Why do you love the Backstreet Boys?
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Submitted by Beth Thacker from Moundsville WV USA
I been a fan now for about 5 yrs. Since the first time i herd them. I fell in love with all of them. I like all of them cause they all are talented and they have proved to everyone that they are a true boy band. I love A.J. cause he keeps in real, Nick cause he makes me laugh, Howie, cause he know what he wants and both Brian and Kevin cause they showed their fans the true meaning of loving someone and for not hiding their marriage.
Submitted by shini from manila Philippines
ive been a fan since i heard of them... thats four years now ^^ i get into trouble because of them (either because i buy anything with their faces on or simply because i get sooo mad when someone bad mouths them). but that doesnt really matter to me. i think they have more than just their pretty faces to show... they do great music and great moves, plus the fact that they really seem to be friendly and nice. they're the only boy group that i love and its because they're the best boy group ever and no matter what happens they will still be number one in my heart ^^ backstreet rulz and the others drool! heehee!
Submitted by Ozge from Ankara Turkey
i love them because of the way they sing, the way they act, shortly, for their everything... Because of that they're just Kevin, Brian , Howie, AJ and Nick
Submitted by Jamie from USA
I love BsB because they are sweet. I like the way they sing. I love all the songs too. I like them because they are always true to there fans. A lot of the fans think they shouldn't have girlfriends but thats just dumb. they don't have to give us info about what they do outside of the music buisness.
Submitted by Kristen from Cary North Carolina USA
The Backstreet Boys have been more than just some boyband to me. When I first heard about them, I was in my classic rock stage and not really open to many new types of music. Then, I met one of my now best friends. She LOVED them. I mean, you think YOU'RE their number one fan?! Think again, hun. She absolutely worships them. And I owe her for introducing me into the wonderful world of Backstreet. Their music has inspired me to no extent. I started writing fanfics (don't laugh, ok?! lol) about them just because it was fun, it gave me something to do. Then, I decided to submit one of my stories to a website just for the hell of it. I didn't expect to get the amount of positive feedback that I got. People were telling me that I was a GOOD writer. I couldn't believe it. So, I started to write other things and soon got into journalism. Then I joined the newspaper staff at my high school. I love it and I feel it's really the only thing that keeps me in school. I owe my love of writing to the Boys and only them. If I was to meet them, I would simply shake their hands and tell them, from the bottom of my heart, "Thank you for the happiness you've given me." (and of course I'd get their autographs so I could brag to all my friends...hehe...)
Submitted by CHEl from Miami FL USA
I LOve BSB cuz They Influenced me soo much. they change my life in a good way. they made me realize that Music has meaning and power.....I just Love the Backstreet Boys cuz they have the talent to sing..they Have true voices....and makes really good songs
Submitted by BSB #1 Girl from Cincinnati Ohio USA
Submitted by LOURDES SILVA from FALL RIVER massachusette USA
FOR HOWIE D I LOVE YOU Call me please 1 508 646 4319
Submitted by lorinne from Philippines
hi there!
Submitted by Jeana from USA
Oh, my God!!! There are so may reasons Why I love the Backstreet Boys. They all sing so good,They all are so SEXY and ROMANTIC and always make time for their fans. The Backstreet Boys can all dance so well together (When they Dance it's if they are dancing as one!) They write some of their own songs!!!! And Most importantly THEY ARE ALL SO KIND, LOVING, and FUN to their fans. BACKSTREET BOYS ARE THE BEST, and will always be #1 in my HEART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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