Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by Bridget from massapequa ny usa
why do i love the bsb? wow talk about a loaded question. i first discovered the boys in ireland, visiting relatives. i heard them cause my cousin had a cd. i had no idea what they looked like till a few months later when i came back to the states and heard QPGWMH. i thought they were cute but more importantly i fell in love with the music. thier music brought me back from the edge of doing god only knows what (im not kidding). i suddenly would see them on interviews and listen to them sing and i would find myself laughing at nick and brian,trying to guess what color ajs hair would be next, and needing to hear howies voice, and see kevins face, cause i knew he had gone through the same thing as me with my dad.....thier voices supported me like an older brother's would. i suddenly had something to live for again. if i ever meet them i know the first thing i would say was thank you. because of what they did without even trying, they also helped me before anyone else even caught onto my depression. so thats what i think of the bsb. again thank you (hey you never know who might read this).
Submitted by Jamie from N.Augusta SC USA
Well They Inspired Me A Lot Even THough I'm Very Young.They Keep On Reaching For The Gold Even Though They Make Mistakes.They're Original.That How A Singing Group Is Supposed To Be.Not Premade Like 'NSYNC Or Boyzone Or 5ive.
Submitted by Tray Williams from Eufaula USA
There are so many reasons to why I love the Boys.They have each influenced me in a different way.Starting with Nick.He shows me that no matter how old I get I can still just relax and be a kid at heart.I sure do hope he always stays like that.Howie makes me think of my family and background.He teaches me to take pride in where I'm from and what I am.To never take my family for granted is another thing I've learned from him.Kevin inspires me to go for my dreams.He says he went for his and worked hard for what he wanted.Also that if we do the same we can go where we want,and be what we want to be.AJ reminds me to be myself.That's one of the best things you can do.There are so many"groups"in schools now days,and looking at him makes me want to show how different I am from anyone else.There's one me and one you,and we need to dress the way we want.Not care what other people think of us.And NOT follow the crowd.I guess that leaves Brian.He's taught me just as much as the rest.I look at him and wonder how we all take each breath for granted.Because God never promised us the next.Seeing what he went through and his faith inspires me to live and live in love.
Submitted by Backstreet IceSkater from Knoxville Tennessee USA
I think I like the Backstreet Boys is mostly the timing of when they came out. I have always liked pop music and when the grunge period was in at the US, I didn't listen to music at all. Until I turned up the radio and here it is, a pop song. I believe it was Quit Playing Games. Anyhow, I called the radio station and asked for their name, bought the album, research about them and then just basically started loving them. I read everything about them and became almost an expertise.
Submitted by Darshini from Mansfield USA
The Backstreet Boys are the best! They're music helps me get through the day and not one day goes by that I don't think of them. They love their fans so much, that they would anything to make them happy. Their such great role models for teenagers that everyone should look up to them. Their voices sound like angels singing to me when I'm sleeping. Plus,they are so hot! I don't know anyone who wouldn't like them!They're awesome, great, and they will always be my lucky charm! I love you guys forever!
Submitted by jen from ottawa ontario canada
I love the backstreet boys because they brought meaning into my life. When I wake up in the morning I put their music
Submitted by kim from harlingen usa
1) they are hot
Submitted by Cindie from Copperas Cove Texas USA
The reason why I love the Backstreet Boys is because they actually saved my life. You see, I attempted suicide in every possible way you can think of and one night I was very depressed because of family problems and luckily my cd player was playing the Backstreet Boys (the song was "I'll Never Break Your Heat") and I had a gun in my hand and was about to pull the trigger when they sang, "I'll never break your heart, I'll never make you cry, I'd rather die then live without you, I'll give you all of me honey that's no lie," and I just dropped the gun and started crying and thinking about what I was about to do. Yes, I love them because they are sexy and all, but most of all, I love them because they saved my life. They are like my guardian angels. That's why I love them.
Submitted by Ashley Herrera from San Antonio Texas USA
I like the backstreet boys because they are very talented guys. They have some cool songs that just make you want to get up and dance. They look like sweet and outgoing guys if you were to spend time with them. Especially, A.J i love him so much i would do anything just to meet him. He is my favorite backstret boy of them all. If i had the chance to meet him i would cherish that moment forever. The closest i will ever get to be with them is at their concert here i San Antonio, Texas on March 1, 2000. Well, i just thought i would give you a piece of my mind on why i love or like them so much. Thanks,
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