Show Me The Meaning of SMTMOBL: The Video
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Submitted by kelli from tifton ga USA
is TRL the only place you can see this video. i live out in the boonies and we don't get MTV out here. therefore, is there any other place that you can see the video?
Submitted by Luciana from BA ARGENTINA
just an advice...maybe i'm wrong but...everybody thinks everything in Nick's life's around Mandy??? I don't think so, of course I'd like to hear Nick's opinion, maybe I'm wrong or maybe i want to forget her but...I think Nick's message's around one of his loves, but not exactly Mandy...but we need Nick to say if I'm wrong or not so I can't say more, but some of my friends think I'm right so I don't know what to do...well, the meaning I think it's awesome! bye bye
Submitted by Luciana from BA ARGENTINA
Hi girls! ok, I think tha same you think about this great video!!! my gosh!!! and then people call'em boy band??? i don't think so! this video is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO great! I never thought they could do a thing like this, I'm really really proud of these guys! I got all the meanings and symbols they put in this video (yeah, including Nick's things, LOL!), the most I got was Brian's cuz I cried when I saw him at the hospital, after saw it I was breathless, I agree with all you just said, I'd die if anything could happened to him! and the rest (AJ, Howie and Kevin) my gosh! now I understand a lot of their words when they named all those loses at their lives...Kev's dad, How's sis, AJ's gf...the first time I almost cried when I read about the last thing..well, I hope this video helped people as always does bsb's music, cuz this video helped me and showed me the meaning they wanted to mean! YOU GUYS RULE!
Submitted by Tanille from Layton UT USA
I really think that this Viedo is a great Video. I think that
Submitted by Elizabeth from Buena NJ USA
The video SMTMOBL symbolizes all of the hardships that have happened in their lives. Brian had to go through his heart surgery, Kevin had to deal with the loss of his father, Howie had to deal with the loss of his siter Carolina, AJ had to remember what happened to his 13 year old girlfriend who got hit by a bus, and I'm not sure about Nick, but I do know that the whole group is dealing with the loss of their producer Denniz Pop. I really love the video because it has helped me with my hardships. The guys really know how to help you with any problem by the songs that they write and sing.
Submitted by Elizabeth from Buena NJ USA
The video SMTMOBL symbolizes all of the hardships that have happened in their lives. Brian had to go through his heart surgery, Kevin had to deal with the loss of his father, Howie had to deal with the loss of his siter Pollyanna, AJ had to remember what happened to his 13 year old girlfriend who got hit by a bus, and I'm not sure about Nick, but I do know that the whole group is dealing with the loss of their producer Denniz Pop. I really love the video because it has helped me with my hardships. The guys really know how to help you with any problem by the songs that they write and sing.
Submitted by Esse from Longueuil Canada
The comments I'd like to say go like this. OH MY GOD!!!!!!! It's sooooooooo sad. I almost cried when I saw Brian in the hospital. If anything would happend to him I'd die. And Kevin, I never saw his dad before but now I did and am sure that he's a good man. I am also sure that he watches over his son's carrier and progress through life's problems. I don't really get Nick's thing but still, he's a cutie even with a hat. Howie seems soooooo sad like he was gonna cry and that breaks my heart. An Aj, when I see a tear roll down his cheek I just pass my hand on his face(the screen) and tell him it's alright. I think it's the most wonderful video they ever done. Congratulations bsb. U make all of us cry. I luv u trully. xxxxxxx esse
Submitted by Crystal Borbely from North Bay Ontario Canada
To me SMTMOBL represents the individual losses they have all dealt with during their lives. But with Nick's part it is portraying the fact that he has never really known true love.
Submitted by Jessica from Lockport NY USA
I love the video so much.They are so wonderful
Submitted by Holly from Fort Worth Texas U.S.
I think "Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" is the best video yet.At first,I thought they were going to have a girl and be sad because they broke up.When I saw the video,I was shocked and amazed.All the emmotions they went through for the video.When I saw the expression on Brian's face looking at himself,I was so moved.It was not an over exaggerated look,but a plain yet full of meaning look.The whole video talks about all the hardship they had to overcome with themselve as well as a group.It is a great video that will be remember for many years to come.
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