Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by Emily from Winsted CT USA
i luv the Boys cause i just do. u know those feelings you can't explain? well, this is one of them. I LOVE THE BACKSTREET BOYS! BSB 4ever! ktbspa!!!!!!
Submitted by Kelcey from Long Beach Ca U.S.
Tell my why I can't be there were you are there's something missing in my heart
Submitted by Courtney from Ottawa ontario Canada
Submitted by bsb-girl from overland park USA
Submitted by Christine from Toronto Ontario Canada
Why Do I love BSB ? I can go on for days at a time about why I love them.But I'll just say It's more than words can say.Nick is my fav.Why you ask? It's pretty much the same answer I'd give about why I love The BackStreet Boys.
Submitted by Kirsty from Manchester UK
Ok well they're all so attractive and great singers but Brians my fav! Maybe its his eyes, his voice,his fine butt, his skills as a writer. Or maybe its his cute laugh or his humour? I dont know but I love him too pieces! Coz everything about him is perfect!!
Submitted by Dominique from New York USA
I love BSB because their music is so great and it helps me get over my problems. They're all talented singers and dancers and their good to their fans whom they love. I love Kevin becuase, besides Nick, he's the only one who looks good( with his spikey hair and goatee and he's tall and has muscles). Plus, he's the mature, older, wiser one of the group. Don't get me wrong, I love each BSB member becuase of their talents but Kevin is the best (IN MY OPINION).
Submitted by Natalie Rivera from Jersey City NJ USA
Why do I love the Backstreet Boys? Believe it or not, this is a pretty hard question because there are a lot of things that I like about them. I LOVE their looks, actually I LOVE AJ's looks. I like their positive attitude towards life and *N Sync. I like the fact that they don't attempt to copy someone else's looks just to gain popularity, like *N Sync. They don't really care if the critics don't like them because to them, it's all about the fans. They have influenced me a little. They have made me be accepting of other people and the way people are because they don't stereotype anyone or each other.
Submitted by angel from easley sc usa
i'll tell you why i love the bsb and why you should. they are so talented and genuine. i am 22years old and i am still a fan. their music is just so easy to listen to. i have been to so many bsb concert just to see aj. he is my man. i have met aj and the other bsb and they are so nice and they have much respect for their fans. they know that we make bsb and that we could also break them. but you know we would not do that! other boy bands are just copoffs of bsb, we all know that. they even said theirselves that tbe bsb were pioneers of their time. so bsb if you ever read this- know that we all love you guys! you are so talented and your fans are very proud!!!
Submitted by Samantha from California California USA
I don't have a spectacular reason for lovin the boyz like some people do. To be perfectly honest, I'm glad I don't have one, because then that means something bad would have to have happened. I've liked them ever since As Long As You Love Me, and even though none (and when I say none I mean NONE) of my friends like them, they still manage to find a special place in my heart.
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