Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by AMY from Boston USA
Hey everyone! You wanted to know why I like the Backstreet Boys? This may take a while, there are just soooo many reasons. But I'll try to keep it as short as possible. First of all, their music...what else can I say? It's great! I can relate to every word of it and it always puts me in a good mood and gets me singing as loud as I can when I hear it. That's the first reason. Second, they have such great personalities! (Not to mention they're the hottest 5 guys I've ever seen in my life.) Also, they have deeply inspired me to follow all of my dreams in life! Another reason is because, unlike some other groups out there, they really care about their fans, (Us! hehe)and they always say "if it wasn't for the fans..." blah blah blah, ya know, "we wouldn't be here today" and it's true because we're doing all we can to Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive, and we're gonna do that forever, right? Well, atleast I know I am. Ok, now another reason I can think of is really tied into the "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" video. Basically because I just lost someone very important to me and I can totally relate to that video because I know Howie lost his sister and Kevin lost his father, too. So they help me get through my "tough times." hehe. Anyways, that's all I can think of right now. I know there's lots more! Sorry, but I really don't wanna spend my whole day writing EVERYTHING I like about the Backstreet Boys...cuz believe me, that's definately how long it would take! Ok? KTBSPA Everyone! Bye! Oh, and one more thing, just in case the Backstreet Boys actually go on their own websites and read these things, thank you so much for inspiring me and making my dream come true! I love you guys so much and I'll always be a fan, no matter what! Bye now! *AMY*
Submitted by Amy from Waltham Massachusetts USA
The Backstreet Boys are my favorite group and they will always be! They have inspired me so much because I want to be a singer when I get older and they've proven that if you follow your dreams, then you can become whatever you want. That's what they did and now look at them! They're HUGE! Thank you Backstreet Boys! I love you guys so much and hopefully now my dream will come true, too! KTBSPA! ~Amy~
Submitted by Sebastian Menk from Maschen Seevetal Germany
They are simpely a part of my life...Luv u all...
Submitted by Rosemarie from Tracy CA USA
Why do I love the Backstreet Boys?? Hmmm...let me count the reasons. First of all, from the moment I layed eyes on Brian, my life has been nothing but good. Second, without them, life would be completely boring. I mean, they are all I watch on tv, all I listen to, all I look at, and all I talk about. What would I do without them? Third, it is not that often that all the members of a boy group can sing (and most of all, sing LIVE!). I've been through New Kids, 98 Degrees, N Sync, and BSB is the only group who has leads done by each guy (and they actually sound good). Okay...fourth, they are respected as artists. You never hear comments about them lip syncing because they DON'T. Fifth, they are totally hot. Sixth, they never let their fans down (i.e. when they said the tour would be good, they were telling the truth). How can I not love them????
Submitted by shannon from vancouver Canada
I love BSB mainly for their music and their personalities. I like the way they express their feelings thru their music and they write straight from the heart. I consider A.J. and Brian the best singers in the group. I've been to a BSB concert and I had the best time. These boys really know how to entertain. I hope to see them ( again) in concert. These are my reasons why I love the Backstreet Boys.
Submitted by Holly from Cincinnati Ohio USA
okay why do i love the backstreet boys?? number one reason has to be that they are in this business for the fans, i mean they dedicated the great song LARGER THAN LIFE to us!!! second of all nobody can deny their good looks and in combination with their voices from heaven, who could resist. finally even though there are soooo many things i love about them the one that comes to mind right now is kevin and brian announcing their impending marriages. i am sorry but that took some serious balls if you ask me. i am so glad they shared the news with us and no matter what as long as the guys are happy then i am perfectly content with what they are doing and if *tears* that means and end to their music, then i believe that is what god intended. (though i seriously doubt that will be the case) until the moment that they no longer exist as one or as solo artists i will always keep the backstreet pride alive!!! cograts guys and good luck on wed. at the grammys!
Submitted by Miquie Li from Immokalee and Hollywood FL USA
Why do I love the BSBoys? Pull up a chair and order a pizza...... I love the guys because first before anything, their music. Now, I know its "just pop music" but let me tell you this: Ask someone what's that special song that reminds them of their love or one of the greatest memories they have. I bet they'll tell you a pop song, sure you'll hear Celine Dion's name in there more than once, but its those so called "just pop songs" that hold special places in people's hearts. Mine is INBYH..... In my freshman year I was going through a sort of rough time (Yeah its one of those stories!) I realized I was feeling something more for my then recent ex, my mom and I were fighting a lot more than usual, my grades weren't too good, and on top of everything I found out my great aunt Lupe had cancer. INBYH was the Boys' single of the moment and I remember telling one of my friends that it always came on the radio when I needed to be cheered up. It always (and I mean always) did when me and mom had just finished a fight, or I was thinking of my ex, my aunt, or just cursing the heinous monsters of death known as my teachers whose classes I just couldn't get. I could always count on this sad little love song to cheer me up right at the exact moment. I never believed in coincidences in the first place, but what happened later convinced me indefinitely that this song was to have a place in my heart. It was a regular Saturday when my dad decides to take me to this new theater in the Riverwalk plaza. I was watching the movie with my Dad when my Mom calls up on his cell phone. She tells me that my aunt Lupe has died. (I knew she had cancer but I didn't really believe that she would die. You would know what I mean if you knew her. The woman was over 70 years old and she would still make jokes about Clinton and viagra!) So I ran out of the theater and into the bathroom, locked myself in a stall, and began to cry on the floor. Guess what started to play on the theater radio in the restroom........I don't know if God, an angel, or maybe just my aunt Lupe had decided to play DJ but I knew it was a sign. (I'm Catholic ::shrugs::) It was a sign that told me that even though my aunt was robbed of some important years, that things would be okay. That's what that song means to me: No matter how screwed up life can get, it'll always get better if you let it. (And it did; my ex has apologized repeatedly, and since we were friends before we're now trying it out again, my Mom and I have a really good relationship, my grades are back up to B's and A's like usual, and the only days I cried for my aunt Lupe were that day and the funeral because she was such a happy and beautiful person that I can't help but smile when I think of her.) I don't know how I got that kind of message from a song that's about a girl giving a guy a chance. I do know is that there are five very talented and cool guys, who sing beautiful songs, have crossed age, cultural, and language barriers, who unite fans worldwide because of the simple fact we are fans, and who will always have a place in my heart.
Submitted by Alyssa from Atlanta GA USA
Why do I love the Backstreet Boys? Who wouldn't love these five gorgeous boys who sing like angels, can make any frown turn upside down, they are the sunshine in our lives, they can heal our broken hearts and make everything better!! I truly love and adore this talented quintet that just absolutely makes me weak in the knees whenever I see them!! Their voices are so beautiful and their lyrics truly speak from the heart. They really make my day so much better. If I listen to them after a busy stressful day at school, it makes all the difference. If I hear their song on the radio, it makes me smile!! Each member has something so special and unique about each. Brian, with his smooth droolsome southern accent and his kooky humor that has us laughing for hours, A.J. with his numerous tattoos that just truly add to his character and he would not be the same with out them, his beautiful smile, his unique style and his sexy raspy voice, Kevin, the oldest and most mature member of the group, his caterpillar eyebrows just add to his beautiful features, you could just look in his eyes all day and his beautiful body definetly is tattooed in your head forever, Howie, our latin lover, his suave personality and his winks can make any female weak in the knees, he is always the last boy in because he tries to sign as many autographs as possible, and finally our little pretty boy, Nick, his sly grin makes any girl faint, his humor and his pranks make us wonder what really goes through that mind of his!! and his angelic looks make any girl swoon with jealously to wrap their greedy arms around his shoulders. These five boys have made such an impact on my life and they really have made my life worth living. They have proved so many critics wrong and they will most definetly not follow in the footsteps of New Kids on the Block. These boys have won numerous awards, broke a record, topped the charts with heart-stopping songs and done endless tours to fulfill the hearts and minds of eager teenage girls who plaster their posters all over their bedroom walls. They will definetly continue to go strong and never fall behind. The fans have truly helped them and been faithful for 7 years!! You guys RULE!!! KTBSPA!!! Backstreet 4 ever!!! Hugs & Kisses to the boys!!! Keep up the kick-ass work!! We are all behind you 100%!!! Peace out!!
Submitted by brandy from port huron mi usa
i love the backstreet boys because they are great singers and they seam nice to all their fans and that means alot to their fans at leas to me it does. they all have there one cool personalty like aj hes the crazy one and howie has the spanish, nick hes young and funny, brok he is sweet and funny, kevin is the responsable one of them all he makes shure there all doing what the need to be doing and hes funny sometimes too.. their all funny and sweet and loveing just they show it in their differint ways thats all
Submitted by Gina from Stockton California USA
I love the Backstreet Boys because they are positive role models. They have achieved so much and have been through so much in their lives, and always dealing with people who are saying bad things about them. But they rise above all that. Not trying too hard to prove anything to anyone just enough to get respect and knowing what they are capable of doing and send out a positive karma to fans. I feed of their motivation for hard work and use it in my everyday life. They get me through the day. Though I have never met these 5 guys, I feel as if God sent them to me. I call them my "Five guardian angels." They truly are angels. Their voices soothe my stressful soul after those hard days. And when my heart is broken from the world around me, they heal it... Just looking at them brings tears to my eyes cos I feel the love I have for them deeply inside. They inspire me with every aspect of my life and I thank them for that. I love them with all my heart and one day I know destiny will bring us closer together when I least expect it... I LOVE YOU GUYS AND THE FANS! KTBSPA!
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