love? That's a thought....love? sheesh... Love is when you'd die for the person, get your feet whipped until they bleed and have to amputate without any anestetics! If you can't do that...love should be substituded with 'like'! I mean love...love?! Love them like you love family? I dunno but I take the word love so serious and literal I can't even stand it myself but...love?! Alright since I won't go crazy on you I like the Backstreet Boys because...um because...I have no idea. *that made sence right?*
Submitted by Anonymous from Las Vegas USA
I know a lot of people love them because they're all hot, single guys.....now that Kevin and Brian are getting married (ARGGGGG!!!) they're going to lose 2/5ths of that appealing quality...i know we should be happy for them, but...most people probably aren't....sorry, but that's a fact...
Submitted by Stephanie from Wyandotte MI USA
So, why do I love the Backstreet Boys? Well, I'm not sure about using the term 'love' since I've never even met them, but I can say I deeply admire and respect them for many reasons. For one, they really taught me that no matter how old or young you are, if you have a dream,you can accomplish it. I mean, look at the ages of the guys when they first started out! Nick was barely a teenager, and Kevin was...well, a lot older than him. Secondly, these guys aren't your average, manufactured "boy band". They have talent. They can sing. They can dance. And damn, do they do it well!
Submitted by Diamond from Cable Wisconsin U.S.
i love the backstreet boys cause they are all so nice and not to mention extremely phat
Submitted by Karen James from Indianapolis Indiana USA
I am about to go the store so I don't have time to say why I love them now. I will do that later. All I will say now is "Congragulations Kevin and Brian on getting engaged!!!!!!!
Submitted by Chesna from here and there
~~**~~**I don't know if you all remember reading my entry in the guesbook, do you? I'm the girl who said my mom has cancer and the Backstreet Boys totally help me all the way with it. And the Perfect Fan made me cry whenever I heard it for fear of losing my mom. Well, now that song makes me cry even more...my mom died last night. I feel terrible and I have all this sadness and rage inside of me. I wish I could have told my mom again that I love her b4 she died. But now, she's gone. It's not really fair that she's gone, but I have to understand that I will never see her again till my day comes. I spend my nights now crying and wondering what the Backstreet Boys would do if they were in my place now. I wish I could have them hear with me now to wrap their arms around me and tell me everything will be okay and that I can always look to them for help. I know that won't happen, but listening to their songs does help me. Without them, I don't I could have survived my mom having cancer and dieing. I thank them 4 being the Backstreet Boys everyday. I thank God in prayer all the time for making BSB. I love the Backstreet boys, and that will never change.
Submitted by Mel Bergeson from Calgary Alberta Canada
Why I like the Backstreet boys is because they:
Submitted by ~Jamie Carter aka Nicks Chick~ from Rockwood TN USA
Hey everyone...its me again! I was reading all of the articles and I noticed that there were many articles that labled *N SYNC as "fake". I personally prefer Backstreet Boys over *N SYNC but that does not mean I would label them as fake or as some other not-so-nice =) name. They are five guys who are also very talented and they seem to be very nice. I just wanted to say that *N SYNC is still a good group and I believe that they too, will be just as successful as BSB or any other band. Well, thats all. ~peace~
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