Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by Melissa from Hamilton Ontario Canada
Why I Love The Backstreet Boys?????????
Submitted by Hollie from Orlando Fl USA
The Backstreet Boys have inspired me in so many ways. If I am in a bad mood, I can listen to their music and they make me feel better. They have such beautiful voices, that if I cant sleep all I have to do is turn their music on. It was odd how I started liking them. It was not b/c of their incredible good looks, but solely of their voices. From the first note I heard them sing I was hooked. I had never heard of the Backstreet Boys at that time, I only knew that they sang so beatifully. I learned more about their music and their lives and it made me like them even more. I love how each of them treat their fans so well. They do anything for them. I had a friend that was in a coma. She was a major BSB fan. The Backstreet Boys found out and went to the hospital to see her. I thought that maybe it would help if they sung to her. They sung ALAYLM and she woke up. It was amazing. They could have left, but they didnt. They spent the entire day with her at the hospital. I was at the hospital so I got to meet them. They were so down to earth and sweet. The next day was my 17th birthday and the guys found out and sent me flowers and balloons. That was so sweet for them to go out of their way just to help my friend. Ever since them I have respected them in a way that I have never respected a "star". Through their love and compasion my friend is alive today. Who knows what might have happened if they didnt come. That was a year ago, and I still feel the same way about them. But I think my feelings have grown deeper. With the release of their new album and their Tour they have proved everyone wrong. With their caring hearts and wonderful talents, they will be around for a long time. And I will support them until the end.
Submitted by TRACY from DALLAS U.S.A
Why do I like the Backstreet Boys?
Submitted by blaine from baker louisiana united states
I love the Backstreet boys for a lot of reasons. They all have fantastic voices and everything they do is so great. They all have their own since of style that makes them look so good, and they all have their own way of dancing and that really makes them look good. They love all of their fans and try to do a lot for them. Some famous people just take their fame to their heads but not the boys. I love everything about them. They have all been such an inspiration in my life. Their music is so great and to me none of their songs will ever get old. I have never met them but they all mean so much to me and I really love what they have done during the time that they have been who they are. I know that they will always continue to do what they do. I know they will continue to make great music and be fine looking guys :)~ and no matter what anyone says I will meet A.J one day and he will leave Amanda for me ( I wish ) well thanx for everything that you the band and the boys have done keep it up!
Submitted by Chrstine from Long Beach CaLi U.S.A.
Hmmm....that's a hard question :P! I love the Backstreet Boys for lots of reasons. They're dedicated to their music, their friends and families and, of course, THEIR FANS!!! They are just an all-around GREAT group of guys. I think that Kevin and Brian being engaged and getting married is great, too. They're being open about their lives and I respect them for it. It's weird but I love the BSB even more for learning that Brian and Kevin will soon be walking down the aisle. Whatever! I'm just so happy for them. I love the Backstreet Boys! K.T.B.P.A.!!!!!
Submitted by Lanie from Dallas U.S.
I LOVE the Backsstreet Boys because Brian Is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Patty from Mexico Mexico
I love Backstreet Boys because they sing so beautiful and they have a lot of talent.They are really handsome (specially Brian).
Submitted by BoNeCrAzY from NY NY USA
I love the Backstreet Boys because:
Submitted by vanessa from - saskatchewan canada
i like the backstreetboys because well, one they are sexy, two they are very artistic singers and three they are the best boy group ever!! I LUV U BACKSTREET BOYS!!
Submitted by Jessica from TC USA
Because Kevin and Brian aren't afraid to show their love for their fiancees!
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