Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by Lizzi '00 from Benevento Italy
"HELLO" TO ALL THE BSB FANS.I love the boys because they're the only pop-band that can sing and dance at the same time. They also love their fans, and they can create in myself "that something" that meke me so happy and soooo good. And also they're sooo hot;of course!!!!!!!!!!!I think that they will rule over 3000!!!!!!!
Submitted by Mandy from N.Adams MA United States
They are gorgeous, and they can sing and they are not as stupid and ugly as those dumb ugly guys that go by that dumb name NStink oops I didn't mean that i meant NSYNC. Backstreet Boys are real and down to earth and they are really good to their fans.
Submitted by kristina m ciaramella from fulton new york hannable
THE resan i lve the back streetboys is becose they just go for their dreams an they in spired me to be a singer with. When I'm angry i just listen to their music and i for get about my anger.
Submitted by kristina m ciaramella from fulton new york hannable
THE resan i lve the back streetboys is becose they just go for their dreams an they in spired me to be a singer with. When I'm angry i just listen to their music and i for get about my anger.
Submitted by Sabrina Kreischer from St. Joe IN 46785
About a month ago i left my husband and we were going to get a divorce, i went to visit a friend to " get away " for awhile and on my way home i was listening to my BSB CD and the song " Back To Your Heart " came on and i realized how much i still loved my husband and how much i wanted him back...that song gave me great direction and great hope for my life and my marriage and my 2 year old son! Thanx so much guys!!! It means alot more to me now when i hear that song.
Submitted by Andrea from Mason USA
Why do I love the Backstreet Boys? That's a good question. I've only been a fan of the Backstreet Boys for about 6 months, but in that short time, I've come to love their music, admire their hard work and dedication, and can't seem to get through the day without hearing their music. These five guys have inspired me in so many ways, and for that I'm very grateful. I have had some health problems and weight concerns for many years and needed to do something about it. Because of Kevin, Brian, AJ, Howie and Nick I've felt the strength to do something about it. About four weeks ago, I began exercising daily. I get up early in the morning and come home right after work, and work out to their music. It is because of them that I'm doing this. And that is why I love them. With them not really knowing it, they are helping me get my life back. Words really can't describe how grateful I am to them for this. I just hope and pray they continue as a group for many, many years.
Submitted by Cindy from Watertown CT USA
Three years ago I had never heard of the Backstreet Boys and if you told me then that I would be listening to a boy band and paying incredible amounts of money for magazines and concert tickets I would have called you crazy. But I owe them for helping me express myself to someone I love very much. I've been a fan since the first album but their second album is the one that really made an impact on my life, especially with my mom. She has been working her butt off for my whole life trying to keep a roof over my head and even when I got sent to court two years ago she was there. I never knew how to tell her that I appreciated it but when I heard "Perfect Fan" I knew that was it. Since then I have played the song for her, sung it to her and even told her that I do appreciate her. And for that I thank them. Don't get me wrong, I am the typical teenage fan but their music has done a lot more for me than given me something to listen to. And that, among other reasons, is why I love the Backstreet Boys.
Submitted by Leah from Halifax CANADA
Hmmm...why do I love the Backstreet Boys? Well, let's just start by saying, I don't. Now, I don't mean that in a bad way, it's just...how can you love someone you've never even met before. Yeah, from what I can tell they seem like great guys who have an awsome talent, but that's really all I can say. I do, however, love their music. It always puts me in such a great mood. :)
Submitted by Buffy from Nairobi Nairobi Kenya
What can I say? I just love them and I think that they are THE BEST. When did I start liking them? When I was twelve. It was my birthday and no-one remembered, and I felt sooo bad that I went home and cried. I turned on the T.V, and at that time they were about to play "We've got it goin' on" and I was into fast tracks and it cheered me up immensely. I thought it was great and I especially liked Kevin. I went and found out all about them, and have been like a big fan ever since.
Submitted by Kadie from Rockford IL USA
I am not going to go into the whole long story, but I love BSB because they are always there for me, for all their fans. They realize this and that's why they continue to do what they are doing. If I am sad, I listen to them and I am happy. If I am happy, I listen to them and I am even more happy!!! Let's just say that I feel in love with their voices/talent/music. THEN I saw what they looked like and that helped. If they weren't 5 attractive guys I would STILL love them. Their music helped me through an abusive relationship with my ex step-father. And I don't think that I would be here if it wasn't for them and their music. It gave me something to look forward to and live for. I am happy now and I owe it all to the Backstreet Boys!
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