Submitted by Leonie from Amsterdam Noord Holland Holland
Date: Tue Feb 22 09:05:16 2000
I am very happy for the to and I wish them good luck!
Submitted by Carolina from Santo Domingo DN Dominican Republic
Date: Tue Feb 22 08:46:34 2000
HI!!!!!!I was just thinking about that AGAIN, and i'm very very happy!!!!!!!! BYE!! KTBPA!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Outi from klaukkala finland
Date: Tue Feb 22 05:26:31 2000
The only thing that can be said at a time like this:CONGRATULATIONS!
Submitted by RFox292877 from London United Kingom
Date: Tue Feb 22 03:01:11 2000
I very happy 4 the guys. I don't think fans who are sending HATE MAIL to them are really fans at all! I mean, has anyone been to every concert they have set, brought every single they have realesed, brought any biography that they have written about them. I bet many of you have given 100% support to these, why turn your backs on them? Everyone deserves a bit happiness in their life, why not the Backstreet Boys?
Submitted by Tamara from Wildwood Alberta Canada
Date: Tue Feb 22 00:19:22 2000
I love both Brian and Kevin, and I think it's adorable that they're both engaged! They will make really awessome husbands, and really really really sweet fathers. (Whenever they decide to have kids) I am gonna keep wishing them well, and hopeing that they will have a great life with their spouses!! NEwayz..gots to go. congrats to Brain and Leighanne, and Kevin and (his chick) I don't know her name.... is it Kristin???? I'm not even sure...but I'm still so happy for them!! YAY 4 THEM!!! C-ya's!Luvz & KTBSPA! Tamara
Submitted by yoo from osaka japan japan
Date: Tue Feb 22 00:04:01 2000
My fav is Kevin!I think good news.but I donn't know about Kevin's girl friend ... What kind of girlfriend is she? you know please tell me
Submitted by Rose from Pittsburgh PA USA
Date: Mon Feb 21 23:50:40 2000
lol I dunno who wrote it but a fan wrote a comment on the engagements but didn't leave her email addy this was the message she posted:Leighanne in my opinion is stupid and just marrying Brian for his money.They go together about as good as the BSB with Nstink which in my opinion is awful.Why couldn't he find somebody better. I just don't like Leighanne and I don't think I ever will. This will definately break up the band. Just like Yoko Ono got married to John Lennon and then the Beatles broke up because of how she brainwashed John.Well that's just my opinion. Well who ever wrote this needs to learn thier facts! Yoko came when the Beatles were already on the verge of breaking up!! Alot of people just pointed the finger at her because she was an easy target! Leighanne is a sweet person and when you can say for a fact that you know her well enough to make accusations like that than you can speak! The only thing that you are doing is making your self look ignorant. Don't try to walk around as an intelligent person if you aren't intelligent enough to do so! Leighanne is very intelligent and she has been acting and working in her career way before Brian was even in the picture! Brian is a big boy now! I think he can tell Leighanne is a good person. Some of you forget that they have been together for years. Ths is not new news for true hardcore BSB fans. If you can't accept them or their loved ones then how dare you call yourselves BSB fans!
Submitted by Jennifer from Santa Barbara CA USA
Date: Mon Feb 21 23:42:57 2000
Hey everyone I just want to say that im really happy for brian and kev. some people think that the band could break up after the wedding. you do know that if it does we sould be mad but what ever does happen as the fans we will always keep the backstreet pride alive.Nick said "live life to the fullest for the future is scarce" we should know that right now 2 members are living life to the fullest. Yea yea ok so iam a little mad. well not mad im just a little sad. i mean who would first there were yes i wish it were the same 5 single hot guys. Nick, Brian, AJ, howie and keven. 5 guys. now there is only 3 guys left. oh well i should not be jelous. But what ever happens durring this wedding as the fans we should KTBSBPA!!!! What ever they do they will always be # 1 in my heart. If you want to chat you can e-mail me about what you think and bsb is my favorite band! @:>)
Submitted by Rosie from Caracas Miranda Venezuela
Date: Mon Feb 21 23:34:12 2000
OK, so I have to say I wasn't THAT shocked when I heard the news for the first time. My parents and I were in Atlanta for the concert, and I was watching the news. When I heard that, I didn't know what to do, believe, not believe, cry, scream...but when I came back home yesterday, I definitely wanted to cry, it began to affect me. I mean, first, Kevin's the only guy I've really really loved, and secondly, 'cause I've been so selfish, I admit it. And I really dunno what to do with the posters I've in the back of my door. I can't throw them like that!
Submitted by Rachel from Rosemount US
Date: Mon Feb 21 23:01:27 2000
I'm happy for Kevin, Brian and their fiances. They deserve to be happy with whoever they choose to be with. I'm totally happy with them getting married. Why would they want to marry them if they weren't right for them? Leighanne and Kristin must not be as bad as everyone says they are. Anyway, I want to congratulate Kevin and Brian!!!
Submitted by i_love_aj from san diego USofA
Date: Mon Feb 21 22:59:57 2000
I think that all the bsb fans should be HAPPY for Brian and Kevin.Yes happy. We all knew this day would come eventually, we just didn't know it would come this soon. I know a lot or MOST of the bsb fans, especially the Brian and Kevin fans, are devastated because they should be marrying them, but they deserve happiness too, don't they? We should feel special because they are letting us into their personal lives, which they don't have to do, but instead, we all are being selfish and thinking that we should be their brides. I know I'm going to get a lot of angry people coming at me and saying a bunch of stuff, but I must admit, if A.J. was getting married, I'd be the same way all of you are, that would just crush my heart, but at the same time I would be happy for him. I know where all of you are coming from with your feelings but just because they are getting married doesn't mean that they won't stay the sweet, adorable, lovable backstreet boys they already are and will stay, it just means they aren't single anymore.
Submitted by Mandy from FL USA
Date: Mon Feb 21 22:58:55 2000
Hey everyone! Sup? Ok, I just want to say that I am VERY HAPPY for both Brian AND Kevin. Y'all need to realize that they are JUST normal people, and they deserve happinness, just like the rest of us. I hate to see all these fans saying they're never gonna listen to BSB again and they're gonna tear down all their posters, and things like that. That's horrible. I mean, if you REALLY love them, and you're REALLY a TRUE fan, then you would continue to love them. After all, THEY love US!! Without us, they'd be no where!
Submitted by Shabnam from Annandale VA USA
Date: Mon Feb 21 22:56:08 2000
Well, I have sat here and read mostly everyones opinions on this issue & I must say I agree with most of you all. I mean yeah I wish I could be that lucky girl that would be able to marry a Backstreet Boy (like all the other millions of girls out there) but I to had to face reality and stop trying to live in a fatasy world like many of you all.( the truth hurts) But to those so called "BSB fans" who have threatened to leave BSB for NSTYNK, you guys need to grow up. I mean don't you want our menz to be happy? Because if they are happy, then they continue to do what they love, and in return, then that makes us happy ( and dammit I like to be happy!). So, if you want to leave our menz and go to those little boys, go ahead. Cuz at the end, the true fans will be standing and of course on the winning side, which is and will forever be backstreet, baby!! KTBSPA & BSB 4 EVA!Congratulations to Brian & Kevin and I wish you both & your lucky, lucky brides the best of luck and much happiness in the future. =) Peace!! Luv alwayz, Shabnam
Submitted by Christine from Long Beach CaLi U.S.A.
Date: Mon Feb 21 22:52:13 2000
I know that there are TONS of people who have something to say about Brian and Kevin's engagement. Mine is a positive one :) I personally couldn't be happier for them and their fiancees! I wish them all the best. I don't think it neccessarily comes down to "oh - if you were a true fan you'd be happy for the guys", though. There's nothing wrong with a fantasy here and there, but there are some people who need to be realistic and snap out of that fantasy. Go ahead and get it out of your system. Just don't get carried away with yourself. The saddest thing to me about this whole ordeal is how people can be so judgemental towards their fiancees, saying that the relationship won't last or that they're not right for each other. These people need to STOP the trash talk! I'm sorry, but would the Backstreet Boys marry someone that's not attractive?!? They wouldn't marry someone just out-of-the-blue, either. I'd really like to see the Backstreet Boys just five years from now. Hopefully by then, all the guys will have settled down and married. I think that their music will be somw what different, adapted to their maturity. It'd be very interesting to see how a bit of "normal life" would really change them. I would actually love to see their kids if and when they had them! That'd be so surreal for me but I'd be just as happy for them all as I am now. The thing I DON'T want to see as a result of their marriages is the END of the Backstreet Boys. For me, it would be fine if they did take a year or so off because God knows they deserve it! I just would hate to see the group end in that way. There's a lot to the Backstreet Boys, so much potential and quality, that should and always be a part of our life. Keep The Backstreet Pride Alive !!!!!
Submitted by Sabrina from Vancouver BC Canada
Date: Mon Feb 21 22:47:05 2000
I basically am happy for Brian and Kevin that they are engaged and found someone that they really love, but personally, i think that brian's a bit too young, and especially leighanne being 29 and all. isn't it awkward? Brian is 25 and leighanne is 29. i would say that leighanne is really nice, considering that's what the fans who met her think, but my friends and I say that he should find someone like um... a bit younger than him. but overall i'm happy for both kevin and brian. when i found out about this, i was kinda in shock, but i mean, it's their lives and they made up their own decisions, and like what brian says, "there's a time for everything."
Submitted by Sarah from Tampa FL US
Date: Mon Feb 21 22:23:24 2000
Well what can I say...I should start by saying "Congratulations" to both Kevin and Brian. I know that the news came as a shocker to some, but, we all knew that it was going to happen sometime. I did have the chance to meet both of the "lucky" girls and I can honestly say that they are both so sweet. Leighanne is an absolute doll and just looking at the two of them together anyone would see how much in love they are. I am somewhat ashamed to be a fan knowing that Brian and Leighanne have been engaged for almost 5 months and he felt as if he couldn't tell us until now. To those of you who are mad, hurt, and feel as though your world is coming to an end....get a life. Did you really think that you were going to marry them or that they were going to stay single for the fans. I don't know about you, but, I am a fan because I love their music and they are the sweetest guys in the world. Well, that's just it...they are guys, and normal ones at that. I am very happy for the guys and I know that their "true" fans will continue to enjoy them for what is important...the music. Congratulations again and I wish them all the happiness in the world.
Submitted by ERIN from Vancouver BC CANADA
Date: Mon Feb 21 22:22:05 2000
I was thinking about all of the engagement stuff a few minutes ago and I deciced to share with everyone my perspective on the situation. I think that we as fans should be really flattered that Brian and Kevin are engaged! I know you're all thinking WHAT? but think about it this means that both guys are very comfortable with their fans now and they feel that they can express themselves freely and be themselves without worrying what their fans will do. This proves that they trust us as fans and they know that we will not turn on them just for doing somehting for themselves. I think that we should all take this as a compliment and be glad that both guys were completely honest with us. The only way to repay them for all of their honesty is to support them and keep on loving them because they deserve great fans!! loke us!!SO I SAY CONGRATULATIONS BRIAN AND KEVIN love erin
Submitted by Keisha C. from New Orleans LA USA
Date: Mon Feb 21 21:56:06 2000
BACKSTREET FANS: Fair-weather or Forever?by Keisha C. Okay I too was utterly shocked when I heard the news. I am a HUGE Kevin and Brian fan. I expected the news about Brian, but not Kevin (AKA - Mr. Body Beautiful). I feel stupid for being upset. Damn I'm 24, but it's still fun to dream. Ya know? I'm not glad that he's getting married. What die hard Kevin fan would be? But I am glad that he's happy and brave enough to announce it to everyone. I needed to hear it from the horse's mouth; I needed this closure (which hit me like a stiff kick in the ass) FOR REAL! This will not end the Backstreet Boys. Good luck guys! My question to the fans is: Would you still be a BSB fan if all of them got married, fathered children, or both? Would you still love them after reality smacked you dab in the face and you realized for sure that you would never EVER marry or date the BSB of your dreams? My answer to all the questions above is: YES! I love these guys for more than their great looks, i.e. their TALENT, PERSONALITIES, and too much other stuff to list *SEE BELOW.* Because I am older, 24 to be exact, I can see the forest from the trees and know for a fact that I will never marry Kevin, my favorite, although the name “Keisha Richardson” is like music to my ears. I can appreciate him from afar and enjoy the rest of the guys for what they really are - A GREAT VOCAL GROUP THAT RISES ABOVE THESE OTHER PSEUDO BOY GROUPS (No, I'm not talking about N'SYNC. I like them, but they don’t compare to BSB). I grew up a teen in the good 'ol days of New Kids on the Block, and to this day I still am a die hard supporter of all their endeavors, whether they now are considered "in" or "out.” I stuck with them through thick and thin, and I’ll always BE LOVING THEM FOREVER! Yes, that cheesy pun was intentional : ) All of the New Kids are doing their separate things now like: producing, acting, getting married, pursuing solo music careers, and fathering children. Yeah Jordan! Congratulations! Anyway, my question is: Are you a true Backstreet Boys fan or one of those fair-weather fans here today, while they are "hot," and gone tomorrow when they could possibly be "out" (which I feel, quite frankly, is impossible), married, or fathers? Ask yourself this question the next time you call yourself a Backstreet fan. One more thing. I'm just wondering how many haters out there are still going to call them gay now that they are engaged. Take that, you sorry asswipes! LOL! *Whether it's Kevin's lush eyebrows, piercing green eyes, beautiful body, slow speaking voice, mature attitude, father figure role, and deep voice; Nick's baby fat, beautiful blonde hair, pretty boy looks, silly antics, and short attention span; Brian's great smile, angelic voice, charity work, sense of humor, and sincerity; Howie's pouty lips, peacemaker attitude, spontaneous winks, genuine persona, Steven Segal hair, sweetness, and the fact that we share the same birthday; or AJ's artistic facial hair, tattoos, freaky ways, and soulful singing voice, they all have unique qualities and characteristics that make them special. Keisha, KEEPIN' THE BACKSTREET PRIDE ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Submitted by Stephanie from Columbia SC USA
Date: Mon Feb 21 21:41:59 2000
I'm thrilled that Brian and Kevin have found their soulmates.They deserve nothing but the best life can offer them and it sounds like these ladies have stuck by them for a long time now. I hope their marriages fulfill them and make their lives complete.All true fans want what is best for any of the boys. We need to fully support them now more than ever. The fans have brought them this far and we can't abandon them now. Hey, it's not like any of us had a snowballs chance in hell to even be in the same room alone with them, so GROW UP !!
Submitted by Kristi from Vancouver B.C. Canada
Date: Mon Feb 21 21:15:29 2000
Dear all, I have never written a comment about something like this before....I want everyone to know this, just because Brian and Kevin are now engaged doesn't mean they will love the fans any less, doesn't mean they will drop out of the group, doesn't mean they won't like you if you do actually meet them someday..... I think that all this has been blown out of proportion here i've been living under a rock for the past while and only recently heard this and at first i was like " Yeah right here's another stupid rumor" but it's true, the boys said so themselves. And why should'n't they? Who has the right to intrude on their happiness. I've been a fan for god knows how long, i've seen their concerts, i've screamed their names so loud my throat hurt, i've cried over them because the concert was over and they were going on to perform for another city. But i don't cry, because they are growing up. Brian and Kevin are now in their twenties and i'll bet you can remember when they were just getting started and Brian still looked 12....but now he's 25 and looks alot older....they've been a part of us forever and that will never change. They are trying to move up in the adult world and start their lives. I've read all these comments saying " Ooh i can't wait for the divorce between Kevin and ? " and " Wait till i get my hands on Leighanne" that's not what a person does. How would you feel if someone said that to you're significant other, or you're best friend or your husband....Why do all of you people that hate the girls so much have this sudden need to get rid of them......i'm sorry but the boys can't just magically appear on your doorstep and sweep you off you're feet. You need to face reality and realize that the boys are all going to hopefully get married one day and have great lives.....and hopefully they will still have some music around....but if they don't then that's the way it is. They are allowed to be happy, everyone has the right to be happy and if you are going to throw away you're cd's and rip up your pictures just because the love of your life is getting married then why did you ever become a fan?? because you thought that he was cute and you'd become Mrs. Littrell or Mrs. Richardson or something. I'm sorry sweetie but if you were meant to be with a backstreet boy then don't you think that life would've given you the chance already?? I think that Brian and Kevin should recieve the biggest apology from all those fans who have decided to act childish and selfish because just because the boys are finally getting married doesn't mean they aren't our boys any more.....they are still going to be, and always will be the Backstreet Boys......So stop your tears and remember that you want happiness in your life and so do the boys..... I Wish that all of us fans could be at those weddings to cheer the boys on!! They deserve it, and we, the fans, should be 100% behind them......they've given their all to us...we should give our all to them..... Good Luck Backstreet Boys !!! And many happy wishes to Brian and Kevin and their beautiful brides to be!!!! You All Deserve to be Happy!!!!