Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by Laura from Hilliard Ohio USA
There are so many reasons to love these boys. I am sorry to say it, but part of it might be because they are so cute. There music is so great and inspiring. I wake up every morning knowing that I will see them on TRL, and listen to them on one of my CDs. That is one of the only reasons I want to get up! These boys put me to tears almost every time I see them on TV. Knowing that I COULD be there. All I have left to say is that they got what it takes to be around for a while!
Submitted by *Bianca* from a place in Ontario Canada
Why do I love them?! I could sit here for hours typing:)
Submitted by Bernice Melling from W. Covina California USA
The Backstreet Boys have been one of my biggest influences in my life first off because i was in a car accident 1 year ago and i nearly died it was one of the hardest things i had to go through in my life at that time my grandfather was sick. So it was me and my granfather in the hospital. And everyday i would listen to them and they kept my head up and i was storng because there music is the best thing i have ever hears and i always want them to be around. I think i survied that just because of them. Its werid how us ladies are in love with them because of looks or etc. But most of us have been inspired by them and always will be. I just want to thank them they mean alot to me.
Submitted by Erin from hmm.. u s a
Backstreet Boys, as some say
Submitted by Bsb luver from Syracuse NY USA
If they are so gay what are you doing on this site.
Submitted by Mya from that place
BLINK 182 RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by me from b.c mi usa
hahahahahah i dont think so!!!! YOU r gay..not bsb..get the facts straight! bye now
Submitted by Male from ??? USA
I think the Backstreet Boys are just plain old GAY......
Submitted by jennifer from chicago ill usa
i love bsb because of the music they sing and their amazing voices and their entertaining shows. they are cute but i like them more for the music. no all because of the music.
Submitted by Penny Garrett from Ravenden Springs AR USA
I love the Backstreet Boys b/c on March 17th, 1998 I was in a major car wreck and my best friend was killed. They were the last people she heard before we hit..their song...Quit Playing Games w/ My Heart was on the radio and when we hit it was playing. She was killed instantly and her last words she heard were those heavenly guys! I only received minor (WELL MAJOR BUT CONSIDERING I'M ALIVE I ONLY SAY MINOR) injuries (Dislocated jaw, bruised breast bone, bruised lungs, MAJOR seatbelt burn (only one wearing it), bruised knee bone...and I was luck to walk out with legs b/c the AC unit came in on my feet and legs) and I am so thankful that BSB are my link to her...I listen to them and i am just amazed that the last voices she heard were of Brian Howie Nick AJ and the AMAZING Kevin! THANK YOU GUYS!
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