Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by bsbphan from LA ca usa
Ok, I hope ppl won't get pissed at me for posting this here, but I feel that it needs to be said. When it comes time for BSB's next album, I pray to god that ppl aren't planning to buy 2 copies or whatever just so the boys can beat the record. That's tacky and petty and pathetic and my opinion, but I thought I'd say it anyway. Doing that proves nothing. Albums are recorded so that people can buy and enjoy the music. Not so that artists can play games and compete with eachother and see who can set the highest record. So please think twice about doing that or about buying Millennium again on Tuesday. BSB are out there to do their thing, not to compete with anyone else. It's something that they stand for. We as their fans should remember this.
Submitted by nicki from tampa florida usa
OMG you are asking why i love the bsb i mean come on it s only obvious i mean the first thing is there personality i mean they are soooo sweet and they so lov ethere moms i mean that must mean soooooo much when you think about it next has ot be there voices i mean OMGosh they are soooo sexy and hot and i can't believe that nsync tries to copy
Submitted by Robin from Long Island NY USA
Hmmm....why do I love the backstreet boys? Oh, so many reasons. First and formost, they are one of the greatest groups to come out in the last 5 years. All five of them sing, and they each bring something special to their songs. They are not a typical "boy band." Also, they put on an extremely entertaining, bass pumping, amazing show!! (I have seen them 3 times, and will travel anywhere within reason to see them!! It's so worth it!!) I have no respect for lip-synchers. Also, their music makes you wanna get up and dance without being nasty and vulgar. Don't get me wrong, Foxy Brown and Lil' Kim are cool and all, but you can only hear so much sexual stuff before you gag. Also, they are so darn cute! It's so worth it to plaster my walls with their beautiful faces (especially Kevin--Kristen is too lucky, i'm telling you!!!). If you don't believe me, look at my profile on America On-Line (Groupsta21)...I gleefully contribute to the BSB's pay checks! But anyway, I can't live without playing my babies at least 10x a day! And, there is something that has to be said when legends of music are complimenting you and asking you to sing with them (Hmmm, let's see---ELTON JOHN!!!). I must say, the Grammys were the best this year. I end with this--Music is very important to me...it always has been. It has helped me through the best and worst of times. I must say that I am fortunate to have discovered them, and that they are truly talented (and sexy) indivuals that will (I hope) continue to go the distance. I just have one request---where is the fan club convention, guys???? :)
Submitted by Matilda from London UK
Because no matter how much crap is thrown at them, they keep walking tall and show everyone that their talent comes from the soul!!!!
Submitted by Crystal from Binghamton NY USA
I can't describe how much I love the Backstreet Boys. They have changed and influenced my life in so many ways. I have been dealing with depression for a while now, and I never had anything to look to, to make me happy. When the BSB came out, I finally found something to live for. They inspired me so much, especially AJ, and helped me reach for the stars. I have tons of pics of them on my wall. One time, I woke up in the morning for school, and I felt like crap. I didn't want to get out of bed. I thought, what's the use? I looked at AJ's picture, and I knew I had to get out of bed. He would have wanted me to. BSB have inspired me so much that they kept me from numerous suicide attempts and literally going crazy. They are what keeps me sane. They are truly, my angels sent from Heaven. I just wish I could tell them that someday.
Submitted by Jamma from Lamma Ding Dong
'cause they RULE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by marissa from Fl U.S
I really love The Backstreet Boys so much. It's not only
Submitted by Sara Kaslow from Burnsville Minnesota usa
Well, how have the Backstreet Boys influenced me? For starters, they got me through my parents' divorce, they got me through school, all the hard times, that I have had and they also helped me get through my cousin Steve's death. And my friend Paul's death. The biggest thing that they have done for me, was save my life. They kept me off drugs and totally changed my outlook on life. I'd be dead or totally screwed up, if it wasn't for them. That's why I like them, and respect them for who they are, not What they are. As in being in the Backstreet Boys.
Submitted by lisa from kalamazoo usa
the bsb saved my life.
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